The God Culture: Answers In Jubilees Series Review

Now that Timothy Jay Schwab of The God Culture has completed his 52-week Answers in Jubilees series let's take a look and see just what answers he gave us. What topics did he cover? Did he examine the whole book, all 50 chapters and all their verses? Or did he skip over a lot of material? Remember, this book is essential to his program of proving that The Garden of Eden is in the Philippines, albeit buried underneath the floor of the Sulu Sea near Tubbataha Reef, and that the Philippines is the land of creation to where the Northern Lost Tribes of Israel migrated.

Let's start by listing the title of each video and the chapters and verses cited therein. From this list we can see the topics covered and get a very good sense of what Timothy thinks this book has to tell us.

Answers in Jubilees Complete Playlist

1. What was the Original Language? Answers in Jubilees: Part 1 

Jubilees 12:26-27; 4:17-18, 8:3 Instead of beginning with chapter 1 verse 1 Tim starts off in chapter 12 verse 26. Not a good way to start a study of Jubilees or any book for that matter.

2.  What Territory Belongs to Shem? Answers in Jubilees: Part 2

Jubilees 8:8-21

3. What Territory Belongs to HAM? Answers in Jubilees Part 3

Jubilees 8:22-24

4. What Territory Belongs to Japheth? Answers in Jubilees Part 4

Jubilees 8:25-30 Parts 2-4 are all recap videos covering the division of Noah that Timothy had previously covered in his flood series. That is more time wasted on subjects already covered thoroughly and in detail elsewhere. 

5. Is Man Limited to 120 Years of Life? Answers in Jubilees Part 5

Jubilees 23:9-15

6. Noah's Book of Healing. Answers in Jubilees Part 6

Jubilees 10:10-15; 2:29; 23:29-30

7. Isaac's Sacrifice: The Calendar that Drove Messiah's Sacrifice: Answers in Jubilees Part 7

Jubilees 17:15; 18:3-13

8. Where is the Garden of Eden? Answers in Jubilees Part 8

Jubilees 3:32,35; 4:29; 8:22-23 In the comments Tim calls this a recap video and directs someone to watch the full Rivers from Eden series. So it's time wasted on what has already been covered. 

9. Where did Enoch Go? He Does not Reside in Heaven. Answers in Jubilees Part 9

Jubilees 4:22-26; 10:17; 21:10 Tim claims Enoch is in the Garden of Eden which is located beneath the floor of the Sulu Sea enclosed in the earth. Ridiculous and certainly not provable. 

10. Is The Garden of Eden Still There? Answers in Jubilees Part 10

Jubilees 8:19; 10:17 The location of the Garden of Eden is covered in parts 8-10. Why is so much time wasted on this one topic which he has covered in much more detail in a whole series dedicated to locating the Garden of Eden in the Philippines? If the Garden of Eden is buried beneath the ocean floor then the location given in Jubilees is nonsensical as no one would know where it is!

11. When Were the Angels Created? Answers in Jubilees  Part 11

Jubilees 2:2-3

12. The 22 Works of Creation. Who Were the Creators? Answers in Jubilees Part 12

Jubilees 2:1-16; 16:26; 21:24 In this video Tim teaches the heretical and blasphemous idea that the Father and Son brought creation into existence apart from the Holy Spirit who played some unspecified role but not as creator. It is anti-trinitarian and demotes the Holy Spirit from His rightful position as God. He also teaches the preexistence of souls.

13. The Restoration of SHAVOUT. One of the Most Important Days of the Year. Messiah & Isaac's Births. Answers in Jubilees Part 13

Jubilees 1:1, 3-4, 6:16-20; 14:1, 10-11; 16:12-13

13B. What is Pentecost? When? From the Dead Sea Scrolls. Answers in Jubilees 13B

No verses from Jubilees are cited

14. Who were the Nephilim? Answers in Jubilees Part 14

Jubilees 4:15, 22; 5:1-6

15. Judgement of the Watchers. Answers in Jubilees Part 15

Jubilees 5:7-13; 7:21-24

16. From Where Did Demons Originate? When? Who? How? What? Answers in Jubilees Part 16

Jubilees 7:27; 10:1-14

17. What is the Name of God in Jubilees & The Dead Sea Scrolls? Answers in Jubilees Part 17

No verses from Jubilees are cited. This video is just an apology for amending the text of RH Charles to include the name Yahuah. More time wasted as he is not covering the text of Jubilees at all in this video but is making excuses for his modification of Charles' translation.

