
Showing posts from June, 2024

The God Culture: Mocked By Duterte

While looking over old files I found something I had not yet posted from Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture. Tim says he met Duterte, gave him a copy of The Search for King Solomon's Treasure and then Duterte proceeded to mock him. Excellent point.  We found the President whom we met very hesitant and already ridiculing  as he was programmed from the initial discussion admitting he studied to be a Catholic Priest. He was already ridiculing the Bible narrative he doesn't believe even claiming the 440 talents of gold is somehow allegory. Last we checked, when someone tells us they had 15.75 tons of gold, they are recording specifics most certainly that could never be defined as allegory.  He, then, wanted to know where the gold was basically ridiculing the narrative  as he is unaware of the amount of gold in his own country.  We retracted and offered an advanced copy of the book with sourcebook in which he promised to read. He never did. This is part of a larger conversati

The God Culture: Romeo and Juliet is the Story of Adam and Eve

Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture has found a new champion in David Whited of Flyover Conservatives. David is so enamored with Tim that he calls him "a phenomenal teacher, a kind of a renaissance man, a biblical scholar, a researcher, an entrepreneur" which is all quite hilarious. Tim is first and foremost an adman who graduated with a marketing degree and is far from being a Bible scholar. If you have read this series about The God Culture you know it is abundantly evident that Tim is no researcher as he fudges some information and ignores other information detrimental to his cause. It goes without saying that "a phenomenal teacher" does not shut down discussion by calling people names, blocking them, and ignoring criticism.  In this second interview with David Whited Tim gives his same presentation stating the same ridiculous lies as are contained in his videos and books. However, he says two things that are interesting. First he gives his opinion about Sh

The God Culture: Jesus is the Only Begotten Son Meaning Birthed in the Flesh by a Woman

While it is true that Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture believes Jesus is the Son of God his doctrine of what that means exactly is quite heterodox. Rather than Christ being the eternally begotten Son of God Tim teaches Jesus is the only begotten Son because he was born in the flesh. Let's hear him and then break down why he is wrong.  5:45 "But he that said unto him," Who's that? Yahuah. "Thou art my son. Today have I begotten thee."  Now we know Yahusha is the only begotten son meaning birthed in the flesh by a woman  but he existed prior. Order of Melchizedek. The New Testament & Qumran Scrolls. Answers In Jubilees 38 42:54 Why is Yahusha the only begotten son of Yahuah? Angels are called sons of Elohim or beneha Elohim. Uh, they're not begotten see they were not birthed they were created or really from the breath of Yahuah. We're going to get there. We know Enoch visited heaven and saw Yahusha there in spirit so he existed. Again, wat