In a previous article titled "A Biography of Timothy Jay Schwab" I took a look at Tim's life story based on all the available information at the time. The point was to write a theological biography to see how he made his way from Protestant Evangelicalism to the online cult he founded known as The God Culture. In this article I want to document Tim's heretical teachings.
Timothy Jay Schwab of the The God Culture is a heretic. That should come as no surprise to anyone who has watched his videos or read his books. However The God Culture continues to ensnare many people deceiving them with lies and destroying their souls. The biggest casualty is Filipinos and no wonder since Tim's ministry is specifically directed towards them. When he tells them that the Philippines is The Garden of Eden, Ophir, Tarshsih, Sheba, the land of creation and that Filipinos are Israelites who have a special destiny to fulfill in the end times it's as if everything else he says cannot be heard. In this article I want to gather up the fragments Tim has strewn about and show exactly and beyond dispute that, far from restoring lost truths, he is spewing forth old heresies that the Church has rightly and long ago rejected.
The proper way of doing theology is to start with the doctrine of God. From there one can branch off into every other area of theology. Each step is interconnected. If one's doctrine of God is wrong then there will be problems elsewhere within the system on down the line. For this article I will be following the traditional Reformed loci which are Theology, Anthropology, Christology, Soteriology, Ecclesiology, and Eschatology. That means the doctrines of God, man, Christ, salvation, the Church, and the last things. I will try to be as brief as I can by posting the Church's teaching followed by Tim's teaching.
The doctrine of God taught by the Church is that God is three divine Persons existing in one divine essence. These Persons are the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Father is the monarchia, or "only one archon, principle or fountain fountain of divinity," eternally begetting the Son and eternally spirating the Spirit. That is Orthodox Nicene Christian theology in a nutshell. It is a hard and mysterious doctrine to understand and explain. It is founded on Scripture.
What is Tim's doctrine of God? Well, for starters he is an anti-Trinitarian. I wrote a whole article about that which can be read here: |
Here are some choice quotes from that article.
Then espousing some doctrine of men like Trinity which is a word that never even appears in scripture once. That's why you don't see any videos from us on that. We could care less about the doctrines of men.
To us, we focus on the roles of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit not ignorant buzz words that do not even exist in scripture. That's nonsense. The Father and Son are definitely equated in scripture. The Holy Spirit not exactly but His role never-the-less is crucial and He is Yahuah's spirit indeed. Whether anyone accepts Isis-Osiris-Horus or Nimrod-Semiramis-Tammuz, etc., the origin of your so-called Trinity word and Doctrine not scripture, is impertinent and we don't even enter such debate as it is unnecessary and your basis is not scripture and we focus on the Word not manmade words not even found in scripture.
Where does the Bible use the term "Trinity." Please enlighten us. Where does such concept come from in scripture?
Anti-trinitarian is a stupid assertion. We aren't anti-trinitarian. We are PRO-Bible. We have not even produced a teaching on this Trinity Doctrine in which the word and it's buzz words are not even found in scripture because it is impertinent. It is polarizing nonsense that has no place in debate even. It is not in scripture thus no need to discuss it. Let's discuss what is. What matters is to understand the roles of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and we focus on the Biblical application of that as we should not doctrines of men you can't even produce a scripture in support of the very words you use
5:11. Colossians 2 verse 1. "For I would that ye knew what great conflict I have for you, and for them at Laodicea." Now, we know that Church that's not in good shape according to Messiah in Revelation. "And for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh; That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God." We covered that. Messiah is the mystery revealed, right? "And of the Father, and of Christ," Yahusha. So, he invokes the Father and the Son. You know what he doesn't invoke is the Holy Spirit in a Trinity but we're not gonna cover that here. But notice it's not there. Kind of weird that Paul wouldn't invoke that.
13:17 "For in Him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily." Now, we will get to this Godhead in time but you'll notice that Paul does not equate the Holy Sprit in that Godhead for some reason. Now, why doesn't Paul do that? I mean, is Paul an anti-Trinitarian as we're called at times? We'll see.
