Wednesday, November 30, 2022

The God Culture: Who is Hashem?

Timothy Jay Schwab of The God Culture is a hypocrite through and through. Not just a simple hypocrite but an out and out liar. I have claimed that many times and shown several examples. Here are two more. In a recent video about the name Hashem, which the Jews use when addressing God, Tim shows us a live chat he did with a Rabbi on a Jewish website while pretending to be a Messianic Jew in order to get the Rabbi to admit to Tim's thesis. In fact he touts this on the title card!

Who Is Hashem? Not YHWH!!! The Name of God Series: Part 14

A Rabbi's written response admitting this word in Gen. 6:4 is Hashem, the title for their god!

Let's take a look at this exchange between Tim and the Rabbi.

Who Is Hashem? Not YHWH!!! The Name of God Series: Part 14

42:22 So, we gave Aish a chance to explain and in chat Rabbi Keyak responded. Now, he was fine, uh, not mean at all, not confrontational nor were we. Uh, we just asked some questions and he answered and in all fairness he did answer. Though, he usually answered in Talmudic style of course with a question. So, answer a question with a question. But we asked him about Genesis 6:4 and told him it appears Hashem is the origin of the Nephilim, the father of it. Hmm. He answers with a question of course. "Well, what exactly are you asking about the Giants?" Our question was very clear was it not? I mean you can read it there on screen. We framed it even clearer again and repeat it. To that he wanted to know what translation we were using. Okay so we told him we are using the Masoretic text not a translation and the Hebrew says the Giants were the men of Hashem though it is translated renowned in error. Now, of course that's from the KJV. He essentially agreed that's wrong, renown is wrong, asking where we got the word renown in fact and of course we told him the KJV. Uh, we gave him an out though saying well this means the Giants would have come from Hashem which cannot be true, can it? Uh, oh this is good look at his response. 

The rabbi then admits this is the word Hashem, which it is we showed you Genesis 4 is Men Of Hashem. That's what he's saying too. Uh he's not being dishonest in that at all. Uh, of course with a question, uh, "Why wouldn't the Giants come from Hashem?" Again he doesn't have a problem with that. In other words he has no issue because he doesn't believe the sons of God or Benha Elohim are angels. Now, he says they don't translate it that way which is as wrong as a Rabbi can be but no surprise and we know this we've covered this uh in many videos. Uh ,we'll show you some videos at the end where we prove this out. He distances himself from the Christian perspective of course and then we mention Enoch. Oh now he dismisses it immediately. "We did not canonize Enoch." Indeed they did not. That's true. It's not in the Pharisee Canon of Josephus which is what the modern Jewish Canon is and the Churches are following that Pharisee Canon largely in ignoring the original Bible Canon kept by the biblically ordained sons of Zadok who were exiled to Qumran, Bethabara where Yahusua was baptized, where John the Baptist the son of Zadok operated and we found their Library there which is Bible Canon. 

This Rabbi was respectful and the conversation was fine but revealing indeed and that's what we were looking for as he admits it appears that our first passage in Genesis 6:4 most certainly says the Nephilim Giants are the men of Hashem. He affirmed we're reading the Hebrew correctly there. Of course we know we are because it's direct. Hashem is the word used. The name he calls his God but he's okay with that understand that. Are you? See, we aren't. We could have pressed further but he would have figured out we probably weren't good friends. So, anyway we'll leave this at that

There is quite a lot of projection going on here. Tim says this Rabbi was not confrontational as if he was expecting him to be so. He also says he could have pressed further but he did not because the Rabbi would have figured out it was all a ruse. If the situation was reversed Tim would have immediately called the Rabbi a communist agitator and blocked him. And answering a question with a question is NOT Talmudic, it's the Socratic Method and is an invaluable part of learning to think critically something Tim does not know how to do. 

What is the Socratic Method? Developed by the Greek philosopher, Socrates, the Socratic Method is a dialogue between teacher and students, instigated by the continual probing questions of the teacher, in a concerted effort to explore the underlying beliefs that shape the students views and opinions.

Take a look at how Tim dishonestly presented himself in this chat. 

Aish Fan:  I am confused about something. Looking at Gen. 6:4, the giants were the 'men of renown" or men of Hashem in the Hebrew. Is this not the same God we invoke when trying to replace YHWH with Hashem? Why would we do that?

Rabb Keyak: What exactly are you asking about the giants? 

Aish Fan: It says they were the "men of renown." The word renown in Hebrew is "Hashem." I have someone telling me that I am invoking the wrong God when using Hashem. How do I answer this. 

They continue to tell me Hashem is never found in Torah as a name or title for G-d. 

We?? Tim attempts to pass himself off as a Jew! How ridiculous. Further in the conversation Tim attempts to pass himself off as a Messianic Jew!

I am Messianic....

This whole video is a ridiculous and dishonest attempt to prove that the Nephilim were men of Hashem meaning men who came from the god Hashem or Ashima. That is all bunk. The Hebrew does not say they were men of Hashem. The phrase is "ish Shem." It's two words. "Ish" meaning men and "Shem" meaning renown. 

Inspired by Tim I had a live chat with this very same Rabbi Keyak and he explained to me that the proper name Hashem is not to be found in this text.

Me: But when Hashem is used that is a proper name is it not? Are you saying that in both Genesis 6:4 and Numbers 16:2 this very same exact proper name which is used to address God is in the text?

Rabbi Keyak: No, but it refers to the same Hashem

Me: Ok yes I understand that. I understand there is a milliniea long debate about the identity of the Nefilim but I am not asking about them. I am asking about that very last phrase. Is it Hashem as in the name used when praying to God or is it a phrase with a different meaning?

Rabbi Keyak: Yes, anshei Sheim, for more about that you can look at Yoma 67b

Anshei Sheim is not Hashem

these were people

There you go. It is not Hashem but "anshei Sheim." Lest Tim cavil here the word "anshei" means men the same as "ish." 

The bottom line is Hashem as a proper name is NOT in the text of Genesis 6:4. If he had taken the time to actually ask questions instead of doing some kind of hit and run to get a soundbite then perhaps Tim would have learned that.

Jax: My translation from the Cepher says men of the name in English. Thanks Dr.P. Glad y'all are addressing this too. Yah Bless

The God Culture: Good to see they got that right except Hashem is a name and they should have left it rather than just using another interpretation in our opinion. Yah Bless.

Not only is the proper name Hashem not to be found in Genesis 6:4 but that is not the meaning of the text. The text is not saying the Nephilim came from anyone but they they were noteworthy or famous men. The phrase translated "men of renown" is found elsewhere in the scriptures translated in the same manner as it is in Genesis 6:4. 

