The God Culture: Origin of the Races
After discussing the course of the sun and moon as described in Enoch and proving himself to be a complete enemy to actual science Timothy Jay Schwab of The God Culture now goes on to tell us all how the races of men came to be. In sum, Noah was born an albino and his three sons Shem, Japheth, and Ham passed down the races of men through his albino genes combining with theirs. Shem is brown, Japheth is white, and Ham is black. There is a lot of nonsense to skim through here.
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The Mysterious Birth of Noah. Why Was He Different? Answers In First Enoch Part 47 |
The first thing to note is this title card. How were the races preserved? That assumes there were different races of men before the flood. But that would not be possible if mankind has Adam and Eve alone as their parents. Like begets like and there is simply no way the children of Adam and Eve would beget offspring differing from themselves. It's just not going to happen and Tim offers no proof there were various races of men before the flood.
Second of all when Tim talks about race he is talking ONLY about skin color.
8:23 How did the races such as what we call white, brown, black, or whatever you want to call it. No, the terms aren't even accurate as we're all brown, period. I mean many will say that and and that's truth, that is actually truth. We're just different shades of brown. That's what we all are. There's no such thing as white or black really
Race is a heck of a lot more deeper than the color of one's skin. There is bone structure (forensic pathologists can identify someones race by thier bones), cranial capacity (look at IQ by nation!), eye formation (epicanthic folds!!), nose structure, and hair texture.
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Skin Color is not the only difference here! |
There is also society or civilization. Not all peoples have created great societies. The Europeans, Indians, Chinese, Japanese, and Mesoamericans have each created great societies with monuments that last to this day testifying to their high level of intelligence. Sub-Saharan Africans and Australian aborigines have produced nothing. Is that due to skin color? Of course not! Culture is an expression of racial character which is much more than merely the color of one's skin. The Muslim historian and traveller Ibn Khaldun knew this principle a long time ago.
Beyond them to the south, there is no civilization in the proper sense. There are only humans who are closer to dumb animals than to rational beings. They live in thickets and caves and eat herbs and unprepared grain. They frequently eat each other. They cannot be considered human beings.
If race were merely skin deep then an African albino would look just like a white European.
Do these people look like Europeans? No! That's because race is far more than the color of one's skin.
The first video in this series is quite long and foundational. Tim spends a great deal of time defending the account of Noah's birth in Enoch by appealing to the fragmented Genesis Apocryphon which was found amongst the Dead Sea Scrolls. Tim claims that Noah was born an albino or albino-like. The account from Enoch 106 is as follows:
1. And after some days my son Methuselah took a wife for his son Lamech, and she became pregnant by him and bore a son.
2. And his body was white as snow and red as the blooming of a rose, and the hair of his head and his long locks were white as wool, and his eyes beautiful. And when he opened his eyes, he lighted up the whole house like the sun, and the whole house was very bright.
3. And thereupon he arose in the hands of the midwife, opened his mouth, and conversed with the Lord of righteousness.
That is NOT albinism! His eyes lit up the room? He is speaking with God immediately after being born? Leave it to Tim to remove the miraculous as he did with the story of Jonah. Albinism is a genetic defect and yet Tim claims Noah was genetically perfect!
4:30: "Noah was a just man and perfect in his Generations." Now, what does that mean? His DNA.
A commenter brought up this exact point.
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Millennial in Manila: Shem as red as blood but of course he is not that red maybe just exageration just to make a point just like Noah being as white as snow but definitely not that white but just the same as white people that we have now. He couldn’t be albino since albinism is a genetic disorder and Noah genes was pure.
The God Culture: What video did you watch because you certainly do not represent this one. Noah was perfect genetically not possessing a disorder nor do we ever say so. His special genes account for the continuation of diverse races. He is not an albino today which would be illiterate and we never say so. His genes however, are the origin. Albinism is not a disease and it is extremely racist to call it such. Yes, many albinos today have other disorders but that has nothing to do with Noah and impertinent. Noah was perfect and he was white as an albino indeed similar to a an Angel/Nephilim white not like white people. Did you even watch this video? That is what Lamech and Methuselah say of Noah. Why do you reframe their words? Don't do that here. You will be muted. No agitation. No debate in ignorance. Our channel, our rules. Yah Bless.
What a load of nonsense. Noah is not an albino today? What does that even mean? Yeah, Noah is long dead.
Calling albinism a genetic defect is racist? Clearly Tim has no idea what albinism is. If Noah had albino-like genes then he was defective genetically. End of story. Amazingly enough Tim claims there is no scientific explanation for albinism and the only proper answer is that it comes from Noah.
