The God Culture: Follow the Method

Timothy Jay Schwab of The God Culture has a new 52-week study series about the apocrypha. It is based on his two-volume set of books which claims to test the apocryphal books. I have written an article on each volume showing forth Tim's awful and uneducated methods defending or rejecting the apocrypha ( vol 1 , vol 2 ). It is this method which I would like to further explore. Apocrypha Test: Part 2: Who Decided Bible Canon? History of the Bible. In a comment on this video Tim says one should follow his method to find out the truth. @jawnatutorow: Ok, I have a question. If the pharisees at Jesus time were imposters, why did Paul respect them when they told him Ananias was the high priest, and Paul apologized and said it is written you should not speak even of a ruler of your people? @TheGodCulture: You mean Paul when on trial with his life in the hands of the Pharisees? Can you rea...