The word "trinity" does not appear in scripture therefore the doctrine does not appear in scripture and the doctrine itself originates in the Egyptian and Babylonian religions. It's a rather lame denial of what the Church affirms that betrays a lack of understanding of the doctrine of the Trinity. While Timothy does believe that the Father and Son are both "equated", whatever that means, and that the Son is God in the flesh he is not sure at all about the role of the Holy Spirit. In fact he denies the Holy Spirit had any role in creating the world.
Yahuah and Yahusha created. Though we leave this insertion, it was not clear to the translators and this cannot overturn precedence. There were 2 Creators as Genesis refers to them as “Us” and “Our” and John 1 is clear Messiah created too. Elohim is plural. Elohim made not just El.
8:03 The Father and Son created together. The Holy Spirit had some sort of role though not laid out other than He hovered upon the waters, but there's no detail we found yet in any passage explaining what exactly he was doing. But He was there admittedly
The 22 Works of Creation. Who Were the Creators? Answers In Jubilees: Part 12
The Church does not teach the Holy Spirit had some minor role merely hovering over the waters. The Church teaches that all the works of God are done by the Father, through the Son, and in the Spirit. As the Bible says:
Psalm 33:6 By the word of the Lord were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth.
The whole trinity is found in that verse. That is a standard Christian interpretation.
Tim also teaches that God is not unique but is one of a class of heavenly beings.
69:19 Notice how these all (names of the watchers) have El on the end of their names? That's because they are heavenly beings. El, Eloah, or Elohim is not a name of Yahuah. It's a title, a classification of a heavenly being to which Yahuah belongs but so do the angels so it is appropriate for both.
Gog of Magog Attacks 3: History & Origin of War: Lost Tribes Series 5CFor Timothy Jay Schwab Yahuah, that is God the Father, is just one heavenly being among many such as the angels! What a blasphemous thing to say. To equate the creator with his creation. God and the angels he created do not belong to the same class of anything. God is not a being. God is beyond being. He is the author of all being. He is not just one heavenly being among many and to say so shows that Tim is not a theologian and understands nothing about God. This teaching of his sheds more light on his doctrine, or lack thereof, of the Trinity. Tim's thoughts of God are poor, shallow, and heretical. Tim is a deceiver of the highest order and it is sad to see so many Filipinos following him on the broad road to hell.
The Church's doctrine of man is that man was created on the sixth day. First Adam was created then Eve was formed from his rib while he slept. They were placed in the Garden of Eden and told to tend it and to not eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. But then Satan, the serpent, deceived Eve who in turn deceived her husband, it is not clear exactly why Adam followed her lead, and they both ate the forbidden fruit. Man was expelled from the Garden of Eden and told to be fruitful and multiply. A person comes into existence through the sexual union of man and woman. There is no preexistence of souls. Man is now fallen and can do nothing good of himself.
Tim's doctrine is a little bit different. He believes that Jubilees is scripture which means he has a completely dissimilar account of man's creation. According to him Eve was created on day 6 of the second week.
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The Mystery of Cain: Part 2. Pre-Adamic Man? Answers In Jubilees 21 |
19:41: “In the first week was Adam created.” Just Adam. Adam. That's it period. Same in Genesis. Oops! It says Adam there in Jubilees. Got that? Adam was created the first week. There it is in English. Jubilees explains the whole thing. Done. Now, his name is there but, Genesis really says the same thing. They just aren't reading and paying attention. They're ignoring the Hebrew even exists, the original language, and just rendering the English. Oh, it only says man so if it only says man that means that it wasn't Adam. That's stupid. That doesn't work period. “And the rib his wife.” Oh, wait a minute in the first week was Adam created and the rib, his wife, in the second week. Now the rib was already created the first week but his wife from it created the second week. He showed her unto him so he was not created woman, was not created, and by the way if you want to even call her woman you can't because she came from man on day six of the second week.
Along with this teaching that Eve was created on the sixth day of the second week is Tim's teaching that the spirits of all men were created on the very first day.
21:27 All spirits for every man who will ever live were already created from day one.
The 22 Works of Creation. Who Were the Creators? Answers In Jubilees: Part 12 |
Ashreille: does that mean that god already created the spirits of all humans that will be born on earth up to this day and the future?
The God Culture: Indeed on Day 1. Yah Bless.
Tim could not be clearer about his belief in the pre-existence of souls. Where do these spirits exist before they are born? He does not say but this doctrine of the pre-existence of souls was held by Origen and condemned by the Church. It is also a doctrine of the Mormons. Doctrines like this are why only heretics accept Jubilees as scripture and call the current Bible cannon false.
