The God Culture: Just Another Anti-Trinitarian and Sabbatarian Cult in the Philippines
Who is The God Culture? What do they teach and believe?
In roughly ten blog posts I have sought to answer those questions. The God Culture now stands naked for all to see. Not only has their "deep research" been exposed as being mere quote mining from the internet with no actual archeological or historical research out in the field whatsoever but their theology has been laid bare of all pretensions and shown to be completely non-Christian. They teach a false history of the Philippines and they teach a false Gospel of legalism whereby one must keep the Mosaic law, specifically the ten commandments and the feasts, to be engrafted into Jesus Christ. There is one other aspect about their theology and teaching which has not been explored and that is their doctrine of the Trinity.
To cut to the chase Timothy Jay Schwab is an anti-trinitarian heretic and The God Culture is just another anti-trinitarian cult in the Philippines.
The clues have always been there. From Tim's teaching that the way to be ingrafted into Christ is by keeping the Mosaic law to his denigration of the First Council of Nicea as a conspiracy between Constantine and the Bishops to cover up the truth the fact is that this group's real sentiments have been hidden in plain sight. It is not so easy figuring out their doctrine of the Trinity because they don't like to talk about it. They are not keen on doctrine. They are keen on action which is why they are legalists.
I always had my doubts about The God Culture's theology but when I heard Tim say the following I was 100% convinced that this group denies the Trinity:
"Ladies and Gentlemen Bathala is more likely Yahuah. In EVERY SENSE the creator God of Genesis."
Only one who denies the Trinity could dare strictly identify the Philippines' hermaphroditic pagan deity with a messenger bird (Odin is also a God with a messenger bird!) as Yahuah and declare that he is in EVERY SENSE the creator God of Genesis. Tim is not so ignorant as to be unaware that Jesus Christ created all things and is thus the Creator God of Genesis. Why would he identify Jesus Christ as Bathala? How much more blasphemous could Tim be? Does he pray to Bathala?
It is true that in one of his videos Timothy Schwab does affirm the deity of Jesus Christ and opposes himself to the Jehovah's Witnesses and the Iglesia Ni Cristo. In "Feasts of YHWH: Spring Feasts in New Testament? Part 1A" at 24:52 he says the following:
They especially wished to attack the deity or Godhood of Messiah. Now, they did so to such a point that entire cults today like the JWs and INC actually teach that Jesus or Yahusah was not God. Which is totally against scripture but they are using fraudulent translations. This is why they're misunderstanding. Because you use a fraudulent translation you're gonna come up with fraud. Yahusha was God, period. The Bible's very clear on that. Just read John 1 it is very clear. There is no arguing with that.
But all based on the Wescott and Hort manuscripts who did exactly what they set out to do, attack the deity of Messiah. That's a massive problem and so many are being deceived. You can see it here in this passage that's why we wanted to demonstrate that for you to see.
Yahusha must be God as by Him all things were created and only God can create. And he was since the beginning as God. Not A God but as THE God, the Son indeed.
As far as the doctrine of Christ goes this is an orthodox confession right? No. Plenty of heretics such as Nestorius have believed that Jesus Christ possesses divinity. The question must be parsed even more exactly. It is safe to say that Tim rejects the definitions of Christ's divinity and person given at Nicea and Chalcedon because he rejects the Nicean Council and all the Church Councils in toto.
According to Tim Jesus Christ gave a ringing endorsement for the Book of Jubilees but not for any of the councils of the Church. Because Tim rejects the councils it follows that he does not believe Christ is only a divine person and not a human person, he does not believe Christ has two wills human and divine, he does not believe Mary is theotokos (mother of God or God-bearer), and he does not believe that Christ is divine in the way the Nicene Creed or any of the councils confesses Him to be. Whatever Tim believes about Jesus Christ, including His divinity, it is most certain that it is heretical and not in line with any of the teachings of the Church or the Ekklesia or the Body Of Christ. The fact that he does not believe Jesus is the second member of a united triad is enough to know that is true.
It has not been without a lot of badgering and persistent questioning of The God Culture that any light has been shed on their doctrine of the Trinity and of Christ. It is only recently that Tim has spoken about the Trinity in his videos and that just briefly to dismiss it as a doctrine of men.
I quoted this scripture because it is a favorite of modalists who equate the Father and the Son as The God Culture says they do. They agree with this passage which seems to equate the Father and Son as the same being but they claim the two are separate. Modalists teach that the Son is not separate from the Father but is only a different manifestation, or mode, of Him. So what The God Culture is saying is not very clear. The Father and Son are equated but separate. It is a contradiction they have not thought through.
Elsewhere Tim is very clear that the Father did not become incarnate.
