The God Culture: Meteors Don't Come From Outer Space

Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture has an interesting theory about meteors. He says they originate not from outer space but from Earth. 

50:31 I  know they say that, you know, there's a meteor that came and 11% of the meteor was actually water, oh, and the water's been tested and it matches the Earth so that means that... what? Well, they say very stupidly, and I, this is incredibly dumb, uh, they say well, uh, that meteor, uh, must mean that all of the Earth's waters came from outer space. How illiterate can you be? First of all, meteors don't come from outer space. There is no outer space. Now, we're going to deal with that directly and head on. But the reason that meteor has water, and several have asked this question so I don't mind dealing with a little bit of it now, the reason that meteor had Earth's water is because it came from the earth. It's not a meteor from outer space it's a rock that was sent, uh, you know basically exploding all the way up as far into the firmament and some got lodged there and some fall from time to time. That's all. And that explains the water. That's an earth rock. I mean 11% earth water? That's an earth rock. You're not a scientist if you say anything else because it would be stupid to say anything else. Would it not?

This is very dumb. Tim's thesis is that during the flood the fountains of the deep exploded and sent rocks into the air. Those rocks fall to earth from time to time and are what we call meteors. There is no such thing as outer space. He explains it in a comment.

@bluefullyone Hi how about meteors/ asteroid impact on earth? Is it from within as if it is from the outside it cannot enter or even make a dent on the firmament?Thanks

@thegodculture No one has ever proven those come from space. In fact, we'll cover one that scientists are baffled because it is made of 11% of water from Earth. The idiots then conclude that means earth's waters came from outer space in insanity. They ignore the Flood and even scholars underestimate the explosive fountains of the Great Deep which sent such rock with such force some lodged in the firmament and every now and then 1 falls. There is no other coherent explanation. If it has water from Earth, it's from Earth, not outer space. Yah Bless.

It is certainly an ingenious tidbit that fits nicely into in his erroneous worldview especially if one does not care to think about it. But it is wrong. 

First of all, in the northern hemisphere there are two seasonal annual meteor showers. The Perseids which are on display in August, and the Leonids which are on display in November. In fact, there are many noted periodic meteor showers observed in both northern and southern hempispheres. 

If Tim's thesis is correct, that meteors are earth rocks floating around in the upper atmosphere, then there should be no annual meteor showers. Meteor showers would be random events. The Leonids were first recorded in 902 AD and the Perseids were first recorded in 36 AD. After thousands of years why are meteors still falling if they came from the earth? It would seem at some point there would be no more rocks to fall. And where are these rocks hanging out at? You can look through a telescope and into the heavens and NO ONE has recorded rocks floating in the upper atmosphere of the earth.

Second of all both the Perseids and Leonid meteor showers as well as the others are associated with comets. Are comets also lodged in the upper atmosphere of the Earth? According to Tim they MUST be because there is no outer space. But there is nothing coherent about that. Comets have periodic orbits that can be more than 100 years. Halley's comet has an orbit of 70 years. As of today there are 4,584 known and observed comets. Where are all these comets? If they are hovering around in the atmosphere, and this MUST BE THE CASE in Tim's cosmological framework, then where are they? The sky should be crowded. Why can we only see them after long and exact periods of years? It's because, like meteors, they are in outer space.

This ridiculous and false teaching is the result of Tim interpreting the Bible in a wrong manner and not thinking about the implications of his interpretation. There is no solid glass dome covering the earth, Man has been to outer space, and you can look through a telescope to see the various planets in our solar system. It is unbelievable that anyone could fall for the easily disprovable nonsense of Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture. 


  1. They have to make their way threw the Firmament. Conditions need to be met.


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