There are two views within the Church about when and how the souls of men are created. One is traducianism which means that the soul is created by natural generation. The other is creationism which means that God creates each individual soul at conception. The issue in this debate is not just how the soul is created but also the fact that man is sinful. Traducianism gives the best answer for the transmission of original sin. Teaching that the souls of men pre-exist before sexual union only raises questions about the transmission of original sin and leads to the teaching that the body is evil. Pure souls descend into corrupt bodies which is why man is sinful. The Church has always rejected the doctrine of the pre-existence of souls.
As for the fall, Tim calls it the greatest love story. Adam ate the fruit so he could be with his wife.
“Many assume Adam was evil and there is no evidence he ever sinned after he was tricked in the Garden. He made the conscious decision to willfully sin no doubt. However, Adam only ate the fruit after he saw the love of his life do so. He knew she would fall and no longer be with him if so. His eating the fruit is the greatest love story.”
After this horrendous event, it is absolutely not the "greatest love story," Tim says Adam never sinned again.
Adam offered the first atonement and there is no passage to indicate he ever sinned again in his entire 930 years.
I have not come across any place where Tim explains this doctrine. How can Adam, who is now a sinner, not commit a single sin for 930 years? It has to do with Tim's denial of man's innate sinfulness which is explicitly stated in Genesis 6:5. Tim applies that verse to the Nephilim.
9:13 See, they will mix their seed now on a purer scale using these new Sciences which are really not new at all. And they will raise up world leaders who are even more evil than those since the flood, you know where the Bible says every imagination of their heart was evil continually. Do you know anybody like that? Because that's pretty evil.
Gog of Magog Attacks 2: FRESH REVELATION: Lost Tribes Series 5B: Who is Gog?
22:27 - Now again, let's be clear. Enki is a fallen angel, a watcher from before the flood. Again, they mated with human women and they had an offspring who were the Nephilim who are the origin of demons who are evil. Every imagination of their heart is evil continually.
The doctrine of Christ is connected to the doctrine of God. It is a very important doctrine. Even Jesus said "Who do you say that I am?" The Church says He is the second person of the Trinity, the eternally begotten Son of the Father who became a man being born of the Virgin Mary. Because Jesus is God that makes Mary the mother of God. He grew up in a remote town in Israel until His time came. Then He embarked on his ministry, died on the cross, and rose again three days later on the first day of the week. He was also about 30 when he began his ministry and about 33 when he died on the Cross.
As we have seen above Tim does not believe Jesus Christ is the third Person of the Trinity. For Tim God is a duo consisting of both Father and Son. His Sonship is not eternal but is based on being born in the flesh to Mary.
"But he that said unto him," Who's that? Yahuah. "Thou art my son. Today have I begotten thee." Now we know Yahusha is the only begotten son meaning birthed in the flesh by a woman but he existed prior as he saith also in another place.
Despite saying that Jesus was born in the flesh to a woman Tim teaches that Mary is not the Mother of God.
39:26 And they do indeed embrace the harlot of Babylon taking her image found in archeology centuries before Mary was ever born and they used that image of the harlot of Babylon in their worship and call her those same titles of the ancient goddess. Mother of God. Well, that's not Mary's title, that's the ancient goddess.
The Final World Power in the 7 Ekklesias of Revelation. The Key. Answers In 2nd Esdras Part 7 |
...begotten before all ages of the Father according to the Godhead, and in these latter days, for us and for our salvation, born of the virgin Mary, the mother of God, according to the manhood;...
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benyamin ben qohelet If he died in 31 ad and he was born in 10 BC that would make him 41 years old he died at thirty-three so you have a logical fallacy
The God Culture Third, you do not count the year 0 AD/BC in counting. It goes from 1 BC to 1 AD which we also cover so you obviously comment without really watching. So your number with the wrong starting year is 40 years not 41 and if you start from the actual year we prove, 9 BC not 10 BC, that makes him 39 at death and resurrection and 36 when he started his first year. That matches Luke's ballpark of "ABOUT 30" when He started His ministry. Luke never says He was 30 and would have known the age as He knew the birth year. So why does he use that ballpark? About 30 is the time Levitical priest enters the ministry and he is clearly making reference to this not giving an exact date as he does other times.