From "Sabbath Series: Part 1. What is the Sabbath? Did it pass away? The Biblical Truth."
Plenty of things about their doctrine of God are still left unclear. Is the Holy Spirit a person or an impersonal force? In what way exactly are the Father and Son equated yet separate? Is Jesus Christ a human person, a divine person, or both?
The God Culture did not like being compared to the INC and JW's because of their anti-trinitarianism. They responded by saying they are not anti-trinitarian but pro-Bible because they transcend that paradigm which they call polarizing pagan nonsense. They also countered by saying that neither the INC or the JW's believe that Jesus is the Son of God. That is a lie.
The JW's believe Jesus is the Son of God.
Now that is already a problem as no Pope nor Christian leader can be compared with John the Baptist. Thus changing his canon of scripture which this library would represent and which we now have full documentation in his time capsule preserved in the caves of Qumran is very problematic to any traditional line attempting to suppress books considered scripture by John and by the way Yahusha even visited and was baptized there which could be considered a a further endorsement in fact. You cannot say that about the council of Nicea or any of the other councils. Yahusha was not there and believe me not in any sense whatsoever as they eliminated the book of Jubilees and others which was scripture inspired and canon.
BOOK OF JUBILEES: Scripture? Inspired? What does the Bible Say? Enoch, Jasher, Dead Sea Scrolls at 38:22
According to Tim Jesus Christ gave a ringing endorsement for the Book of Jubilees but not for any of the councils of the Church. Because Tim rejects the councils it follows that he does not believe Christ is only a divine person and not a human person, he does not believe Christ has two wills human and divine, he does not believe Mary is theotokos (mother of God or God-bearer), and he does not believe that Christ is divine in the way the Nicene Creed or any of the councils confesses Him to be. Whatever Tim believes about Jesus Christ, including His divinity, it is most certain that it is heretical and not in line with any of the teachings of the Church or the Ekklesia or the Body Of Christ. The fact that he does not believe Jesus is the second member of a united triad is enough to know that is true.
It has not been without a lot of badgering and persistent questioning of The God Culture that any light has been shed on their doctrine of the Trinity and of Christ. It is only recently that Tim has spoken about the Trinity in his videos and that just briefly to dismiss it as a doctrine of men.
Then espousing some doctrine of men like Trinity which is a word that never even appears in scripture once. That's why you don't see any videos from us on that. We could care less about the doctrines of men. following quotes from the God Culture concerning their doctrine of the Trinity can be found in the comments section of the post "The God Culture: A Biography of Timothy Jay Schwab." For the moment these comments are the only written statements they have issued regarding their doctrine of the Trinity. I have archived it in case they decide to delete anything.
To us, we focus on the roles of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit not ignorant buzz words that do not even exist in scripture. That's nonsense. The Father and Son are definitely equated in scripture. The Holy Spirit not exactly but His role never-the-less is crucial and He is Yahuah's spirit indeed. Whether anyone accepts Isis-Osiris-Horus or Nimrod-Semiramis-Tammuz, etc., the origin of your so-called Trinity word and Doctrine not scripture, is impertinent and we don't even enter such debate as it is unnecessary and your basis is not scripture and we focus on the Word not manmade words not even found in scripture.
Where does the Bible use the term "Trinity." Please enlighten us. Where does such concept come from in scripture?
Please show us the words "Triune Being" in scripture which you use as supposed fact that is not debatable. You will not find it nor the word Trinity which is an immediately flag that this is something that needs to be tested. 1 Thessalonians 5:21 says we are to "prove all things hold fast that which is good" because such doctrines of men need to be tested especially when they do not originate in scripture and they are many.
When such doctrine is named after a word not in scripture, using words such as Triune Being not in scripture, you have a massive problem. It is likely a doctrine of men not Yahuah. We just read the Word and it is very clear on this. However, feel free to produce the scripture that says the Holy Spirit is the same as the Father and Son as one Triune Being, a Trinity.
We said the Father and Son are equated and very little on a very massive topic which is why we did not answer your fraudulent paradigm as we knew you would do exactly what you just did because you are a liar. We did not say they are the same being which you just assumed from our very brief response to a topic that requires more than a blog comment especially. How stupid. You simply cannot read and screw up everything you touch. What a fool. Then, you attempt to claim we are the same as JW and INC on this topic yet you again show your ignorance as neither of them equate the Father and Son. Neither of them believe Jesus was the Son of God as we do and scripture defines and how dare you continue your disgusting communist-style agitation with scripture in further ignorance.
We told you we believe the Father and Son are equated in scripture and you give a scripture which demonstrates this so we agree on that.The passage which I cited was Isaiah 9:6.