18. Was Cain the Serpent's Seed? Answers in Jubilees Part 18

Jubilees 3:9, 15, 17-27, 32-34; 4:1

19. Who's Seed? The Serpent Seed Doctrine 2. Answers in Jubilees Part 19

Jubilees 3:12, 16

20. The Mystery of Cain Part 1. Answers in Jubilees Part 20

Jubilees 4:1,7-12

21. The Mystery of Cain Part 2. Pre-Adamic Man? Answers in Jubilees 21

Jubilees 3:1,8-11 Parts 18-21 are all devoted to Cain. That is 4 videos covering one subject. Why spend this much time on Cain whose lineage was wiped out by the flood? 

22. The Curse of Canaan. Ham Divides Africa. Answers in Jubilees 22.

Jubilees 10:28-34; 22:20-22; 7:6-10

23. Where is the Seat of Gog of Magog? Japheth's Division to His Sons. Answers In Jubilees 23.

Jubiles 9:7-13; 10:35

24. Where is Ophir? Is Israel Shem's? Answers in Jubilees 24

Jubilees 9:2-6 This is another video about a subject he has covered in depth elsewhere. Why bother with this recap?

25. Return of the Occult. After the Flood. Answers In Jubilees 25

Jubilees 8:1-7

26. Wives of the Patriarchs. No Cain There. Answers In Jubilees Part 26

Jubilees 7:13-17

27. First Cites After the Flood. First Wives Club. Answers in Jubilees Part 27

Jubilees 7:13-17

28. The Original Sinday. Answers in Jubilees Part 28

Jubilees 3:17; 5:23, 31 This video teaches that Adam sinned on a Sunday and Tim tries to link this to the Church's practice of worshipping on the first day of the week. It is a gross apologetic for Sabbath keeping.

29. The Tower of Babel. Was it Real? How Tall? Possible? Where is Shinar? Answers in Jubilees Part 29

Jubilees 10:18-27; 12:25; 9:3

30. Prophecy of Noah. Japheth in the Tent of Shem? Where Does Yahuah Dwell? Answers in Jubilees Part 30

Jubilees 7:10-12; 8:19. This video teaches that God's physical presence on the Earth is in the Garden of Eden which is buried underneath the floor of the Sulu Sea. Apparently Tim does not know that God's people are his temple and he dwells in them. This is one of many points where Jubilees actually contradicts Genesis. The subject of Genesis 9:27 is Japheth and not God. This prophecy is fulfilled in the conversion of the nations to Christianity who have been mostly of Japhetic origin.

31. Abraham Casts Out Demonic Ravens. Answers in Jubilees Part 31

Jubilees 11:10-24. 

"Another gap filled by Torah in Jubilees" says the video description.  "Albert Hitchcock" was "a cabalist probably" and probably knew this story of Abraham and the ravens which is where The Birds comes from.  That is patently ridiculous as The Birds is based on a short story! There is no evidence that Hitchcock was a cabalist. He was a Roman Catholic. Fills in the gaps of how Abraham grew in faith and relationship with God? But the Bible says Abraham worshipped idols until God called him, Joshua 24:2. This story contradicts the Bible and Tim does not explain that contradiction. 

32. Abraham Burns Down Temple of Idols. Answers in Jubilees Part 32

Jubilees 12:1-15. This story agrees with the Talmud.