One will observe like David and Paul, the prophets endear the Commandments, the Law and the Sabbath. It was not about their desiring to be saved though as that is a selfish aim of the modern church.
In our era, this is one of the most important topics, not your salvation.
“He just said the Law remains and I will not abolish it but fulfill it or keep it as an example for you.
24:22 "Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days Which are a shadow of things to come but the body is of Christ." Have you ever thought about if something is a shadow of things to come then that didn’t mean it already passed away because those things didn’t come yet? How on earth does the Church screw that up?
We are to keep the whole law including the Feasts because, even though they foreshadowed the life of Jesus Christ, they are by no means done away with.
The Feasts foreshadow Messiah’s birth, death and resurrection in the Spring and in the Fall, the future End Times of the trumpet sounding (Trumpets), Day of Judgment (Atonement) and when we attain our new heavenly bodies (Tabernacles). Paul understood this as did James but neither says their being a shadow means they are abolished
Rest: The Case for Sabbath, pg.144
Christ did keep the Pasch with them. Yet he did not do so with the idea that we should keep the Pasch with them. He did so that he might bring the reality to what foreshadowed the reality. He also submitted to circumcision, kept the Sabbath, observed the festival days, and ate the unleavened bread. But He did all these things in Jerusalem. However, we are subject to none of these things, and on this Paul spoke out loud and clear: "If you be circumcised, Christ shall be of no advantage to you." And again, speaking of the feast of unleavened bread, he said: "Therefore let us keep festival, not with the old leaven, not with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth." For our unleavened bread is not a mixed flour but an uncorrupted and virtuous way of life.
Why did Christ keep the Pasch at that time? The old Pasch was a type of the Pasch to come, and the reality had to supplant the type. So Christ first showed the foreshadowing and then brought the reality to the banquet table. Once the reality has come, the type which foreshadowed it is henceforth lost in its own shadow and no longer fills the need. So do not keep pleading this excuse, but show me that Christ did command us to observe the old Pasch. I am showing you quite the opposite. I am showing you that Christ not only did not command us to keep the festival days but even freed us from the obligation to do so.
20:05 For us to not keep his law, uh-oh here it comes, is also to not love Him. As if we love Him what do we do? John 15, keep my commandments. Even in revelation what are they found doing at the very end the end times remnant? Keeping His commandments, His law. Do we love him? This is a covenant folks and it is the way it works. See that's they way he defines this. It's a covenant relationship. This is intimacy wth the Creator. He loves you that much. He wants to be intimate with you in relationship. Are we in relationship with Him or not?
18:52 Relationship with Him is the requirement of salvation and for getting our prayers answered.
58:21 Most of all no matter what you do deepen your relationship with Yahusha because that, my friends, is all that matters in the end. It's the only definition of salvation in Scripture.
1:04:39. So we see they could not enter in because of unbelief and indeed unbelief is the key here. That we are grafted in but if you believe in Him as the Messiah, as the Son of the Almighty Living Yahuah God, then you continue in relationship with Him. You allow it to grow and blossom and foster it. You don't check a box and that's it and go on living however you wish. It doesn't work that way. Which is called pursuing your own lusts really. No. You have to do something. The gift is free but it is relationship and it must progress or its not any longer relationship. It's that simple
One must especially keep the Sabbath as doing so is a sign you are saved.
People ask at times how do we know we are saved? Well, are you keeping the sabbath? That is the sign of one who is saved and in relationship with Him. Sorry, we tell the truth here.
19:30 So this is another example that we aren't to just have faith in Yahusha. That’s not enough. That’s not it. No, no, no, no. We are to keep His commandments.
Sabbath Series: Part 5: The End Times Sabbath
39:35 The law written by the very finger of Yahuah Himself. The law is what redeems us.
Faith in Christ is not enough? Paul's answer to the Philippian jailer says otherwise, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house."
The Church teaches that grace is to be found in Jesus Christ as the Scriptures say in John 1:12 "For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ." The law is contrasted with the grace that comes by Jesus Christ. Tim says the Mosaic law is grace!