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Elsewhere Tim is very clear that the Father did not become incarnate.
Now it goes on later in this same passage to identify, and you know this, that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. And let's be clear that is not Yahuah the Father it is only the Son Yahusha who was God, Elohim, in the flesh. Now that is specifically who is being referenced here as participating in creation. That all things were made by Him. And He is the Word. He is not only with Elohim Yahuah, He is Elohim.
If the Father did not become incarnate as the Son and there is no strict identification between the two then what exactly do they mean when they say the Father and the Son are equated? They do not say.BOOK OF JUBILEES: Scripture? Inspired? What does the Bible Say? Enoch, Jasher, Dead Sea Scrolls at 41:36
Anti-trinitarian is a stupid assertion. We aren't anti-trinitarian. We are PRO-Bible. We have not even produced a teaching on this Trinity Doctrine in which the word and it's buzz words are not even found in scripture because it is impertinent. It is polarizing nonsense that has no place in debate even. It is not in scripture thus no need to discuss it. Let's discuss what is. What matters is to understand the roles of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and we focus on the Biblical application of that as we should not doctrines of men you can't even produce a scripture in support of the very words you use. The Father and Son are equated but separate as they both (Us) created according to John 1 and even the Genesis Creation account. The Holy Spirit was there as well in presence and His role is not equated nor defined in that passage. You have failed to produce a scripture that equates the Holy Spirit with the Father and Son. Do they work together? Yes. Are they a Trinity and Triune Begin? Not in scripture. That is a doctrine from paganism thousands of years old not Bible. We find such doctrines in the Catholic Church because their foundation is not scripture but paganism largely. Neither the JWs nor INC believe that Jesus is God nor the Son in that sense.
What can we learn from these comments? We learn that The God Culture rejects the Trinity because the word is not in scripture. We learn that they equate the Father and the Son but still consider them to be separate and not the same being. We also learn that they are not sure about the role of the Holy Sprit but do not believe He is God. They say that the Holy Spirit, along with the Father and Son, was present at creation but elsewhere Tim seems to espouse a totally different doctrine which denies the Holy Spirit had a role in creation.
From "Sabbath Series: Part 1. What is the Sabbath? Did it pass away? The Biblical Truth."
Who made and gave the sabbath day of rest? Yahuah did with Yahusha. They both created. Tim ascribes creation only to the Father and Son. Why no mention of the Holy Spirit if he too was involved in creation?
Plenty of things about their doctrine of God are still left unclear. Is the Holy Spirit a person or an impersonal force? In what way exactly are the Father and Son equated yet separate? Is Jesus Christ a human person, a divine person, or both?
The God Culture did not like being compared to the INC and JW's because of their anti-trinitarianism. They responded by saying they are not anti-trinitarian but pro-Bible because they transcend that paradigm which they call polarizing pagan nonsense. They also countered by saying that neither the INC or the JW's believe that Jesus is the Son of God. That is a lie.
The JW's believe Jesus is the Son of God.
Jesus is Jehovah’s most precious Son—and for good reason. He is called “the firstborn of all creation,” for he was God’s first creation.
There is something else that makes this Son special. He is the “only-begotten Son.” INC also believe Jesus is the Son of God.
The Iglesia Ni Cristo believes that the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God (Matt. 3:17), is the one and only Savior given by God
From what The God Culture has to say about the role of the Holy Spirit it seems they consider Him as the active impersonal force of the Father and not a person. Though they do use personal language referring to the Holy Spirit as He and Him they are not clear on his personhood or lack thereof. If the Spirit is a person and is not God then He is a creature. If they believe the Holy Spirit is merely an impersonal force or power then he could not be God because God is personal. If the Spirit is only an impersonal force and not God then it means the active power of the Father and Son is created which would make no sense as everything pertaining to the Father and Son is divine and uncreated. It seems this is something The God Culture has not thought through.
In anywise they do not believe He is God and admit they are not clear on His role. If The God Culture does deny the personality of the Holy Spirit then they are in agreement with the INC and the JW's concerning Him.
The God Culture shows the stupidity of denying a doctrine because a word is not in the scripture. Take the word omnipotent. It means all powerful. Is God all powerful? Yes. Is the word in the scripture? No. Yet The God Culture accepts this word along with the doctrine.
We believe that the Holy Spirit is the power (Acts 1:8) sent by the Father in the name of Christ, to teach and remind His messengers of all things that Christ said (John 14:26).
The holy spirit is God’s power in action, his active force. (Micah 3:8;Luke 1:35) God sends out his spirit by projecting his energy to any place to accomplish his will.—Psalm 104:30; 139:7.
