The God Culture: 100 Lies About The Philippines: Lie #26: The Butuan Ivory Seal Has Hebrew Writing

Welcome back to 100 Lies The God Culture teaches about the Philippines. Today's lie concerns the Butuan Ivory Seal. This artifact was found in 1970 and dates back to 1,000 AD. Tim says the scholarly interpretation of the seal is wrong and that the writing on it is actually Hebrew. More than that he claims the seal is concrete evidence the Lost Tribes of Israel arrived in the Philippines. Tim concludes his interpretation of the Butuan Ivory Seal saying: Lost Tribes Series Part 2F: Decoding the Butuan Ivory Seal - Evidence 19:24 These letters are about as clear as it gets. They are Hebrew. So, what does all of this mean? Again, read right to left: "The Rechabites who live in tents in the land of creation as the Zadok priests where the scattered tribes are yoked at the ends of the earth." Wow dude! This is awesome and concrete evidence, we believe, that the Lost Tribes arrived in the Philippines. Despite Tim's conviction that the Butuan Ivory Seal has Hebrew writing and...