His law is grace and always has been. Salvation was available to even gentiles in Exodus and has been all along. The gospel of grace is a manipulation we will deal with. We are saved by grace but we have to do something. We cannot claim to make Him our Lord but then ignore that which He is Lord of especially the Sabbath. The Sabbath is a perfect example of His grace from the 7th Day when He created it as He realized man needed a Day of Rest set aside and set apart for Him. The notion that the law is absent grace is outright fraud on the part of so-called scholars. It is Pharisee leaven and we will deal with this. Yah Bless.
Sabbath Series: Part 1. What is the Sabbath? Did it pass away? The Biblical Truth.
16:44 Abraham kept the law and the sabbath. And so did Isaac and Jacob. I mean how can they be called righteous if there was no law by which they could be judged as righteous? The very notion is ridiculous from the start.
Salvation can also be lost if one does not keep the law.
8:20 There is no such thing as "once saved always saved" because you said a prayer. Forget it, it's not Scripture. Salvation is always in Scripture according to Paul, especially, a lifestyle. Again read Matthew 7, read John 15 the whole chapters and you will find Messiah defines salvation not Paul and Paul agrees with his definition and he has to. Most especially to Paul who just said so in this passage multiple times as he tells us that we should do good works, that we should walk, that we should have relationship. We're talking about action words here, we're talking about us having to do something. He's also saying to keep the law. That's doing something.
59:10 For if God spared not the natural branches, the Israelites, take heed lest he also spare not thee. Wait I thought you couldn't lose your salvation. Hmmm.
Despite being very clear that one's salvation is dependent on keeping the law Tim does say one is not saved by keeping the law.
Again, is there salvation through the law? No. One is not saved by keeping the law. That is Pharisee doctrine, not what Paul says. Paul is clear there is only salvation through Yahushah Hamashiach.
A close look at his system reveals quite the opposite. Timothy Jay Schwab teaches that keeping the law is very necessary to one's salvation as it is what keeps one in relationship with Jesus Christ. Keeping the Mosaic law is what grafts us into Him and if we do not keep the law we will lose our salvation. He denies the sufficiency of faith in Christ alone. Righteousness comes by keeping the law. Tim also never mentions the forgiveness of sins or the atoning nature of the blood of Christ. He completely ignores the forensic aspect of Christ's work because for Tim Christ is only our example for how to keep the law and not the one who fulfills it completely and utterly so that we are freed from the law's bondage.
There is absolutely no room for the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit in Tim's doctrine of salvation. There is no regeneration or sanctification or being washed by the Holy Ghost. No role for the Holy Spirit to produce the fruits of righteousness in us and no walking in the Spirit. Timothy jay Schwab's doctrine of salvation is graceless and Christless, completely man-centered, and wholly at odds with scripture and the teaching of the Church.
What is the Church? She is the visible Body of Christ and the Kingdom of God on the earth. She is One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic. Her nature is theological and mystical even though she resides on the earth. She is hierarchical and organized. Her defenders have composed creeds to defend the faith. Membership is essential and outside of the Church there is no salvation. She is the Ark of Salvation. The Church is the God ordained community through which He works on the earth. Once it was the nation of Israel that had that privilege but now it is the Church which encompasses all men and all nations. Jesus Christ built his Church and the gates of hell shall never overcome it. She will never disappear.
Icon of the Church as the Ark of Salvation |
The subject of the Church is too broad and wide to go into depth here. But suffice to say Tim rejects the Church. He is very adamant that what is called the Church today is really the Synagogue of Satan because they have abandoned the Mosaic law and do not keep the seventh day Sabbath.
However, there is no such term for Sunday being the Lord’s day in all of scripture. This one time John uses it, he must and can only refer to the Saturday, 7th-Day Sabbath. If John was invoking Sunday there, that would be new doctrine and strange. John had no such authority and neither did the so-called “early church” which was really the early Synagogue of Satan infusion.
Rest: The Case for Sabbath, pg. 360
In that paragraph Tim calls the early church the Synagogue of Satan. The Didache is an early manual of church teaching showing how she had developed over 4 decades from 33 AD to 70 AD. Tim says this manual proves the early church is the Synagogue of Satan.