In the Bible, the word “spirit” is translated from the Hebrew word ruʹach and the Greek word pneuʹma. Most often, those words refer to God’s active force, or holy spirit. of what The God Culture believes about each specific member of the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) it is quite clear from their own words that they reject the doctrine of the Trinity. They call such a doctrine pagan and say it is nowhere in scripture. They make the big mistake of declaring that because a word is absent from the scripture the concept is also not present. That would be the word concept fallacy but taken in a negative sense. They are irrefutably anti-trinitarian by their own statements even if they don't want to admit it.
The God Culture shows the stupidity of denying a doctrine because a word is not in the scripture. Take the word omnipotent. It means all powerful. Is God all powerful? Yes. Is the word in the scripture? No. Yet The God Culture accepts this word along with the doctrine.
We have never said Yahuah was anything less than omnipotent yet you go on in your own false paradigm of ignorance.
Though it would be nice to get the utmost clarity on what The God Culture teaches about the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit they are loathe to discuss the issue. They do not think it is important. One is left to guess and their listeners are left in the dark as to what they really believe about God. Perhaps if their listeners knew Timothy and The God Culture denied the Trinity they would abandon them.
What can be said for sure is that The God Culture is just another anti-trinitarian cult in the Philippines. Timothy Schwab is no better than a charlatan of the likes of Felix Manalo, Brother Eli Soriano, and Apollo Quiboloy. All those men are founders of anti-trinitarian cults in the Philippines. All of them, just like Tim, believe they were sent to restore the Word of God.
The number one mark of any cult is its exclusivity manifested in a single leader espousing a secret doctrine no one is privy to except himself and which those who ignore do so at their own peril. Timothy fits that mold quite firmly. Like Prometheus he comes bearing fire to enlighten the minds of the Filipinos as to their true identity. Timothy Jay Schwab is a true gnostic and revealer of the secret flame. He has been given a revelation from God as his website and many of his video's descriptions proclaim.
Tim is right and all the scholars and theologians are wrong. He has managed to alter his consciousness by opening his third eye, changing his paradigm, and thus shifting from a wrong conception of the world to the correct one. Timothy Jay Schwab is an ascended master who has transcended maya, the illusions of this world. He has escaped the chains of Plato's cave and invites his listeners to leave the shadows and join him in the illuminating sunlight of truth. Tim is a yogi, a guru, a buddha, a bodhisattva, a messiah, one sent to restore what has been lost. His lips speak nothing but dharma and if you ignore him or contradict him you are a demonic, communist agitator sent by Satan. So it goes for all cults.
This rejection of the Trinity and especially the divinity of the Holy Spirit leads Tim into two errors. First is his despising and rejecting of the Church.
The God Culture is very clear about the Church. They want no part of it. They used to belong to the Church but have since shuffled off the mortal coil of Christ's Body for their own sectarian dreams and fancies. They are a schismatic group who teaches that Satan took over the Church in the 4th century. They actually claim the early church was wiped out and replaced with the synagogue of Satan.
And who is to aid in the building of the Church but the Holy Spirit?
What can be said for sure is that The God Culture is just another anti-trinitarian cult in the Philippines. Timothy Schwab is no better than a charlatan of the likes of Felix Manalo, Brother Eli Soriano, and Apollo Quiboloy. All those men are founders of anti-trinitarian cults in the Philippines. All of them, just like Tim, believe they were sent to restore the Word of God.
The number one mark of any cult is its exclusivity manifested in a single leader espousing a secret doctrine no one is privy to except himself and which those who ignore do so at their own peril. Timothy fits that mold quite firmly. Like Prometheus he comes bearing fire to enlighten the minds of the Filipinos as to their true identity. Timothy Jay Schwab is a true gnostic and revealer of the secret flame. He has been given a revelation from God as his website and many of his video's descriptions proclaim.
Tim is right and all the scholars and theologians are wrong. He has managed to alter his consciousness by opening his third eye, changing his paradigm, and thus shifting from a wrong conception of the world to the correct one. Timothy Jay Schwab is an ascended master who has transcended maya, the illusions of this world. He has escaped the chains of Plato's cave and invites his listeners to leave the shadows and join him in the illuminating sunlight of truth. Tim is a yogi, a guru, a buddha, a bodhisattva, a messiah, one sent to restore what has been lost. His lips speak nothing but dharma and if you ignore him or contradict him you are a demonic, communist agitator sent by Satan. So it goes for all cults.
This rejection of the Trinity and especially the divinity of the Holy Spirit leads Tim into two errors. First is his despising and rejecting of the Church.
