
Showing posts from August, 2024

The God Culture: Lost Isles of Gold Small Group Study Guide

Four years after publishing The Search for King Solomon's Treasure Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture has finally released  his promised small group study guide . This study guide is being released in conjunction with the launch of The God Culture app. The reader is instructed to follow along using the app.  Use this 13-week Small Group Study Guide and follow our new Lost Isles of Gold Live Series free on The God Culture App, YouTube, Rumble, Instagram, Facebook, SubStack, Brighteon, Odyssey, etc. In some cases, your Pastor or leader will present the content as well which we strongly encourage and offer our support to assist them in bringing this explosive research to you. All video links at  The format of the book is a series of 13 chapters divided into several questions. The student is supposed to write the answer based on what he hears Tim say during the course of the accompanying

The God Culture: More Lies About the Behaim Globe

It is absolutely hilarious that Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture cannot write a book or record a video without a passing reference to me. In this case Tim makes a direct reference to me in his new book Garden of Eden Revealed The Book of Maps.  Garden of Eden Revealed, pgs 98-99 There are those out there who are simply dishonest who have even  gone so far as to commit cyber libel  expressing extreme racism against the Philippines  who claim we lied that this was a Portuguese government-commissioned map. Yet it was . They need to take up that debate with the University of Cambridge.  The fact they are unable to read and understand that the Portuguese King Joao II paid Behaim to create this map according to Cambridge's Whipple Museum of History and Science, demonstrates what we always observe from that fallacious onslaught of racist nonsense. They cannot even read a sentence with comprehension.  "The earliest globe that survives today was made in 1492 by Martin Behaim,

The God Culture: 100 Lies About the Philippines: Lie# 33: Matthew 12:42 is About the Philippines

Welcome back to 100 lies the God Culture teaches about the Philippines. Today's lie concerns Timothy Jay Schwab's claim that Jesus Christ prophecises about the Philippines in Matthew 12:42. That verse says the Queen of Sheba will rise up in the judgement. Tim teaches the Queen of Sheba refers to the Filipino people and they will be the ones rising up. Tim explains this claim in his video "The Two Witnesses of Revelation Explained." Two Witnesses of Revelation Explained. This Will Rock Your World. Ophir, Sheba, Tarshish 1:13:04 In the next verse Messiah says the Queen of the South shall rise up in the judgment with this generation and shall condemn it for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon. Who's that? The Queen of Sheba? And behold a greater than Solomon is here. Which Queen came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon? Sheba, the Queen of  Sheba.  Sheba is modern Philippines and we do prove tha