We then find the Pope even endorsing the supposed find of the Didache full of Catholic doctrine from the time of the Apostles in about 50-70 A.D. supposedly including the Sunday practice. If that dating is accurate, this document proves they are the Synagogue of Satan as they do not follow the practice of the Biblical ekklesia at the same time in the same area where they are said by Messiah to have operated even. If older dating of 3rd to 4th century, it is still no less damning.
Rest: The Case for Sabbath, pg. 133
Tim then goes on to say that Constantine founded the Catholic Church.
The Catholic Church was founded by the High Priest of Mithraism – Constantine the “Not-So Great.” Certainly, part of the church, though not the true ekklesia especially the Eastern church from Turkey and Kurdistan, did observe Sunday though unbiblical even before his days. However, he made Sunday observance law. The true church continued the practice of the Apostles that we already well proved.
Rest: The Case for Sabbath pg. 360
With the ascension of Constantine the Synagogue of Satan was firmly installed and the true early church was completely wiped out.
The synagogue of satan was installed and their doctrines as what we call the early church today but the true early church was wiped out.
New Sabbath Series Trailer
Now, this issue of the Church is complicated and I am trying to present Tim's case succinctly. In a nutshell Tim believes that the true Church kept the Mosaic law but at some point early on the false church crept in unawares and deceived the people into throwing out the Mosaic law especially the seventh day Sabbath. This false Church grew in power through Constantine and stamped out the true law keeping church. This is absolutely wrong and leads to the heresy that the church was trampled by the gates of hell contrary to the promise of Jesus Christ. It is also based on the lie that Paul and Jesus Christ teach we must still keep the Mosaic law. One lie leads to another in this great chain of deception.
Today the church is very small, being composed of seventh day Sabbath keepers and those who adhere to the Mosaic law.
So how then do we govern ourselves? Who do we follow? What church do we attend? Is there a denomination that gets this right?
You will never find denominations in scripture. His ekklesia cannot be broken into such. In our age, there are a Remnant of believers only. It is not 1.5 billion but a few in terms of the population of the world. They are one and defined as keeping His commandments. Those come from the Bible as should all of our doctrine.
Any organization one enters is a creation of men. You will notice just about all of them attempt to boil down their theology into a Statement of Faith or Mission Statement of sort. These are meaningless as any Statement of Faith that does not include every letter of the Word is no such. The origin of such practice is freemasonry as the Bible never says to create a Statement of Faith. You will find every False Prophet comes from the church within and has a great resume and great sounding Mission Statement. That is Pharisaism not Bible. If one can whittle their faith down to a sentence or paragraph, they are extremely shallow.
Rest: The Case for Sabbath, pg. 416
One thing Tim really hates is the organized Church. Despite the Bible saying the Church has an organizational hierarchy with Bishops, Deacons, and Pastors Tim says the true Church is not an organization but is disorganized and diffused throughout the world.
45:36 We have no problem rebuking especially scholars who have screwed up the Bible for so long. That is almost every denomination out there. It includes the cults calling themselves, "We're the only true church." No you're not! There is no such. His Ekklesia is not an organization and that money doesn't go in your pocket. It is believers everywhere and there is only one group, there's only one classification. It is not based on race. It doesn't matter what color you are. It doesn't matter if you are Hebrew or Greek, Jew or Gentile. Doesn't matter. It's certainly not about religion because the only established relationship the creator of the universe wants to know you. Imagine that. Is that not enough?
Despite hating organizations and despite telling everyone that The God Culture is not affiliated with any organization Tim does affirm that The God Culture is an online church. |
Johnf Im binge watching everything, im blown away, ive been lied to about the which books are actually scripture and now i understand why they "detracted" us/me, your ministry is a blessing.! Is there a church in Angeles City, Pampanga who is of your group.?! If there is Id want my family go there. Yah bless.!
The God Culture We are only an online ekklesia. Yah Bless.
If you consider The God Culture your online church community you can even send Tim your tithes and offerings. |
Tina OohBae I was wondering if you do have any means or channels so we can give tithes or offerings, if you can say that. I mean i am considering your channel as my "church and Christ community" because i have so much to learn about Yahuah Elohim thru your channel. Ya Bless!!!
The God Culture Many give thru Patreon at: or you may contact us at Yah Bless.