The God Culture is very clear about the Church. They want no part of it. They used to belong to the Church but have since shuffled off the mortal coil of Christ's Body for their own sectarian dreams and fancies. They are a schismatic group who teaches that Satan took over the Church in the 4th century. They actually claim the early church was wiped out and replaced with the synagogue of Satan.
The synagogue of satan was installed and their doctrines as what we call the early church today but the true early church was wiped out.
That is total nonsense and at odds with the promise of Jesus Christ that he will build his church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.New Sabbath Series Trailer
And who is to aid in the building of the Church but the Holy Spirit?
John 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.Tim rejects this guidance when he rejects the church councils. The councils were not men coming together to discover the truth or to hide it but rather to proclaim what the Church had always taught in contradiction to the novelties of heretics. The Holy Spirit was present guiding them. This principle is seen in Acts 15 at the very first Church council.
Acts 15:28 For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things;
Along with this preservation of the Church by the Holy Spirit is the preservation of Holy Scripture. The Church has a perfect and infallible guide to the truth in the scriptures. But Tim says that the scriptures have been corrupted and suppressed. Specifically The Book of Jubilees has been suppressed and it needs to be restored. Much of his teaching is rooted firmly in that non-scriptural book.
Rather than teaching what scripture teaches and what the Church teaches, scripture belongs to the Church after all, Tim has concocted a phony spiritual history of the Philippines and focuses almost exclusively on that. He brings in all kinds of extra-biblical books which contradict scripture, such as The Book of Jubilees, in order to prove his teachings. Tim believes that the Dead Sea Scrolls should be incorporated into scripture because they are scripture. Tim thinks the issue of our day is restoring God's Word. As if it has been lost!
Rather than teaching what scripture teaches and what the Church teaches, scripture belongs to the Church after all, Tim has concocted a phony spiritual history of the Philippines and focuses almost exclusively on that. He brings in all kinds of extra-biblical books which contradict scripture, such as The Book of Jubilees, in order to prove his teachings. Tim believes that the Dead Sea Scrolls should be incorporated into scripture because they are scripture. Tim thinks the issue of our day is restoring God's Word. As if it has been lost!
The second error which comes with denying the divinity of the Holy Spirit is a false soteriology or doctrine of salvation. In his letter to Titus the Apostle Paul lays out the true doctrine of salvation and the work of the Holy Spirit in it. It is all through the grace of Jesus Christ.
Titus 3:5 Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;
6 Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour;
7 That being justified by his grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.
Tim preaches a doctrine that is fundamentally different from and opposed to the above verses. His video Grafted Into the Kingdom is where his teaching on salvation really shines through.
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This video is an hour long exposition of John 15:5.
I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.
Tim considers this verse more than any other to be the salvation scripture verse.
10:10 This is the salvation scripture we should be memorizing, we should be quoting, we should be understanding, and we should be preaching and teaching others because this is discipleship. No one can reject Him and enter the kingdom of heaven. No one.
He is very clear that the salvation scripture oft quoted from Romans 10 is not really the foundation of our salvation.
36:26 Romans 10 but after the famous salvation scripture which is not really the foundation for salvation at all, "For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him for whosoever, meaning everyone, shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."
What famous salvation scripture is he referring to?
Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
Tim does not believe that faith in Jesus Christ is the foundation of our salvation! In his new video "Was Peter The Rock Upon Which the Church Was Built? Doctrines of Men: RESOLVED" Tim discusses Matthew 16 and what the church is built upon. While Tim does correctly say Jesus and not Peter is the Rock he totally ignores the fact that Jesus commends Peter's confession of faith and that it is that confession of faith in Jesus which is the Rock upon which the church is built.
Matthew 16:15 He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?
16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.When the Philippian jailer asks what he must do to be saved Paul says:
Acts 16: 30 And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?
31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.
When the Ethiopian eunuch asks Philip what prevents him from being baptized he responds:
Acts 8:36 And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water: and the eunuch said, See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized?
37 And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.Tim utterly rejects this kind of faith in Christ as being the foundation of our salvation. For Tim the foundation of our salvation lies hidden in plain sight in John 15:5. It boils down to keeping the law. His exposition of the verse is rather simple and straightforward. To abide means one has to do something.
11:39 Abiding is doing something, by the way. It's not sitting back and doing nothing. Abiding is something that you physically have to do in relationship with Him which is never defined in all of scripture as saying a shallow prayer and checking a box on a decision card.