Numbers 16:2 And they rose up before Moses, with certain of the children of Israel, two hundred and fifty princes of the assembly, famous in the congregation, men of renown:

Funny that Tim ignores that verse. The entire video is built on Tim's imagination. 

The second lie is also found in this video:

1:00:27 We have issues with Facebook fairly regularly. In fact we were banned recently from using our own channel. Very nice.

If you listen to Tim enough you get a sense that he is being actively persecuted by Facebook and Youtube for his beliefs. But that is not the case. In a speech given on November 27th Tim divulged the exact reason Facebook recently "banned" him.

0:14 We recently, uh, heightened our security and when we heighten our security do you know Facebook banned us again?  Just because we heightened our security and they can't tell exactly where we're located. Well, it's none of their business where we're located. They think we're in South Africa and India and it's bouncing all over the world which is a wonderful thing but at the same time it's also caused issues

Is Timothy Jay Schwab so stupid as to not know that Facebook has protocols in place to detect suspicious activity? If Facebook cannot get a lock on your true location alarm bells are going to go off. If one day your IP address is in South Africa and the next day it's in India that will get their attention. From the sound of it Tim is using a VPN and that will definitely cause trouble for anyone using Facebook.

The reason Facebook sometimes blocks accounts using VPN is because it also keep lists of IP address ranges that are for know for VPN usage. Facebook checks your IP address every time you log in. It's one of the ways they confirm that you really are who you say you are. Another reason Facebook is so stringent about security is because a percentage of their accounts are always under attack by hackers. When you sign into your account using VPN, your IP address suddenly may not fall into the range Facebook has associated with your location. Facebook often treats this scenario as though someone's trying to hack your account.

The cold hard fact is Facebook does not care if Timothy Jay Schwab teaches about the Sabbath or the Philippines being the Garden of Eden. But they do care if he is exhibiting the behavior of a hacker. 

Saturday, November 26, 2022

The God Culture: The Real History of Christmas?

Timothy Jay Schwab of The God Culture has released a series of videos about the history of Christmas. These videos serve as a great way to examine the methods he employs in his other videos and books. I have written somewhat about these methods in various articles noting that at times Tim does not even read sources but has copy/pasted things he found on the internet without verifying thier veracity. In this article I want to focus on Tim's method of researching history which entails conflating the present with the past and totally ignoring historical sources.

The first video in this series is about the history of the Christmas tree. 

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, Wherever Did You Come From? Is Christmas in the Bible?

One does not even have to watch this video to know exactly what Tim will say because it's right on the title card. Christmas trees originate way back to the time of Jeremiah and he condemns them in chapter 10 of his prophetic book. 

9:28 Oh, it's an idol by definition indeed but it is no mystery as to what it is. It is what we now call the Christmas tree in exact practice. We even showed you the videos to see, you know, this all laidout. It's a perfect match already in practice 600 years before Christ or Messiah came in the Flesh. And this practice was co-opted centuries later as supposedly originating with him? That's ridiculous.

11:46 Any so-called scholar that says that this passage is not about the Christmas tree is no Bible scholar and proves themselves illiterate. They cannot even read and comprehend.

12:38 The Catholic Church who changes the Bible on many things, thus a cursed organization according to scripture, that's what it says many times go read it, deflects on this because what they did is they brought back this ancient occult practice and they are too inept to read that Jeremiah directly rebukes them.

All of that is simply a lie. Christmas trees originated in Germany during the time of the Protestant Reformation. If the Catholic Church brought back the practice of Christmas trees then why did the Vatican not have one until 1982! That is a fact of history that Tim does not discuss at all because it does not jibe with his anti-ecclesiastical stance. Tim continually does everything he can to defame the Church which is the Body of Christ. 

The second video purports to be The Real History of Christmas. 

The Real History of Christmas. Is Christmas in the Bible?

Interesting. Is Tim going to talk about the Feast of the Epiphany and how the Feast of the Nativity did not become separate until much later? Is he going to talk about the decrees of Emperors and the Church on how to solemnize Christmas Day? Is he going to talk about the differences between the Eastern and Western Churches and why they celebrate Christmas weeks apart from one another? Will he be discussing why December 25th was actually thought to be the birth day of Jesus Christ? 

Of course not! Tim's modus is to conflate modern practices and claim that is exactly how the Feast of the Nativity was celebrated in the past. In fact he makes some downright ridiculous claims about the origin of Christmas sweaters, the twelve days of Christmas, and even Santa and the elves. 

11:08 It was an occasion for visits to friends and the presentation of gifts. Ah! Sounding familiar? Of course it is because this is the origin of Christmas.

12:55 Both of these are about gift giving and these became the manuals for this Pagan occult practice. Uh, these would morph into uh what would be called the 12 books of epigrams. Yep or origin of the 12 Days of Christmas. Indeed. There you go.

16:10 Instead of the toga colorful dinner cloths, you know like Christmas sweaters perhaps, were permitted in public as was the pilius a felt cap normally worn...wait, wait, wait, you mean like the elves wear? Like like Santa wears? Huuuuh! Especially the elves though because see they are the slaves. Hmm how about that? There you go. The origin of elves, the slaves. Nothing new under the sun folks 
31:17 They rebranded the most Pagan occult day of the year as the birth of Messiah. That's basically what they did.

36:13 They were willing to have those pagan holidays metamorphosed into Christian ones.  

The third video in this series is a wholly ridiculous spiel about how Santa Claus is really Satan. He is also a Nicolaitan which is a group mentioned in the Revelation.

Jolly Old St. Nicolaitan? Old Nick = Satan? Is Christmas in the Bible?

This video is loaded through and through with the word concept fallacy. No one is meaning Satan when they are referring to Santa Claus. Santa is not Satan, he is not the devil in disguise, and he is certainly not a Nicolaitan. But Tim gets there by St. Nick, nick meaning the devil, and nick as in Ncolaitian. It's a wholly worthless video that is good enough for The God Culture's unthinking followers who do not care to verify the nonsense Tim says but is void of any actual history about the identity of Santa Claus. 

It's as stupid as if I connected Tim's name and the word tempter because Tim and Tem-pter sound similar. And who is the tempter? Why Satan of course. That means Tim is Satan. The word concept fallacy is literally Timothy Jay Schwab's historical method.