There is more to be said here but not enough space. Tim rails against the church for daring to decide what is and is not scripture saying the church has no right to make such a decision. He says a real church is only two or more people implying that the true church is very tiny and only meets in garages and living rooms. He despises the councils and calls the creeds the church has written to protect herself against heresy evil oaths.
49:45 He's not saying not to take any vows at all but what he's saying is it's better not to take an oath. What is Moses saying here? He's saying if you give your word keep it period. He's telling you you must take an oath? No. But understand the times of Messiah when people are demanded by the Pharisees and the like, just as many churches today, sorry but it's true, in some cases not all and certainly in Judaism. But they bind you to an oath. Some call it a Creed. Sound familiar? Whatever you want to call it don't take it. You are to read the word and to test it because that kind of oath is actually called freemasonry
Tim teaches an aberrant and heretical Ecclesiology that says the true church disappeared in the first century and has only recently been revived by men such as himself who keep the seventh day Sabbath and the law of Moses. Keeping the Mosaic law and not faith in Jesus Christ is the hallmark of the true church according to Timothy Jay Schwab.
Eschatology has to do with the last things. Under this category falls not only the end times but also what happens when we die. The Church says, along with Paul, to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. The Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholics while differing in many teachings about what happens after death both pray to the Saints which means they do not believe their souls are sleeping. When Jesus died he descended to hell and preached to the spirits in prison. This is called the Harrowing of Hell. Soul sleep has never been a doctrine of the Church.
Tim teaches soul sleep.
41:57 Wait a minute you mean they are not already in heaven or hell? Nope. Not according to scripture 59 times which says our spirits go to sleep when we die and we do not, we are not judged until the day of final judgement. So even Mary is not in heaven yet.
Revelation 12: The Land That Protects The Woman. Moon & Stars. Solomon's Gold Series 13E
This is a serious error that he bases on his interpretation of Daniel 12 where it says "many of them that sleep in the dust shall awake." That same verse continues with "some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt." Oddly enough Tim teaches that that contempt is not actually everlasting. We see this doctrine taught in his notes on 2nd Esdras.
2nd Esdras 15:23
In all of scripture Hell is an immediate burning with eternal fire. Esdras clarifies this is and [sic] immediate burning and their spirits are gone forever. Straw burns quickly and disappears
Tim has said quite a lot about the end times. He teaches Jesus Christ will return in 2127 and that Jerusalem is the Whore of Babylon. But not all of that is heresy per se. Much of it is simply bad history, bad theology, and just plain error and does not concern us here.
This list of Timothy Jay Schwab's heretical teachings could actually grow as Tim says there is "more revelation" to come. There is no more revelation. We have all we need in the Bible. Tim is very sensitive about criticism. In his videos he is very clear that one is not to debate him in the comments. Any negative feedback is either quickly deleted or else the commenter is mocked for being illiterate or a communist. Tim is very sure he is on the side of truth and that those who come against him are on the side of lies.
Lies are becoming the espoused truth. Truth is being labeled a lie or “conspiracy theory” or “flat-earthers” or whatever nasty label they can affix to dismiss truth and embrace falsehood.
Rest: The Case for Sabbath, pg. 137
The fact is Tim does believe the earth is flat. I wrote a whole article about that very topic. He never dismisses flat earth comments on his videos by saying the world is round. Recently he even "loved" a flat earth picture posted on his Facebook page. |
It's not very hard to pick up on Tim's flat earth doctrine. One commenter pointed this out and Tim did not dispute him.
Gog of Magog Attacks 3: History & Origin of War: Lost Tribes Series 5C |
Gamer Gex I like how u guys are flat earthers ... U just dont say it outright ...
The God Culture We just believe the Bible and the important thing is the cosmology in which the writers of the Bible most definitely wrote. One will never understand Biblical geography without recognizing that. Even Dr. Michael Heiser has said similar. Yah Bless.
It is my hope this article will act as a resource for anyone looking for more information about the beliefs of Timothy Jay Schwab and The God Culture. These beliefs are spread out through his videos and books. This article is a net where these teachings have been caught and sorted. Timothy Jay Schwab is a heretic. Everything he teaches is a lie. Bad science, bad history, bad math, bad theology, and a bad attitude pervade his videos and books. Everything coming from this man and his group is vile and putrid. Stay far away from him. Timothy Jay Schwab will only murder your soul with his graceless and Christless heresy.