This something consists in keeping the law. Relationship with God is defined by Tim as keeping the law. From Sabbath Series 3B
20:05 For us to not keep his law, uh-oh here it comes, is also to not love Him. As if we love Him what do we do? John 15, keep my commandments. Even in revelation what are they found doing at the very end the end times remnant? Keeping His commandments, His law. Do we love him? This is a covenant folks and it is the way it works. See that's they way he defines this. It's a covenant relationship. This is intimacy wth the Creator. He loves you that much. He wants to be intimate with you in relationship. Are we in relationship with Him or not?
This relationship of keeping the law is the requirement of salvation. From Grafted Into the Kingdom:
18:52 Relationship with Him is the requirement of salvation and for getting our prayers answered.
Tim's sermon about how to be grafted into the kingdom is graceless and Christless. While he mentions Christ many times he never tells us WHY we need to have faith in him or WHAT he has accomplished on the cross. Tim does not talk about sin and man's need for a mediator. He mentions repentance and the Holy Spirit very briefly at the end but does not tell us what we need to repent from. From Grafted Into the Kingdom:
68:31 He is your saviour and Lord and God and your life is meaningless without him. But don't just say words speak your heart to Him and ask the Holy Spirit to come help you confess what you need and repent because he already knows it. You can enter intimacy with Him right now. No processes, no formulas, just you and HimEverything Tim has previously said in this video contradicts this statement. Until the end of the video he had not mentioned the Holy Spirit or repentance at all. His doctrine rests wholly on keeping the law. He rejects the grace of Christ and His work and says we must keep the law. Our salvation is dependent wholly upon us and what we do and not on what Christ has done for us. There was no mention of the Holy Spirit sanctifying us or circumcising our hearts or even writing His law on our hearts or sealing us.
Ephesians 1:13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,
14 Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.Until this point there was no mention of the Holy Spirit whatsoever. It is the Holy Spirit who seals and keeps us but according to Tim we can lose our salvation. From Grafted Into the Kingdom:
59:10 For if God spared not the natural branches, the Israelites, take heed lest he also spare not thee. Wait I thought you couldn't lose your salvation. Hmmm.There is absolutely no room for the grace and mercy of Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit in Tim's doctrine of salvation. There is no regeneration or sanctification or being washed by the Holy Ghost. No role for the Holy Spirit to produce the fruits of righteousness in us and no walking in the Spirit.
Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
24 And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.
25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.The Holy Spirit plays no role in Tim's doctrine of salvation.
For Tim all one has to do is keep the law and have faith in Christ and you will be saved. This does not mean the whole law.
Tim is like many other advocates of keeping the law who only focus on laws that can be conveniently followed and appear to increase their righteousness. This includes the Saturday sabbath, the feast days, and the dietary laws. The rest of the hundreds of laws including the purity and sacrificial laws are abandoned. It is certainly not convenient for women to be cast outside of the house two weeks every month because of their monthly "sickness" as the scriptures calls it. Nor is it convenient to sacrifice animals twice a day. Most of the laws cannot be implemented anyway because to do so would require living in a society built on those laws. No advocate for keeping the law will say homosexuals, adulterers, and disobedient children must be stoned nor would they advocate slavery as the law clearly does.
Tim teaches that righteousness does not come from Christ but from our keeping the law. For Tim Christ is dead in vain.
Galatians 2:21 I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.We see this paradigm of the righteousness of the law being in opposition to the grace of God and the righteousness of the Gospel very clearly in Timothy's new video series about the Sabbath.
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From "Sabbath Series: Introduction Commentary Only" we hear the following at 16:44
Abraham kept the law and the sabbath. And so did Isaac and Jacob. I mean how can they be called righteous if there was no law by which they could be judged as righteous? The very notion is ridiculous from the start.For Tim a man can only be judged righteous insofar as he keeps the law. He clearly teaches that keeping the sabbath is a part of being saved because it is a part of keeping the law.
People ask at times how do we know we are saved? Well, are you keeping the sabbath? That is the sign of one who is saved and in relationship with Him. Sorry, we tell the truth here.
In fact Tim says that the sabbath and the feasts, and not Jesus Christ, are the core of the entire Bible. From Sabbath Series 2A
From Grafted Into the Kingdom:
There are certainly more consequences of denying the Trinity than a rejection of the Church and a wrong doctrine of salvation but for now it is enough to expose The God Culture for what they really are. They are an anti-trinitarian and sabbatarian cult whose doctrine is completely opposed to that of Christianity and the Bible. The Philippines has plenty of these kinds of cults already without needing The God Culture to spew their filth all across these islands. The God Culture admits they "have not even produced a teaching on this Trinity Doctrine." This blog post will have to fill that gap for now. 45:00 The Sabbath and the feasts are the core of the biblical calendar and of the entire bible.True relationship with God begins not with faith in Jesus Christ but by keeping the sabbath. From Sabbath Series part 1:
38:10 When you start keeping the sabbath you will find in the if not right away it is the biggest blessing of your life. Relationship with Him really begins right there. I can attest to that personally.
