
Showing posts from August, 2023

The God Culture: Blaspheming the Holy Spirit

Timothy Jay Schwab of The God Culture has been a busy man of late. He has begun once more holding conferences around the nation to delude Filipinos into thinking they are Israelites and that the Philippines is actually Ophir, Tarshish, and Sheba. He has also published a new book in two volumes about the Apocrypha. But before all that he began a new series called "Restoring Creation." Restoring Creation Series This series purports to be restoring the truth about the creation narrative in Genesis 1 and 2. However, far from restoring knowledge Tim is actually vomiting forth enormous falsehoods. This article will detail Tim's blasphemous statements against the Holy Ghost.  The fact is Tim believes the Holy Spirit is not God but a creation and had no role in creation as a creator. This is utter anti-trinitarian blasphemy. I will not be explaining the Trinity or divinity of the Holy Spirit here. This will be a catalogue of Timothy Jay Schwab's blasphemous statements against

The God Culture: 100 Lies About the Philippines: Lie #27: Aparri is A Hebrew Word

Welcome back to 100 Lies The God Culture teaches about the Philippines. Today's lie concerns the town of Aparri in Cagayan Province. Timothy Jay Schwab claims it is an ancient Hebrew word. As we shall see that is a lie.  In his video Tim says: Ancient Entrance to Ophir / Aupir, Philippines. Solomon's Gold Series 6K 13:26 Yet another version says that the town's name comes from the locals, the Ibanag word Aparrian. Oh, that makes sense that looks like the same word and wait they live there. Hmm. That makes much better sense and it actually in meaning a place where there are many priests. Oh, you mean the the local tribe actually named their own land long before the Spanish? Duh. Who would think otherwise, really?   Tim is getting his information about the etymology of Aparri solely from Wikipedia which states: The origin of the name Aparri has been disputed. One version says that the town was named by Spanish conquistador Juan Pablo Carre