The God Culture: More Lies About the Behaim Globe

It is absolutely hilarious that Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture cannot write a book or record a video without a passing reference to me. In this case Tim makes a direct reference to me in his new book Garden of Eden Revealed The Book of Maps. 

Garden of Eden Revealed, pgs 98-99

There are those out there who are simply dishonest who have even gone so far as to commit cyber libel expressing extreme racism against the Philippines who claim we lied that this was a Portuguese government-commissioned map. Yet it was. They need to take up that debate with the University of Cambridge. The fact they are unable to read and understand that the Portuguese King Joao II paid Behaim to create this map according to Cambridge's Whipple Museum of History and Science, demonstrates what we always observe from that fallacious onslaught of racist nonsense. They cannot even read a sentence with comprehension. 

"The earliest globe that survives today was made in 1492 by Martin Behaim, a German navigator and geographer in the employ of King João II of Portugal." ' 

I know this is a reference to me because I am the only who writes critically of The God Culture and I am the only one who has been insistent that Tim lies every time he speaks about the Behaim Globe. It is NOT Portuguese, it is German. It was made by a man who was employed by the King of Portugal but it was not commissioned by the King of Portugal. It was commissioned and financed by the City of Nuremberg which is Behaim's hometown. 

This fact is easily found on Wikipedia and following the sources leads to a book titled Martin Behaim, His Life and His Globe by Ernest George Ravenstein. This book contains much historical information regarding the provenance of the globe. 

First we are told that it was a singular member of the Nuremberg City Council who suggested to the rest of the Council that Behaim make a globe.

It was, however, a member of the Town Council, George Holzschuher, to whom Martin Behaim became indebted for the greater part of the fame which he still enjoys. George Holzschuher in 1470 had visited Egypt and the Holy Land, and he evidently took some interest in the progress of geographical discoveries. It was he who suggested to his colleagues of the Rat that Behaim should be requested to undertake the making of a globe, upon which the recent discoveries of the Portuguese should be delineated. His suggestion was accepted, and to him we are indebted for the famous globe, a full account of which I shall give in the second part of this work.

Second we are given the instructions the City of Nuremberg gave to Behaim for making the globe.

By desire and request of the prudent, honourable and sapient, the chief captains of the worthy Imperial city of Nurnberg who rule at this time, and whose names are D. Gabriel Nutzel, D. Paulus Volckamer and D. Nicholas Groland, this figure of an apple has been achieved and made by the skill (art), according to the directions and by the industry of the worshipful and honourable D. Martin Behaim, Knight, who is much experienced in the art of Cosmography and has circumnavigated one third of the world. All this has been extracted with industry from the books of Ptolemy, Strabo and Marco Polo, and put together, the sea as well as the land, each according to its shape and form, as ordered to be done by the abovenamed captains on behalf of the City Council by the Hon. George Holzschuher, whereunto he has helped and advised with all possible industry. This (work of) art and apple has been achieved and made in the year 1492 after the birth of Christ, and has been left behind him by the said D. Martin Peheim for the honour and enjoyment of the commonalty of the city of Nurnberg in order that he may be thought kindly of for all time, when he shall have gone back to his wife, who lives 700 miles away, where he keeps house, in order to end his days in his island where is his home.

Be it known that on this Apple (Globe) here present is laid out the whole world according to its length and breadth in accordance with the art geometry, namely, the one part as described by Ptolemy in his book called 'Cosmographia Ptolemaei,’ and the remainder from what the Knight Marco Polo of Venice caused to be written down in 1250. The worthy Doctor and Knight Johann de Mandavilla likewise left a book in 1322 which brought to the light of day the countries of the East, unknown to Ptolemy, whence we receive spices, pearls and precious stones, and the Serene King John of Portugal has caused to be visited in his vessels that part to the south not yet known to Ptolemy in the year 1485, whereby I, according to whose indications this Apple has been made, was present. Towards the west the Sea Ocean has likewise been navigated further than what is described by Ptolemy and beyond the columns of Hercules as far as the islands Faial and Pico of the Azores occupied by the noble and valiant Knight Jobst de Hiirter of Moerkerken, and the people of Flanders whom he conducted thither. These islands are occupied by my dear father-in-law, who owns and governs it. The far-off places towards midnight or Tramontana, beyond Ptolemy’s description, such as Iceland, Norway and Russia, are likewise now known to us, and are visited annually by ships, wherefore let none doubt the simple arrangement of the world, and that every part may be reached in ships, as is here to be seen.

Third and finally we are given the expenditures spent by the Nuremberg City Council for making the globe.

Below is so be found a statement of what I, George Holzschuher, have expended by order of my lords of the city treasury, upon limning and otherwise, for making the “apple,” or mappa mundi in the shape of a sphere, and also for making the printed map for the clerk’s office, which Mr. Merten Beham, having expended thereon his art and pains, left behind for the enjoyment of my lords of the worshipful council : 

Is that enough for Tim to prove the globe was conceived and financed by the City of Nuremberg and not the King of Portugal? 

Let's take a look at Tim's source the Cambridge Whipple Museum of Science.

The earliest globe that survives today was made in 1492 by Martin Behaim, a German navigator and geographer in the employ of King João II of Portugal. Behaim's globe recorded not only the lie of the lands being discovered by seabourne explorers, but also details of overseas commodities, market places and local trading protocols. Thus, the earliest surviving globe, which probably reflects many others produced around the same time, features information on more than cartography.

Does this say the King of Portugal commissioned and paid for Behaim's globe? NO! It only says Behaim was "in the employ of King João II of Portugal." Can Tim read? This says nothing about who paid for and commissioned the map.

Again, this is another instance where Tim has done ZERO investigation into the matter and more proof there either is no God Culture team or they are really bad at research. The facts of the provenance of the Behaim Globe are easily found out yet Tim persists on pushing this lie it was commissioned by the Portuguese government. At this point it is beyond a mere mistake. Timothy Jay Schwab who is the God Culture is indeed a liar when he claims this globe was commissioned by the Portuguese government. Why should anyone believe anything else he has to say?


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