But then Tim flips the script and says that keeping the sabbath is just about spending time with God and is not about salvation at all. From Sabbath Series Part 1:
36:35 So what is the sabbath? How do we keep it? This is the truly amazing thing it's not actually that hard to keep and since when is it such a bad thing to teach people to spend a day with Yahuah? I mean how dare we, oh what a terrible, terrible group we are to spend time with Yahuah. That's awful don't do that. That's really the position. Come on. Let's break it down.
From Sabbath Series 3A:
The Church does not question the setting aside a day to spend with Him. It's called the Lord's Day or Sunday, the day Christ rose from the dead. That is the day the church worships. What the Church calls heresy is the Judaizing which is fundamental to keeping the Saturday sabbath. There is no group that advocates sabbatarianism which does not also advocate other various Jewish practices such as keeping the feasts and the food laws. The evil is making salvation, abiding in Christ, depend on the keeping the law including the sabbath. Tim skips over all of that, gives zero context, misrepresents the Church, and calls the Church insane.
What's insane is that Tim tells people they must keep the feasts and the sabbath but he admits he doesn't even know the correct calendar by which to celebrate the feasts and the sabbath. There is a hypocrisy in Tim's sabbath keeping as he admits they do not know the proper calendar and when to keep the sabbath. But no worry because they are researching it.
So He created a day of rest for us to spend with Him and now to practice such is called being a heretic. Hah, hah. Heretic? Against what? Since when could it ever be a bad practice to set aside a day to spend with Him? The very notion the church would even make such a statement requires insanity practically. Sabbath Series 3B
22:35 One person commented drawing the conclusion that we teach sabbath is salvation and that, we want to call out right now, is absolutely ridiculous. Wrong. We never said that. We said knowing Him in a true relationship is and always has been, even in the Old Testament, salvation.
Tim goes from saying that keeping the sabbath is a sign of salvation to saying it is merely setting aside a day to worship God. Then after he has declared that keeping the sabbath is a part of being saved he rejects that very notion saying that he never said it when he clearly did say it! Then he says the church questions the notion of having a day to spend with God and calls it heresy. This is all a masterful deception foisted upon the unsuspecting listener. Tim flips the script from one sentence to the next.
The Church does not question the setting aside a day to spend with Him. It's called the Lord's Day or Sunday, the day Christ rose from the dead. That is the day the church worships. What the Church calls heresy is the Judaizing which is fundamental to keeping the Saturday sabbath. There is no group that advocates sabbatarianism which does not also advocate other various Jewish practices such as keeping the feasts and the food laws. The evil is making salvation, abiding in Christ, depend on the keeping the law including the sabbath. Tim skips over all of that, gives zero context, misrepresents the Church, and calls the Church insane.
What's insane is that Tim tells people they must keep the feasts and the sabbath but he admits he doesn't even know the correct calendar by which to celebrate the feasts and the sabbath. There is a hypocrisy in Tim's sabbath keeping as he admits they do not know the proper calendar and when to keep the sabbath. But no worry because they are researching it.
The isn't about legalism folks. It's just about obedience. That's it. For those worried they might do something wrong at first relax. The point is give Him a day every week. We observe at Friday sundown to Saturday at sundown but there are several out there even now trying to figure out the biblical calendar including us to some degree. And we are open to good research on the topic. So we are not married to that timeframe necessarily but that's what we're doing until it's been overturned by good solid research. As of now we see nothing which overturns it as of yet. In fact even the Dead Sea Scrolls show that the sabbath begins at sundown on Friday.
Let's be clear, no one has truly reconciled the Hebrew calendar of the Bible with our modern Roman one that we have found and this is not a "Jewish" holiday but a Biblical day which was not only kept by Hebrews but by Gentiles even in the time of Moses. This is a task we began a while ago and hoped to complete prior to this season but our research is just not ready on that yet. However, these are the dates we keep for the Feasts and we are sharing with you. There are many other interpretations out there. The point for all of us is keep the feasts even if you prefer a different calendar as Paul and Luke especially admonished rather than pagan replacements that are rebuked by scripture even. said there was no grace in Tim's system but that is not exactly true because The God Culture actually says law IS grace!
His law is grace and always has been. Salvation was available to even gentiles in Exodus and has been all along. The gospel of grace is a manipulation we will deal with. We are saved by grace but we have to do something. We cannot claim to make Him our Lord but then ignore that which He is Lord of especially the Sabbath. The Sabbath is a perfect example of His grace from the 7th Day when He created it as He realized man needed a Day of Rest set aside and set apart for Him. The notion that the law is absent grace is outright fraud on the part of so-called scholars. It is Pharisee leaven and we will deal with this. Yah Bless.
