
Showing posts from December, 2021

The God Culture: A Biography of Timothy Jay Schwab Part 2: Heretical Teachings

In a previous article titled " A Biography of Timothy Jay Schwab " I took a look at Tim's life story based on all the available information at the time. The point was to write a theological biography to see how he made his way from Protestant Evangelicalism to the online cult he founded known as The God Culture. In this article I want to document Tim's heretical teachings.  Timothy Jay Schwab of the The God Culture is a heretic. That should come as no surprise to anyone who has watched his videos or read his books. However The God Culture continues to ensnare many people  deceiving them with lies and destroying their souls. The biggest casualty is Filipinos and no wonder since Tim's ministry is specifically directed towards them. When he tells them that the Philippines is The Garden of Eden, Ophir, Tarshsih, Sheba, the land of creation and that Filipinos are Israelites who have a special destiny to fulfill in the end times it's as if everything else he says ca