The problem with these videos is that, despite the titles, Tim does not dive into history at all. He cites from no early church witnesses about the Feast of the Nativity and how it was celebrated. Instead he criticizes modern day practices as if that is how the Church has always celebrated Christmas. The fact is the modern day Christmas season and the way it is celebrated is largely a creation of Coca-Cola and the poem The Night Before Christmas.

Were the Church Fathers erecting Christmas trees, exchanging gifts, feasting, watching sports, and singing carols about elves and Santa Claus? Of course not but one would not know that by listening to Timothy Jay Schwab. 

Tim's thesis in a nutshell is December 25th is Saturnalia, Christmas was celebrated on December 25th to Christianize that pagan holiday, therefore Christmas is Saturnalia and is bad. But not one time does he prove this. Not one time does he cite a single document showing that Christmas is celebrated on that date for that express purpose. He is also ignorant that the Eastern Church does not and never has celebrated Christmas on December 25th. That fact alone shoots down his thesis.

Here is Augustine in Book 4 of On the Trinity showing what a fool Tim is.

For He is believed to have been conceived on the 25th of March, upon which day also He suffered; so the womb of the Virgin, in which He was conceived, where no one of mortals was begotten, corresponds to the new grave in which He was buried, wherein was never man laid, neither before nor since. But He was born, according to tradition, upon December the 25th.

Encyclopedia Britanica even takes Tim's sloppy thesis to task

One of the difficulties with this view is that it suggests a nonchalant willingness on the part of the Christian church to appropriate a pagan festival when the early church was so intent on distinguishing itself categorically from pagan beliefs and practices.

A second view suggests that December 25 became the date of Jesus’ birth by a priori reasoning that identified the spring equinox as the date of the creation of the world and the fourth day of creation, when the light was created, as the day of Jesus’ conception (i.e., March 25). December 25, nine months later, then became the date of Jesus’ birth. For a long time the celebration of Jesus’ birth was observed in conjunction with his baptism, celebrated January 6.
According to Tim on Christmas Day the Church Fathers were watching football and drinking beer and having a riotous time like the pagans whose holiday they co-opted. Not so according to the Code of Theodosius which forbids all such celebrations during the Feast of the Nativity.

 The Theodosian Code and Novels, and the Sirmondian Constitutions, Clyde Pharr, pg. 433

On the following occasions all amusements of the theaters and the circuses shall be denied throughout all cities to the people thereof, and the minds of Christians and of the faithful shall be wholly occupied in the worship of God : namely, on the Lord's day, which is the first day of the whole week, on the Natal Day and Epiphany of Christ, and on the day of Easter and of Pentecost
It is not my purpose here to give a full treatment of the REAL Real History of Christmas. For that I point you to a book Timothy Jay Schwab has previously cited yet has never read, The Antiquities of the Christian Church by Joseph Bingham.

The section of his two-volume work about the festivals and holy days of the early church is unparalleled. He goes right to the sources and shows exactly what the early church taught and practiced in regards to Christmas, the sabbath, the Lord's Day, Easter, and other holy days. It is not at all like what Timothy Jay Schwab claims. But nothing ever is what Tim claims it to be as he is constantly misinterpreting and twisting his sources to fit his erroneous worldview. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

The God Culture: Origin of the Races

After discussing the course of the sun and moon as described in Enoch and proving himself to be a complete enemy to actual science Timothy Jay Schwab of The God Culture now goes on to tell us all how the races of men came to be. In sum, Noah was born an albino and his three sons Shem, Japheth, and Ham passed down the races of men through his albino genes combining with theirs. Shem is brown, Japheth is white, and Ham is black. There is a lot of nonsense to skim through here.

The Mysterious Birth of Noah. Why Was He Different? Answers In First Enoch Part 47

The first thing to note is this title card. How were the races preserved? That assumes there were different races of men before the flood. But that would not be possible if mankind has Adam and Eve alone as their parents. Like begets like and there is simply no way the children of Adam and Eve would beget offspring differing from themselves. It's just not going to happen and Tim offers no proof there were various races of men before the flood.

Second of all when Tim talks about race he is talking ONLY about skin color. 

8:23 How did the races such as what we call white, brown, black, or whatever you want to call it. No, the terms aren't even accurate as we're all brown, period. I mean many will say that and and that's truth, that is actually truth. We're just different shades of brown. That's what we all are. There's no such thing as white or black really 

Race is a heck of a lot more deeper than the color of one's skin. There is bone structure (forensic pathologists can identify someones race by thier bones), cranial capacity (look at IQ by nation!), eye formation (epicanthic folds!!), nose structure, and hair texture. 

Skin Color is not the only difference here!

There is also society or civilization. Not all peoples have created great societies. The Europeans, Indians, Chinese, Japanese, and Mesoamericans have each created great societies with monuments that last to this day testifying to their high level of intelligence. Sub-Saharan Africans and Australian aborigines have produced nothing. Is that due to skin color? Of course not! Culture is an expression of racial character which is much more than merely the color of one's skin. The Muslim historian and traveller Ibn Khaldun knew this principle a long time ago.

Beyond them to the south, there is no civilization in the proper sense. There are only humans who are closer to dumb animals than to rational beings. They live in thickets and caves and eat herbs and unprepared grain. They frequently eat each other. They cannot be considered human beings.

If race were merely skin deep then an African albino would look just like a white European.

Do these people look like Europeans? No! That's because race is far more than the color of one's skin. 

The first video in this series is quite long and foundational. Tim spends a great deal of time defending the account of Noah's birth in Enoch by appealing to the fragmented Genesis Apocryphon which was found amongst the Dead Sea Scrolls. Tim claims that Noah was born an albino or albino-like. The account from Enoch 106 is as follows:

1. And after some days my son Methuselah took a wife for his son Lamech, and she became pregnant by him and bore a son. 

2. And his body was white as snow and red as the blooming of a rose, and the hair of his head and his long locks were white as wool, and his eyes beautiful. And when he opened his eyes, he lighted up the whole house like the sun, and the whole house was very bright. 

3. And thereupon he arose in the hands of the midwife, opened his mouth, and conversed with the Lord of righteousness.

That is NOT albinism! His eyes lit up the room?  He is speaking with God immediately after being born? Leave it to Tim to remove the miraculous as he did with the story of Jonah. Albinism is a genetic defect and yet Tim claims Noah was genetically perfect!

4:30: "Noah was a just man and perfect in his Generations." Now, what does that mean? His DNA. 

A commenter brought up this exact point.

Millennial in ManilaShem as red as blood but of course he is not that red maybe just exageration just to make a point just like Noah being as white as snow but definitely not that white but just the same as white people that we have now. He couldn’t be albino since albinism is a genetic disorder and Noah genes was pure.