"His law is grace." "We are saved by grace but we have to do something." That is a confounding of grace and law. Throughout his whole teaching Tim confuses the moral law of the ten commandments with the rest of the ceremonial laws which Christ has fulfilled. Contrary to Jesus who cried from the cross, "It is finished," Tim teaches Christ has not fulfilled the law or the old covenant at all.Sabbath Series: Part 1. What is the Sabbath? Did it pass away? The Biblical Truth.
From Grafted Into the Kingdom:
30:18 He came to fulfill the covenant which is certainly for us indeed. This was His purpose but has He done this yet? Didn't He do that on the cross already and in His resurrection? Well let's see what He says about that.
"Think not that I am come to destroy the law," that's the law of Moses, "or the prophets," that's the Old Testament, the writings of the prophets. "I am not come to destroy," destroy what? The law of Moses nor the Old Testament. "But to fulfill," fulfill what? The law of Moses and the prophecies of the prophets, the Old Testament. And then He tells when all will be fulfilled and he does not use His resurrection as the timestamp at all. "For verily I say unto you till heaven and earth pass one jot or one tittle," Hebrew letters basically, "shall in nowise pass from the law till all be fulfilled."
Now when does heaven and earth pass away? When all is fulfilled. Did it pass away at His resurrection. No. It's still there. Revelation 21 says that heaven and earth pass away at the time of the final judgment basically. Look around. Has earth passed away yet? If someone tells you it ever did they don't know scripture because the first heaven and earth are still here.
And the second one does not take place until that time of the end according to scripture essentially at the final judgement. But also this passage tells us when the law is fulfilled. All is fulfilled when? When heaven and earth pass away. Why, by the way? Because heaven and earth are the witnesses to the law in scripture. Keep reading though.
"Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments and shall teach men so he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven." Why would He say this knowing He was about to go to the cross if He were about to fulfill the law?From "Sabbath Series: Part 1. What is the Sabbath? Did it pass away? The Biblical Truth."
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So one "I", one "T" shall in no wise Pass. From. The. Law. Boom! So they don't pass from the law when? Till all be fulfilled. Wait when is that? When is all fulfilled? Not until heaven or earth pass on the day of final judgement. See, His work is a work in progress, He is still fulfilling the law. He is still keeping it. Heaven is still keeping the sabbath. Why aren't we?Tim contradicts his own teaching in Sabbath Series part 1.
37:01 Some will note the sabbath included sacrifices both incense and animals and in deed it did especially in the temple days, yes absolutely, no doubt, that is fact. However there is no temple right now for one, and Yahusha became a sacrifice for us in scripture many times over, we'll cover this. So it's already made a sacrifice. A sacrifice has been made but that does not in any sense abolish the sabbath just because he's our sabbath sacrifice. He did not fulfill the sacrifice so that you and I would no longer have to spend time with Him. That doesn't make any sense but the opposite is true.
Right here Tim says Christ fulfilled the law of sacrifices. But how can this be when heaven and earth have not passed away? For Tim to be consistent in his teaching that Christ has not fulfilled the law he will have to continue to sacrifice and saying there is no temple does not give Tim a free pass because, as he teaches, the Mosaic law of sacrifices and feasts was kept by Adam and the rest of the patriarchs. You can't have Christ fulfilling some of the law and not all of it. The law is a whole.
All the types, all the sacrifices, all the works of the law have been fulfilled in and by Him. He is of the priesthood of Melchisidec and since the priesthood has changed the law has changed. Hebrew 7:11 If therefore perfection were by the Levitical priesthood, (for under it the people received the law,) what further need was there that another priest should rise after the order of Melchisedec, and not be called after the order of Aaron?
12 For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law.He entered into heaven once for all to offer up Himself for us. That is the message of Hebrews. It is no wonder that Tim mangles that message rather spectacularly saying that sabbatarianism is a mark of God's people. That is a flipping on the head of what Hebrews actually says. Now we enter into His rest because Christ, just as He is our Passover, is also our sabbath rest. In their own material The God Culture even acknowledges that we rest in Christ.
How is anyone supposed to take you seriously when you start this article off with outright lies. I have watched several of the God culture videos and Timothy is very clear to state in several of them that relationship with Yahusha is the only way to salvation. Maybe find another obsession there, guy.
ReplyDeleteYeah and he defines that relationship as keeping the law. Maybe try listening to what he actually says and thinking about its implications. He says very clearly in one of his videos: "The Law is what redeems us."