
Showing posts from September, 2024

The God Culture: 100 Lies About the Philippines: Lie #35: Cosmas Indicopleustes Mapped The Garden of Eden in the Philippines

Welcome back to 100 lies The God Culture teaches about the Philippines. Today's lie concerns Tim's claims 6th century monk Cosmas Indicopleustes mapped the Garden of Eden in the Philippines.  This claim is so important Tim mentions it in the introduction to every video in his Garden of Eden Revealed series. Announcing! Garden Of Eden Revealed: The Book of Maps 0:31 A nd in 550 Cosmos the  Greek Monk and Merchant traveler who  went to the Indies wrote in Alexandria  Egypt Africa Christian topography and he  mapped Paradise as the Philippines  in the Greek edition of The Bible at one  time  This claim also appears in his book Garden of Eden Revealed: The Book of Maps. The Bible once included an accurate map to the Garden of Eden in the Philippines! Cosmas' map on the earth once appeared in the Codex Sinaiticus Graecus 1186, Fol. 66v now at St. Katherine's Monastery, Sinai. How Far East? Cosmos left a map once in the Vatican bible! This claim is simply not true.  Codex Sin

The God Culture: Cosmas Indicopleustes Mapped The Garden of Eden in the Philippines

In his book Garden of Eden Revealed Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture introduces a new source for his historic revisionism of the Philippines. According to Tim 6th century monk and traveller Cosmas Indicopleustes located The Garden of Eden in the Philippines. This assertion is flat out wrong and in this article we shall take a look at all the errors Tim makes concerting this text.  Garden of Eden Revealed, pg. 58 First of all Tim notes correctly the text of Cosmas' book Christian Topogrpahy is to be found in the  Codex Sinaiticus graecus 1186. Where he goes wrong is claiming this codex is a Bible.  The Bible once included an accurate map to the Garden of Eden in the Philippines! Cosmas' map on the earth once appeared in the Codex Sinaiticus Graecus 1186, Fol. 66v now at St. Katherine's Monastery, Sinai. This is wrong.  Codex Sinaiticus graecus 1186 is not a Bible.  It only contains the text of Christian Topography. Since several differences between the codices, in w

The God Culture: 100 Lies About the Philippines: Lie #34: "Philippines" is a Hebrew Name

Welcome back to 100 lies The God Culture teaches about the Philippines. Today's lie concerns the etymology of the word Philippines. Timothy Jay Schwab claims the word is actually two Hebrew words.  He makes this claim in the following video.  Miraculous Mindoro & Batangas: Part 12H: Solomon's Gold Series: Ophir, Sheba, Tarshish 29:38 The local name of the Philippines is Pilipinas.  Pili means miraculous in Hebrew and Pina is the  very Hebrew word used in Scripture to refer to Messiah's coming even as he is our chief pina,  cornerstone. The miraculous cornerstone of creation. The miraculous cornerstone of life who will rise  again in these last days in prophecy. Wow! This is amazing!   Tim also makes the same claim in his book The Search for King Solomon's Treasure.  However, as we progress into profundity, Mindoro befits concisely the national local name for the Philippines in tracing “Pilipinas” or “Pilipina.” However, that word ties to this entire narrative in the

The God Culture: Columbus Rebuked Marco Polo and the Great Khan

Conspiracy is the hallmark of the historical revisionism project of Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture. The gist is the whole world knew the land of Ophir was the Philippines and then bad actors, i.e. the British, came along to cover up the fact. According to Tim even Marco Polo and Kublai Khan covered up the true location of Ophir and for doing so received a rebuke from Christopher Columbus.  In chapter 4, page 95, of Garden of Eden Revealed Tim writes the following: Garden of Eden Revealed, pg 95 Columbus wrote that Cipangu of Marco Polo was Ophir and that Marco Polo and the Great Khan "failed" to represent Cipangu as Ophir . They were always the same land! "Encouraged by the interest with which the sovereigns  listened to his account of  his recent voyage along the coast of Cuba, bordering, as he supposed, on the rich territories of the Grand Khan, and of  his discovery of the mines of Hayna, which he failed not to represent as the Ophir of the of the ancients,