The God CultureWhat video did you watch because you certainly do not represent this one. Noah was perfect genetically not possessing a disorder nor do we ever say so. His special genes account for the continuation of diverse races. He is not an albino today which would be illiterate and we never say so. His genes however, are the origin. Albinism is not a disease and it is extremely racist to call it such. Yes, many albinos today have other disorders but that has nothing to do with Noah and impertinent. Noah was perfect and he was white as an albino indeed similar to a an Angel/Nephilim white not like white people. Did you even watch this video? That is what Lamech and Methuselah say of Noah. Why do you reframe their words? Don't do that here. You will be muted. No agitation. No debate in ignorance. Our channel, our rules. Yah Bless.

What a load of nonsense. Noah is not an albino today? What does that even mean? Yeah, Noah is long dead. 

Calling albinism a genetic defect is racist? Clearly Tim has no idea what albinism is. If Noah had albino-like genes then he was defective genetically. End of story. Amazingly enough Tim claims there is no scientific explanation for albinism and the only proper answer is that it comes from Noah. 

1:01:38 First Noah is truly described as being albino like. Now this is our conclusion that we're drawing from this but it does make logical sense. Uh, it's something very unique to his time of course. Uh, it's still rare today but not as unique today as as likely those are genes handed down at least in part from Noah to this day and that's where uh albinism came from really. 

When an albino mates the genes of their pair, uh, who whomever they take as a mate, become the dominant genes. If they take an African-American wife they'll basically generally, again we're not saying in all cases, and not everybody's the same, but generally they'll have an African-American child. If they marry white person their children will be white because whatever trait of the maid of the spouse would dominate theirs assuming they were, you know, it wasn't another albino of course. And then who knows? But this trait has no explanation except for first Enoch in this account. There's really no, uh, true good scientific explanation for the origin of albinism, uh, nor how we got the races.

Yet, Enoch's about to tell you, and this is going to blow you away, you just wait. So, it makes sense though that Noah had the special genes to carry the major races across the flood

The second paragraph is unbelievably stupid. If an albino mates with a negro a negro child will be produced? What if the albino is not a negro albino? Then the child won't be a negro of course. Negroes carry negro genes and will always give birth to negroes even if they happen to be albino. The same goes for every race. Tim's view of race is incredibly simplistic and does not take into account the fact that race is not just about skin color. And where is his proof? Where are his scientific papers to prove this horse hockey about what kind of children albinos produce? He has none because Tim is making it up as he goes. After all, "it makes sense."

Likewise Tim's claim that there is no true good scientific explanation for the origin of albinism" is simply not true. Albinism occurs in plants and animals. We know its cause which is the lack of pigmentation in animals and lack of chlorophyll in plants. Tim is a liar!! This is utterly ridiculous. 

Albinism is a congenital condition characterized in humans by the partial or complete absence of pigment in the skin, hair and eyes. Albinism is associated with a number of vision defects, such as photophobia, nystagmus, and amblyopia. Lack of skin pigmentation makes for more susceptibility to sunburn and skin cancers. In rare cases such as Chédiak–Higashi syndrome, albinism may be associated with deficiencies in the transportation of melanin granules. This also affects essential granules present in immune cells leading to increased susceptibility to infection.

Albinism results from inheritance of recessive gene alleles and is known to affect all vertebrates, including humans. It is due to absence or defect of tyrosinase, a copper-containing enzyme involved in the production of melanin. Unlike humans, other animals have multiple pigments and for these, albinism is considered to be a hereditary condition characterised by the absence of melanin in particular, in the eyes, skin, hair, scales, feathers or cuticle. While an organism with complete absence of melanin is called an albino, an organism with only a diminished amount of melanin is described as leucistic or albinoid. The term is from the Latin albus, "white".

Though race is 100% real geneticists who have been studying the human genome for decades say there is no genetic basis for race meaning all humans are human and not that there are no differences in the way many humans look and act.

The completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003 confirmed humans are 99.9% identical at the DNA level and there is no genetic basis for race

Tim's thesis falls flat at every single level. From Noah being genetically perfect yet an albino or albino-like to the races being skin deep. This is laughable nonsense. 

Above I referred to Enoch part 47 as the first video in a series but I was wrong. This is the ONLY video about how Noah preserved the races of men through his three sons. Tim does promise he will tell us the mechanics of this process but he never does. The bit about albinos mating and producing certain offspring based upon the race of thier chosen mate is not a coherent explanation. Instead the next video is an interpretation of Enoch's animal dream vision which touches ever so slightly upon the subject.

Enoch's Animal Dream Vision 101 Animation. Answers In First Enoch Part 48

19:49 But that white bull, Noah, which had become a man, now human skin tone in identification, but in this case really white like a Nephilim, similar to an albino to carry the genes across the flood, and we'll see how. No, Noah was not an actual albino. Albinism would have begun with Noah of sort though he had no defects whatsoever. He was perfect. Came out of that vessel and the three bulls with him and one of those three was white like that bull. Whoa! That's Japheth who inherited the lands known in origin as white peoples to the north. And one of them was red is blood. That's Shem as shemite, Semite, same word should be don't know why they dropped the H but very deceptive, generally is a medium brown or red skin in history such as the Native American Indian or the Filipino. He was given Asia essentially. And one black this is Ham who received the Southern Hemisphere and that matches.

And that's it. That one paragraph is all Tim has to say on the subject of the races being preserved through Noah in this video. Perhaps he will have something more to say in the future. 

So, Noah was not an albino but merely similar to an albino because he was white. What does that even mean? Tim does not say. He also promises we will see how the various racial genes were carried across the flood via Noah because of his "albinism" but Tim never gives any mechanics as to how that would work. He simply assumes it. He does give a cute little animation to illustrate his false doctrine.

Let's try to find a conclusion here. 

Tim's argument for the origin of the races is that Noah was white skinned like an albino and that somehow the genes for all the various races were encoded in his DNA which he transferred to his three sons. Rather than his sons progeny looking like weird creatures which is always the result of race mixing Japheth became the white race, Ham the negro race, and Shem all the brown races. How this happened Tim does not say. 

Once again Tim is going way above his pay grade. He is no geneticist. All he has is the book of Enoch as his guide. This dream vision of Enoch has been interpreted in the manner Tim ascribes to it, that each of Noah's sons was the father of the various races. However, Enoch says nothing about Noah having special genes for this purpose. Instead Enoch relates that Noah had a miraculous birth wherein his skin was white, his eyes lit up the room when they opened, and he could immediately talk upon leaving the womb. Tim pulls the fanciful notion about Noah being born that way to carry the genes of each race across the flood right out of his hat and he offers no proof of any kind whatsoever. 

