The God Culture: The Queen of Sheba Was not a Filipina
Who was the Queen of Sheba and where did she come from to visit King Solomon? According to Timothy Jay Schwab of The God Culture she was the first female billionaire and hailed from the Philippines. Is that really where the Bible leads the careful reader? Let's take a look at what Tim has to say in his book Solomon's Treasure which is "the monumental case for the Philippines no one can disprove" and which I have shown time and time again is full of errors and non-arguments and is easily disproven. Then let's compare Tim's narrative with the Bible. Solomon's Treasure, pg 73 We will restore this understanding and clarify whom the Queen of Sheba was, how she would have conducted herself and from where she commenced her notable voyage which has captured the hearts and minds of so many. We assure you the Hollywood narrative of this Queen arriving as a pagan harlot is utterly false. This was a true, authentic lady by every measure within this story. This narrati