The God Culture: Jesus Christ is Not The Passover Lamb Specifically

If you listen long enough to Timothy Jay Schwab of The God Culture it becomes rather easy to spot his heresies and predict what he will say next. Tim's method is rather simple: EVERYTHING the Church teaches is wrong. In his view the Church is actually the Synagogue of Satan and must be opposed at every step. That is why Tim is so keen on refuting long established Biblical doctrines such as the Trinity, the tripartite nature of man as body, mind, and soul, and the doctrine of eternal punishment in the lake of fire. What makes Tim exciting to listen to is not his dull, unoriginal heresies but his complex and original mental gymnastics which drive him to his heretical conclusions. This originality is exemplified in a video where Tim tells the world in no uncertain terms why Jesus Christ is by no means our Passover Lamb. Call it the anti-Gospel. CORRECTING Jonathan Cahn's "When Was Jesus REALLY Born?" Pharisee Leaven 36:18 But is that Yahusha is the Passover Lamb? Is th...