When confronted with the fact that albinism is a genetic defect Tim retreats and says Noah was not an albino but merely albino-like. What that means he does not say. Albinos have no skin pigment which is why they are white. Did Noah have a white skin pigment or was his skin without pigmentation? And how would that entail having the genes of all the races encoded in his DNA? Tim does not say. He assumes it every step of the way without giving any proof whatsoever. That is his method. It is par for the course. 

It's funny that Timothy Jay Schwab wants us to trust our eyes when it comes to the sun but not when it comes to race.

Do these women look like they are merely different shades of brown? The notion is absurd. 

Thursday, October 13, 2022

The God Culture: The Bizarre Cosmology of Timothy Jay Schwab

Having previously taken a look at the graceless, Christless, blasphemous, sacrilegious, and altogether heretical theology of Timothy Jay Schwab of The God Culture it is now time to examine his bizarre cosmology. In sum Tim teaches the earth is flat and motionless, the sun and moon are the same size, the heat of the sun determines the seasons, and there are no such things as planets. 

The goal here is to let Tim speak for himself with as little commentary as possible. Elsewhere I have written about this false cosmology showing exactly why it is false and contradicts proven, scientific reality. First up is the alleged cosmology of the ancient world. Tim is quite clear that he is following the ancient teachings.

50:55 And we follow their teachings, the ancient teachings on this channel. That's where we're taking you, back to the ancient teachings which have precedence and foundation as Bible canon and scripture. 

The Error of the Moon for Days, Weeks, Months and Years. Part 1. Answers In First Enoch Part 43

What is the teaching of Enoch and the rest of the ancient world? That the earth is flat. 

Pounders Live: The Location of the Rivers of Eden w/ guest "The God Culture)

48:38 The ancient mapping process required the North Pole to be in the center, in the navel, of the earth. Antarctica is a shelf that surrounds it and it is a flat round disc. That's the way they map it. Whether anybody believes in flat earth or not you can't dispute that.

That the earth is a flat round disk with Antarctica acting as a shelf to hold in the ocean is indeed what Tim firmly believes and teaches.
Tradewind: If earth is flat..there should be barriers at d ends, so the water wouldnt spill

The God Culture: It's called Antarctica and the firmament. Yah Bless.

Now I will go through a few videos letting Tim speak for himself.

The modern scientific theory of the continents is plate tectonics. Tim calls this an occult religious belief.

6:19  For those espousing pangaea, or really Pan Gaia, an occult religious belief not science, the hydroplate theory which relies on the false science of moving plates floating on magma smashing together understand that at 1,000 miles per hour at the equator such chaotic motion would never lead to a separation of continents but the opposite.  It would lead to there only being one continent and it would be a mountain all the way into space likely.  Accusing Yahuah of creating such chaos is a lack of faith truly and certainly not a Biblical perspective.   

Before the flood there were no oceans for large whales and other sea creatures in which to swim but only large rivers. 

13:26 There was no ocean before the flood nor any terminology in Genesis that says otherwise. The word "seas" in the early Genesis creation account can just as easily be interpreted as large rivers, not oceans.  

NOAH'S ARK FOUND in 2010 on Mount Ararat? Does The Bible Agree? Flood Series 5A

The earth is stationary. The sun, moon, and stars move.

30:35 It is the sun, moon, and stars that move, not the earth. 

Testing The Sun's Courses of First Enoch. Modern Scientism Fails! Answers In First Enoch Part 41

The sun is also not 92 million miles away. That is fictional and has never been measured or observed by anyone ever.

14:40 If seasons are caused by the distance from the sun from over 90 million miles away, which is quite fictional, no one has ever observed such nor measured such, then there's a problem here. Don't believe me? Go ahead and try to measure the sun 90 million miles away. Oh, you can't do that. Wait a minute nobody in the science world can do that either. So nobody knows from that viewpoint.   

Testing The Sun's Courses of First Enoch. Modern Scientism Fails! Answers In First Enoch Part 41

The sun is only a few thousand miles away and it is the same size as the moon.

18:24 Not only is it not anywhere near 90 plus million miles away, it's very close. Within thousands of miles not millions. Not hundreds of thousands even. 

Testing The Sun's Courses of First Enoch. Modern Scientism Fails! Answers In First Enoch Part 41

1:00:05 But as regards size, they are both equal. Hoo hoo! What? Wait minute, the sun and the moon are the same size? Well that's not what they tell us in modern scientism, is it?

The Sun's Course Animation. Enoch's Scientific Observation. Answers In First Enoch Part 40

The sun is powered by the wind as it moves through portals or windows and the intensity of its heat is what causes the seasons because the earth does not tilt. 

15:58 The sun is powered by the wind.

The Sun's Course Animation. Enoch's Scientific Observation. Answers In First Enoch Part 40

26:15 The sun also is powered by these windows so it gets hotter and cooler in different seasons. We don't know the intensity at all times but generally, man this fits like a glove. 

Testing The Sun's Courses of First Enoch. Modern Scientism Fails! Answers In First Enoch Part 41

How are eclipses caused? By the moon getting in front of the sun and the sun getting in front of the moon. 

31:19 Once again the opportunity for eclipses arises as the moon turns back and recedes behind the sun. This would cause an eclipse uh in a certain area of the world at certain times, uh, of, you know, certain moments. Uh, both lunar and solar eclipses are explained by this dynamic as the moon could be in front asome times and the sun could be in front at some times, uh, from a certain perspective. Remember they are the same size according to Enoch we'll show you those scriptures in a second, well in a few minutes. Another time the sun in front of the moon. So, in both cases you got an eclipse. 

The Error of the Moon for Days, Weeks, Months and Years. Part 2. Answers In First Enoch Part 44

Let's take this to an end and look to the heavens. Does the sun sit in the center of the solar system? Are there such things as planets? No.

28:56 Yes, there are cults in Babylon and Greece that have their own little religion where the sun is their god in the center of the, uh, solar system with nine planets, including the earth, rotating around them even, you know, basically, rotating around their sun god. That's the origin of that doctrine. It is a doctrine it's not science, it's never been proven. Umm, no one has ever proved that Jupiter is actually a planet. Just because they show us a representation of an animation of what they think it might possibly look like if they could actually see it and they can't. That clearly then, um, eh, maybe. But no thank you they have no clue. 

