The God Culture: The Garden of Eden Revealed Book Review

Timothy Jay Schwab who is the God Culture has released a new book titled The Garden of Eden Revealed: The book of Maps. This time around Tim is placing all his nonexistent cartographical skills on display as he examines 75+ maps proving that the Garden of Eden is in the Philippines. The problem is that, according to Tim, the Garden of Eden was submerged beneath the floor of the Sulu Sea during the flood which means NO MAP can ever tell us where the Garden is located nor is the Garden of Eden actually in the Philippines. Oddly enough Tim has declined to release an e-book PDF version because the maps are high resolution. That is no excuse as there are plenty of high-res maps available on the internet including those he employs. Where do you think he got the maps in this book? Since there are 75+ maps it would be too unwieldy to review every one in detail so I shall concentrate on summarizing the obvious errors and lies which are numerous and leap off every page. First it should be n...