The God Culture: "Christian" Is A Pagan Term

Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture is no Christian. Understanding his doctrines makes it more than abundantly clear that Tim does not follow Christ by rejecting His free grace in favor of keeping the law. However, Tim would say he is no Christian because it is a pagan term.

Why can scholars not conduct an ounce of research to see they are propagating the Babylonian and Egyptian mystery religion calling it Christianity, a term not really used in the bible except by pagans or for the benefit of pagans in understanding because that was their brand? A very negative light of the followers of Yahusha. The first ecclesia never called themselves Christians or the term would be in the New Testament a thousand times not just four. Talk about ridiculous.  

Egyptian Book of the Dead. Origin of Church Doctrine on Judgment? Part 8 Answers In 2nd Esdras 23H

First of all the word "Christian" is in the Bible three times not four. 

Second of all there is nothing to indicate that the term was used derisively. In fact, Peter embraces the term.

1 Peter 4:16 Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf.

King Agrippa also uses the term in a positive manner. 

Acts 26:28 Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.

Third of all the first church did in fact call themselves Christian. If Tim read the writings of the early Church he would know that. Polycarp, a disciple of the Apostle John, declared himself to be a Christian. 
Since you are vainly urgent that, as you say, I should swear by the fortune of Cæsar, and pretend not to know who and what I am, hear me declare with boldness, I am a Christian. And if you wish to learn what the doctrines of Christianity are, appoint me a day, and you shall hear them.

If Christian was a derisive term not used by followers of Christ to identify themselves then why is a disciple of John the Apostle employing it to describe himself? Where did he learn this term if not at the feet of the Beloved Disciple John?

Fourth of all Christian is by no means a pagan term. Jesus is the Christos, Messiah, and the term is derived from that word. Christians follow the Christos. 

It is simply more dumb nonsense from Timothy Jay Schwab. 


  1. Context matters proof-texter. They called themselves Nazarenes.

    1. They called themselves a lot of names. Christian is one of those names. There is nothing pagan or negative about it.

    2. There is no data that suggests Nazarenes adopted the exonym Christian

    3. Reread this article.

    4. Rabbi Trimm addressed this

    5. Jacob Trimm is wrong. The "Nazarenes" both you and he are referring to were not Christians, they were Judaizing heretics who continued to keep the law. In the NT Christians are referred to as Nazarenes ONE TIME and as Christians THREE TIMES. The first followers of Christ called themselves Christians. That is a fact not up for debate.

    6. Because they weren’t gentiles. Context matters.

    7. There is no such thing as "Jewish Christianity" where you believe in Jesus yet keep the law. You are either in the Church believing in Christ who is the END OF THE LAW to everyone that believes or you are outside of the Church and are a heretic. Nazarenes, Jacob Trimm, and Timothy Jay Schwab are heretics outside the Church and outside of Christ.

    8. Trimm says Jewish-Christian is an oxymoron and rightfully so. What happened to the law of Christ then.

    9. The Law of Moses is NOT the law of Christ. The law came by Moses but Grace and Truth came by Christ. The law is a school master to lead us to Christ and now that Christ has come we are no longer under the law. The law is a WHOLE so if you are not sacrificing you are NOT keeping the whole law. Paul is very clear that the Law of Moses is the ministration of death.

      If you guys want to be Jews go all the way and get the name of Jesus Christ out of your mouth.

    10. Identify the law of Christ

    11. The problem here is you think there is a "law of Christ" meaning a bunch of regulations were are supposed to follow and you and Trimm and Schwab think that is the law of Moses. In that manner there is NO law of Christ.

    12. I asked for your take on what the law of Christ is not GotQuestions ministry

    13. The answer at that link covers everything I could say. There is no law of Christ comparable to the law of Moses consisting of rules and stipulations that must be obeyed to the letter or else. Read the Sermon on the Mount.

    14. Are you unaware of the divisions of the law of Moses

    15. Are you unaware that Paul calls the ENTIRETY of the law of Moses the Ministration of Death graven in stones? That includes the Ten Commandments. Are you unaware that Paul says the law LEADS us to Christ and now that Christ has come we are no longer under the law? It does not matter if there are divisions in the law of Moses because it is ALL done away with. Jesus instituted a NEW covenant not a RENEWED covenant.

    16. The only thing you’re right is that it’s a new covenant. Everything in the law of Christ had already been revealed! What Paul said is absolutely true for this dispensation. If it wasn’t true then Jesus wouldn’t be the only name we are saved but also Jehovah.

    17. I’m sorry if it wasn’t clear what Paul quote I was responding to. I was responding to his law of Moses comment you were referring to.

    18. Entirety of… sorry, should’ve been specific


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