Answers in First Enoch Part 7: Enoch's Middle of the Earth. Exiting Inner Earth

That's really enough. There is no need to continue. This is Timothy Jay Schwab's cosmology in a nutshell. The earth is flat, the sun and the moon are the same size and hover over the earth, there are no planets, and the seasons are caused by the heat of the sun as it moves in and out of portals.

It's madness and it all comes from the unscriptural Books of Enoch and Jubilees. Enoch never wrote that book nor did Moses write Jubilees. We can know this because their descriptions of the universe are false and contradict Genesis 1 which says in no uncertain terms the sun AND the moon AND the stars regulate time not the sun alone.

14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

Tim hates science so much that he cannot even trust his eyes which, if he were to look through a telescope, would see that Jupiter (along with Mars, Saturn, and Neptune) is indeed another world. You can see its huge red spot just like Samuel Henrich Schwabe did in 1813. You can track its movements across the sky. 

If you have come here looking for me to disprove Tim's statements you will be disappointed because that is not the point. I am not going to write a science text book here. Nevertheless here are several articles where I deal in depth with all the nonsense above.

Read those articles. Read up on some science. The earth is not flat. The sun is millions of miles away. The seasons are caused by the earth's tilt. Those are facts that have been proven and are not taken on faith but on actual measurements as well as photography. It is only nonsense like the cosmology of Enoch and Timothy Jay Schwab of the God Culture which must be taken on faith because there is no science to back it up.

The God Culture: Flat Earthers and Pharisees From Clown World

This post will be quite direct and to the point. There will be no analysis of The God Culture's videos. It's not needed. Instead we have direct testimony from Timothy Jay Schwab himself in the comment section of one of his videos.

A little background first. Tim and company believe that the Rivers of Eden are deep sea trenches that encircle the earth. But wait! They don't encircle the earth according to Tim because he does not believe the earth is a globe! From the comments of the above video we read the following exchange:
Kurt Stephen: Hi TGC! In your own understanding, does  the earth flat or sphere? 
The God Culture: The Bible lays out a flat earth and science tells us it's a sphere. We'll let those debate that but in reading the Bible, we are going to do so in the right paradigm and the writers did not discuss the cosmology of a sphere. Yah Bless. 
The earth is flat according to Timothy Jay Schwab. The Bible tells him so.

Actually it does not tell him so because the Bible is not a science text book. However experimentation, daily experience, and actual satellite photographs of the planet tell a wholly different story which is that the world is just as round as Timothy Jay Schwab's middle aged pot belly. 

But wait, there's more!

From "Rivers & Garden Of Eden FOUND! The Best Theory. Fits the Bible. Flood Series 6A. Ophir:"
1:02:36 - See this is more than a theory at this point as we are well on our way to proving this if only we could bring together a team of scientists to fully vet this. But too many are stuck in false paradigms unfortunately even those in the Christian arena which are set all over the academic world unfortunately. Many have said they would like to see this system on a flat earth map as well so here you go. We do not breach that topic as of yet because it is too polarizing but we have no issue with people researching the topic and actually we encourage everyone to prove all things.
The comment section of this video is full of positive flat earth comments to which The God Culture responds "Yah bless" or worse!
Nisi Ryan Cruz: Is there any mention in the bible that we are revolving around the sun? 

The God Culture: None. Only the sun having a course and standing still during the days of Joshua indicating movement. Yah Bless. 
Not only is the earth flat but it is motionless! Tim has devolved back to geocentricity so much so that he does not even believe that the Sun is 90 million miles from the Earth. He quotes from Enoch 8:3:
66:25 "Shamsiel the signs of the sun." Probably the false facts that it is 90 million light years away perhaps? Which is never, ever been proven. Uh, sunspots?
I agree that the sun is NOT 90 million LIGHT YEARS AWAY from Earth. If it was we would all be dead because it would be outside of the Milky Way which is only 170,000 - 200,000 light years in diameter! Clearly he means 90 million miles but it's a funny slip up and even with the correction he is still dead wrong. It is not false science that the sun is 90 million miles away and it has been proven. Just as the Greeks knew the earth was round they also knew the sun was farther from the earth than the moon and had the distance down pretty close. What do sunspots have to do with anything?

In another comment Tim is asked to make a video about the earth being not a globe and he says that he may do so in time.
Johnny 2Shadows: You guys should definitely do a video "proving" how Yahuahs word does NOT speak of a globe earth! 
The God Culture: We may in time but we aren't ready for that one yet. Already sparking enough controversy as it is. Yah Bless. 
When confronted with this information The God Culture denies it all!
We have no videos on flat earth and our group has never reached such consensus. Only a liar would say otherwise and there ya go, he just did.
No videos on the subject? Ok sure.  But no consensus on the matter?  Then why these comments affirming the earth is flat?  Is Tim going against the mind of "the group" by posting these comments? Only a blind man could fail to see that Timothy Jay Schwab of the The God Culture affirms the earth is flat and that he bases that belief on scripture.

Tim and his gang love to repeat the same talking points. One of them is the following quote from Einstein.  

"Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance."
The problem is Einstein never said this. It is actually a quote from William Paley which has been mangled and misattributed during a centuries long telephone game.  You can read the whole history of the phrase in a paper titled, "The Survival of a Fitting Quotation."

Is the principle itself true? Maybe. Sometimes certainly not. Do I really need to smoke shabu before I can condemn it? One does not need to taste or even see the fruit of a tree to know what kind of tree one is looking at. The bark, branches, and leaves tell the whole story. Same with The God Culture.  One does not need to watch every single one of their videos to know what they are made of. The same rule also applies to the flat earth nonsense.

In the matter of the flat earth what does it even mean to research it and prove all things as Timothy encourages? Does he expect people to become scientists and do actual research and observations in a systematic scientific way? It's the same with the rest of his series and theories. They are patently untestable and unreliable without a lot of field work. Not even Timothy tests them out as he does not go into the field and do actual archeological or geological work. He is an armchair expert who relies on the research of others often twisting it to fit his paradigm. He literally thinks that because he has read a few books and articles that he has found what no one else in the world has ever found, namely Ophir, The Garden of Eden, the Lost Tribes, etc. It's all nonsense from a nonexpert who has been nowhere and tested nothing!

If you want to learn some real Bible archeology this book is a good start:

Do I really need to watch hours of videos or read books before I reject the flat earth stupidity? No. I have been all over the world including to Antarctica. 

