The God Culture: Mocked By Duterte

While looking over old files I found something I had not yet posted from Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture. Tim says he met Duterte, gave him a copy of The Search for King Solomon's Treasure and then Duterte proceeded to mock him. Excellent point. We found the President whom we met very hesitant and already ridiculing as he was programmed from the initial discussion admitting he studied to be a Catholic Priest. He was already ridiculing the Bible narrative he doesn't believe even claiming the 440 talents of gold is somehow allegory. Last we checked, when someone tells us they had 15.75 tons of gold, they are recording specifics most certainly that could never be defined as allegory. He, then, wanted to know where the gold was basically ridiculing the narrative as he is unaware of the amount of gold in his own country. We retracted and offered an advanced copy of the book with sourcebook in which he promised to read. He never did. This is part of a l...