1:01:38 First Noah is truly described as being albino like. Now this is our conclusion that we're drawing from this but it does make logical sense. Uh, it's something very unique to his time of course. Uh, it's still rare today but not as unique today as as likely those are genes handed down at least in part from Noah to this day and that's where uh albinism came from really.
When an albino mates the genes of their pair, uh, who whomever they take as a mate, become the dominant genes. If they take an African-American wife they'll basically generally, again we're not saying in all cases, and not everybody's the same, but generally they'll have an African-American child. If they marry white person their children will be white because whatever trait of the maid of the spouse would dominate theirs assuming they were, you know, it wasn't another albino of course. And then who knows? But this trait has no explanation except for first Enoch in this account. There's really no, uh, true good scientific explanation for the origin of albinism, uh, nor how we got the races.
Yet, Enoch's about to tell you, and this is going to blow you away, you just wait. So, it makes sense though that Noah had the special genes to carry the major races across the flood.
The second paragraph is unbelievably stupid. If an albino mates with a negro a negro child will be produced? What if the albino is not a negro albino? Then the child won't be a negro of course. Negroes carry negro genes and will always give birth to negroes even if they happen to be albino. The same goes for every race. Tim's view of race is incredibly simplistic and does not take into account the fact that race is not just about skin color. And where is his proof? Where are his scientific papers to prove this horse hockey about what kind of children albinos produce? He has none because Tim is making it up as he goes. After all, "it makes sense."
Likewise Tim's claim that there is no true good scientific explanation for the origin of albinism" is simply not true. Albinism occurs in plants and animals. We know its cause which is the lack of pigmentation in animals and lack of chlorophyll in plants. Tim is a liar!! This is utterly ridiculous.
Albinism is a congenital condition characterized in humans by the partial or complete absence of pigment in the skin, hair and eyes. Albinism is associated with a number of vision defects, such as photophobia, nystagmus, and amblyopia. Lack of skin pigmentation makes for more susceptibility to sunburn and skin cancers. In rare cases such as Chédiak–Higashi syndrome, albinism may be associated with deficiencies in the transportation of melanin granules. This also affects essential granules present in immune cells leading to increased susceptibility to infection.
Albinism results from inheritance of recessive gene alleles and is known to affect all vertebrates, including humans. It is due to absence or defect of tyrosinase, a copper-containing enzyme involved in the production of melanin. Unlike humans, other animals have multiple pigments and for these, albinism is considered to be a hereditary condition characterised by the absence of melanin in particular, in the eyes, skin, hair, scales, feathers or cuticle. While an organism with complete absence of melanin is called an albino, an organism with only a diminished amount of melanin is described as leucistic or albinoid. The term is from the Latin albus, "white".
Though race is 100% real geneticists who have been studying the human genome for decades say there is no genetic basis for race meaning all humans are human and not that there are no differences in the way many humans look and act.
The completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003 confirmed humans are 99.9% identical at the DNA level and there is no genetic basis for race
Tim's thesis falls flat at every single level. From Noah being genetically perfect yet an albino or albino-like to the races being skin deep. This is laughable nonsense.
Above I referred to Enoch part 47 as the first video in a series but I was wrong. This is the ONLY video about how Noah preserved the races of men through his three sons. Tim does promise he will tell us the mechanics of this process but he never does. The bit about albinos mating and producing certain offspring based upon the race of thier chosen mate is not a coherent explanation. Instead the next video is an interpretation of Enoch's animal dream vision which touches ever so slightly upon the subject.
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Enoch's Animal Dream Vision 101 Animation. Answers In First Enoch Part 48 |
19:49 But that white bull, Noah, which had become a man, now human skin tone in identification, but in this case really white like a Nephilim, similar to an albino to carry the genes across the flood, and we'll see how. No, Noah was not an actual albino. Albinism would have begun with Noah of sort though he had no defects whatsoever. He was perfect. Came out of that vessel and the three bulls with him and one of those three was white like that bull. Whoa! That's Japheth who inherited the lands known in origin as white peoples to the north. And one of them was red is blood. That's Shem as shemite, Semite, same word should be don't know why they dropped the H but very deceptive, generally is a medium brown or red skin in history such as the Native American Indian or the Filipino. He was given Asia essentially. And one black this is Ham who received the Southern Hemisphere and that matches.
And that's it. That one paragraph is all Tim has to say on the subject of the races being preserved through Noah in this video. Perhaps he will have something more to say in the future.
So, Noah was not an albino but merely similar to an albino because he was white. What does that even mean? Tim does not say. He also promises we will see how the various racial genes were carried across the flood via Noah because of his "albinism" but Tim never gives any mechanics as to how that would work. He simply assumes it. He does give a cute little animation to illustrate his false doctrine.
Let's try to find a conclusion here.
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