In December the sun does not set in Antarctica. The night sky is also different in the southern hemisphere than from the northern hemisphere. There is the Southern Cross and the two Magellanic Clouds which are not visible in the northern night sky. Polaris is not visible in the south at all while Orion is pushed to the northern horizon and is not fully visible the further south one goes. From the Philippines one can see Polaris, Orion, and the Southern Cross because we are in the middle of the earth. All of that is because the earth is round. It is as round as Timothy Jay Schwab's head!

What does believing in a flat earth mean for Timothy Jay Schwab of the God Culture? It means all his videos about the Rivers of Eden are lies based on quackery. For sure he is no geologist or geographer.  Yet he has the gall to call his patently unscientific research scientific! Tim goes even further and claims he can interpret scientific research accurately while the scientists who actually did the research cannot!
Jubilees even leaves exact directions to the Garden and having mapped them we can tell you with 100% certainty that it is the Philippines. Which is confirmed by history, geography, science, language, and everything. The location of the rivers from Eden which we find even scientifically and it fits the passage as none of the older other theories out there actually do and even better the location of the Garden of Eden and the land of creation is completely confirmed by science even modern marine biologists themselves.  If they only knew what the ramifications are of their most recent findings. Which they do not because they do not believe the Bible.
How much more arrogant can Tim be than to say scientists don't understand their own research but he, a man totally untrained in science and believes the Earth is flat, does!?

The God Culture are idiots who believe the earth is flat and that faith in Christ is not the foundation of our salvation. They don't even believe the proper name for one who confesses faith in Christ is Christian or that the Apostles were or wanted to be called Christians!
And they infused that worship once again into the movement called Christianity by pagans which as pagans they took that title.  So the actual followers of Yahusha do not refer to themselves as Christians. The word is only in the Bible four times and it is really the onlookers calling them the "Christians" in a negative way which is not a name Paul wanted to adopt or any of the followers of Yahusha nor did they because if they did you would see it in the New Testament a thousand times not four.
It actually appears three times and while the reference in Acts 11:26 could be interpreted as being attributed to onlookers and as negative the other two cannot.
Acts 26:28 Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian. 
29 And Paul said, I would to God, that not only thou, but also all that hear me this day, were both almost, and altogether such as I am, except these bonds.
Felix says he was almost persuaded to be a Christian and Paul says he wishes he was altogether such as him, a Christian! He accepts the term and adopts it to himself. Substitute "Christian" with the word "jerk" and see if it works.

The third reference is in a letter by Peter and the term is also not used in a negative way at all.
1 Peter 4:16 Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf.
Let him not be ashamed? As Tim would say, yikes, yeesh, ugh, uh-oh! Imagine being so edgy as to call the name "Christian" pagan. Again substitute the word "jerk" for Christian. It doesn't fit! Christian is used in a positive sense in the scriptures every single time. Tim declines to tell us the proper name for a person who believes in Jesus Christ. I have a hunch it is Yahudim.

Tim can't even get it straight as to whether or not he is a minister.  From Sabbath Series Commentary:
0:50 "We don't even refer to ourselves as ministers but researchers." 
But in the comment section of my blog he writes:
"We have always been a ministry but again, you don't know the meaning as you don't with anything, you assume whatever you want in fraud because you are a fraud."
So, The God Culture is a ministry but no one who works there is a minister?  Who ever heard of a ministry with no ministers!?? While Tim did edit his webpage to erase any mention of him reentering the evangelistic ministry in the Philippines he did not edit out that his intention in starting a Youtube channel was to gather a following.
They chose the platform of YouTube to share their research initially in order to gather a following and after 3 years and over 9 million views from 214 countries on a teaching channel, The God Culture now brings this research directly to the public in conducting conferences beginning in the Philippines as much of the geography restored leads to that land.
This is in stark contrast to what he says elsewhere:
What a journey of truth this has been for us. Over 3 million views later we never thought a teaching series would gain so much interest but it continues to daily.  We love you Philippines by the way. We're not done with this though.
If Tim never thought the series would gain so much interest then why did he release so many high quality videos in quick succession when he first started back in 2017? The God Culture is NOT a fly-by-night operation. Tim registered the website back in 2013. He had obviously been working on this project for a long time before the first video appeared. The whole purpose was to gain a following just as his web page says. Why would he play coy? Why would you lie about something dumb like that?

Tim cannot even get his doctrine of salvation straight.  One moment he says we are not redeemed by the law.
18:54 Did the law of Moses save? Never! No one at anytime, no! Who preaches that the law is salvation? Think about this.  The Pharisees do.  That's not a Bible principle that's the Pharisees. Paul is condemning the Pharisees not the Old Testament or the Prophets whom he teaches from and reaffirms. Is one saved because they keep the sabbath?  Well we have been accused of saying that but we never have but no, sabbath and the law are not salvation.
The next moment he says we are!
39:55 Now how are we freed from the law of sin and death? Uh-oh! It is the law of the Spirit of life, the law of Moses which frees us. The law written by the very finger of Yahuah Himself.  The law is what redeems us.
50:53 But ye are not in the flesh, under sin and death, so we're not to operate in the flesh but in the Spirit. That's the law of life, the law of Moses, operates in the Spirit. If so be that the Spirit of God, Yahuah, dwell in you. So how does Paul equate this? As we have seen several times thus far?  By keeping the law of life, I mean the law of Moses. That is what overcomes the law of sin and death. That is what it means to be in the Spirit.
Tim says only Pharisees teach salvation comes by the law. Tim also says the law redeems us and that to walk in the Spirit is to keep the law of Moses.  Therefore Tim is a Pharisee by his own admission! In fact it is the restoration of the Mosaic law by Filipinos in the Philippines during the end times that is the whole point of Timothy's teaching!

But what is the Mosaic law?  To hear Tim talk you'd think it's just the Big Ten. There are more than that.
rose ann lazinec: Is the Law of God just the 10 commandments? or does it include the 613 commandments? 
The God Culture: The law is the Torah. All the writings of Moses. You will find the 10 commandments are it's core however. Breaking the minor laws usually break one of the 10. Yah Bless. 
According to Tim the law of Moses is the entire Torah. All 613 laws of which 10 form a core. I'm not sure what he means by minor laws. The Torah is a whole and there are no minor laws. To break one is to break all. And they are ALL perpetual. Not just the Big Ten. Take the law of the Levitical priesthood for instance.  It is as eternal and binding as the sabbath which Tim ceaselessly harps on.
Exodus 40:15 And thou shalt anoint them, as thou didst anoint their father, that they may minister unto me in the priest's office: for their anointing shall surely be an everlasting priesthood throughout their generations.
And how about this law?
Leviticus 15:18 The woman also with whom man shall lie with seed of copulation, they shall both bathe themselves in water, and be unclean until the even.
This is part of the eternal law of God which, according to Tim, Adam, Noah, and all the patriarchs kept.  It is a statute forever throughout their generations. Why does Tim not talk about it? Why doesn't he make snide comments about never hearing this law explained from the pulpit? Why do no Judaizing legalists ever talk about this law? After a man shtups his wife they are both unclean and need to bathe in water. Does Tim practice this law? Does he take a bath after he shtups his shiksa? He better or else he is a lawbreaker. Of course he is already a lawbreaker because his "marriage" is a violation of the law of Christ who forbids such relationships calling them adultery.

This is all very important becasue Tim says all of his teaching about the Philippines leads to the restoration of the Mosaic law by Filipinos in the end times. From "The Law of Sin and Death. What is it? NOT The Law of Moses! WHAT DID PAUL SAY?":
52:28 Now some have questioned how did we arrive here and I told you in the beginning in the last video in the introduction that we started in this whole path by just trying to find Ophir in the Bible. That's it.  We were testing is the Philippines Ophir and we got all the way here.  How does that happen? It happens because this is no mistake. This is exactly where that message leads.  See it's time for this people of Ophir especially to learn the law and restore it just as their prophecies say they will. This is not some disjointed ADD approach it's very systematic and we're leading here because this is where the prophecies lead. We are teaching how to fulfill the very prophecies of Ophir.  This is no minor task and as you can see we certainly do not take our role lightly. This is happening folks and the Philippines will rise. Many around the world will follow and they are already starting to join. We're almost there.
Tim's vision for the Philippines is a land where the Mosaic law in all of its fullness has been restored.  That necessarily includes a Levitical priesthood and sacrifices! Is there not enough bloodshed in these islands that Filipinos will have to revert from faith in the once for all sacrifice of Jesus Christ to offering up animals to Yahuah in the Holy of Holies which Tim claims is in the Garden of Eden and locates in the Philippines? Locates underwater in fact!
44:14 It's funny how we keep seeing that stones of fire and yet we've proven that the Garden of Eden is actually right there in the Philippines under the sea enclosed.
So, according to Tim Enoch has lived for 4,000 years in a Garden under the sea? Now he's ripping off The Beatles! Somebody send a yellow submarine down there and get it on video! It's either there or it isn't. Time to put up or shut up Tim.

This is total madness and it's time for Timothy Jay Schwab of The God Culture to stop pretending he is a Christian. And let's not quibble about words here. The correct term for one who believes in Jesus Christ is Christian and not Yahudim. No Christian would say the law of Moses redeems us. No Christian would say that Jesus Christ has not fulfilled the law. No Christian would reject faith in Christ as the basis of our salvation as Tim does in Sabbath Series 5:
19:35 We aren't to just have faith in Yahusha. That’s not enough. That’s not it.  No, no, no, no. We are to keep His commandments.
No Christian would say that to walk or operate in the Spirit is to keep the law of Moses as Tim does  several times in "The Law of Sin and Death. What is it? NOT The Law of Moses! WHAT DID PAUL SAY?".
16:55 Operating in the Spirit is operating in the law of Moses.
As I previously wrote this false soteriology is all a result of Tim's denial of the Trinity and especially the work of the Holy Spirit who seals us, works in us to produce fruits, and fills us with Himself. The promises of the Gospel are far more wonderful than a mere forensic justification and forgiveness of sin as most Protestants teach and the total opposite of the doctrine Tim is preaching. We become partakers of the divine nature receiving the same glory Christ had from all eternity and the Spirit of God dwells in us making us the temples of God. As He became like us so we become like Him. There is no room for any of that in Timothy's paradigm which is all about a Pharisaical keeping of the law. He cannot fathom the fact that there is a righteousness which exists totally apart from the law of Moses and it is to be found in Christ alone.
Romans 3:21 But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets; 
22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:
The law of Moses bears witness to a righteousness of God apart from the law of Moses and it comes by faith in Jesus Christ. That is basic Christian doctrine which Tim rejects and which his stupid new video on Romans 7 and 8 completely ignores as he hypocritically discusses Paul in two big out of context fragments overlooking the rest of the letter and his entire oeuvre! It is time for Tim to stop pretending that he has anything to do with Jesus Christ. He is a heretic outside of the Body of Christ and he has no inheritance with the saints in light. He thinks evil has a substance.
19:43 Principalities are Nephilim demon spirits. When a Nephilim dies their spirit becomes disembodied and it is pure evil because that is what they are. Every imagination of their heart is evil continually as it says in Genesis very clearly.
There is no such thing as "pure evil."  Evil does not exist as a substance but is a privation of good. There are many kinds of evils. Evil like sin is an action, breaking the law. Evil like disease is the absence of health. Tim's doctrine of a creature being "pure evil" is Manichaeism and Zoroastrianism and in complete contrast to the scriptures. Nothing exists except God created it. Did God create this spirit which is "pure evil?" Instead of applying Genesis 6:5 to fallen, sinful men, like Jeremiah 17:9, he applies it to alleged angel/human half-breeds. This is the result of his silly Nephilim doctrine which comes from the unscriptural Book of Enoch.

Tim also thinks God is one member of a class of heavenly beings!
69:19  Notice how these all (names of the watchers) have El on the end of their names? That's because they are heavenly beings. El, Eloah, or Elohim is not a name of Yahuah. It's a title, a classification of a heavenly being to which Yahuah belongs but so do the angels so it is appropriate for both.
For Tim Yahuah is just one heavenly being among many such as the angels! What a blasphemous thing to say. To equate the creator with his creation. God and the angels he created do not belong to the same class of anything. God is not a being. God is beyond being. He is the author of all being.  He is not just one heavenly being among many and to say so shows that Tim is not a theologian and understands nothing about God. This teaching of his sheds more light on his doctrine, or lack thereof, of the Trinity. Tim's thoughts of God are poor, shallow, and heretical. Tim is a deceiver of the highest order and it is sad to see so many Filipinos following him on the broad road to hell.

Where do these people come from? The more I watch and the more I listen to their videos the more I realize these people, The God Culture and Timothy Jay Schwab, are from clown world! 

Heil Honkler!

The God Culture: A.I. Has NOT Confirmed Their Research Nor Can It Do So

Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture continues to crow about receving a positive evaluation from five different Artifical Intelligence ...