33. Yah's Calendar: Part A. Answers in Jubilees 33

Jubilees 2:8-9; 6:36-38, 50:2

34.  What Year Is It? Yah's Calendar: Part B. Answers in Jubilees 34

Jubilees 50:4-5

35. Origin of the Feast of Tabernacles & New Testament Continuance. Answers in Jubilees Part 35

Jubilees 16:20-31; 32:18-23, 27-29; 7:1

36. When Does the Bible Day Begin? Brief Recap. Answers in Jubilees 36

Jubilees 6:36, 2:8-9  This is a pointless recap of videos 33 and 34.  Nothing new is offered here. This is a waste of a video which could have been used to explain more about the contents of Jubilees. Its existence shows us what Tim's major theological concern is. It is keeping the Sabbath and not the Person and work of Jesus Christ which occupies his thoughts.

37. The Mystery of Melchizedek. Answers in Jubilees 37

Jubilees 13:22-29. Tim likens Abraham going after Lot to the movie Taken even quoting the line about having a very specific set of skills. He actually says Liam Neeson is a wussy compared to Abraham. Very frivolous. In this video Tim claims Shem died before Abraham was born. That may be according to Jubilees' chronology but that differs from Genesis very significantly.   

38. Order of Melchizedek. The New Testament & Qumran Scrolls. Answers in Jubilees 38.

No verses of Jubilees are cited. 37 and 38 could easily have been one whole video but Tim chose to waste a spot in his series by breaking this discussion into two parts. Jubilees does not even mention Melchizedek which would be a good time to talk about how and why Jubilees and Genesis differ but he does not do this. Instead he dismisses RH Charles as being incompetent for mentioning the Talmud in his notes.

39.  The Mystery of Sodom Part 1. Answers in Jubilees 39

Jubilees 16:5-9; 36:10; 20: 4-6, 22:22

40. The Mystery of Sodom Part 2. Answers in Jubilees 40

There are no citations from Jubilees in this video.

41. The Mystery of Sodom Part 3. Answers in Jubilees 41

There are no citations from Jubilees in this video. The real mystery here is why dwell on this subject under the heading of Answers in Jubilees for three videos when only one video has anything to do with Jubilees?

42. Commandments of Abraham? Answers in Jubilees 42

Jubilees 20:1-10; 21:1-10; 22:16

This whole video can be refuted with Galatians 3:17-19 which explicitly states the Mosaic law came 430 years after Abraham and was added or given because of transgression. Tim does not even bring up those verses. In this video Tim says otherwise and he denies Abraham was made righteous by faith alone as is said in Genesis 15:6. 

43. Did Esau Have Red Hair? The Birthright Sold. Answers in Jubilees 43

Jubilees 24:1-8. Tim says the answer is no, he had red skin. But who cares? What Rabbi says Esau is a Jew because he has red hair? He gives no proof Why is this a whole episode? It could have been incorporated into a study of the entire chapter.

44. Was Jacob a Thief? A Deceiver? How Did Abraham Die? Answers in Jubilees 44

Jubilees 22:10-30; 23:1-2; 24:6-7; 26:5-12

45. Why Are Israel And Edom At War? Esau Is The End? Answers in Jubilees 45

Jubilees 37:1-25.  This is the only chapter Tim covers in its entirety in a single video. Chapter 8 is covered in its entirety over the course of multiple videos.

46. How Did Esau Die? Tracking Edom to the End. Answers in Jubilees 46

Jubilees 38:1-15. Adds to the text an army of nephilim giants. He claims the name Amalek refers to vampires which means nephilim. Esau married into a nephilim family and had nephilim descendants who became Europeans and colonized the world. The Edomites took over the temple in 165 BC. The Edomites are the current rulers of the world. 

47. The Bible Book of Jasher Is Jubilees! Modern Frauds Exposed! Answers in Jubilees 47

Jubilees 38:1-3; 34:1-9

48. The Real Yashar History Uncovered. Modern Jasher vs Jubilees. Answers in Jubilees 48

There are no verses from Jubilees cited in this video. 

49 A. The Jasher Hoax. First 25 Reasons Modern Jasher Is NOT Scripture! Answers In Jubilees 49A

49 B. The Jasher Hoax. 26-50 Reasons Modern Jasher Is NOT Scripture! Answers In Jubilees 49B

49 C. The Jasher Hoax. 51-75 Reasons Modern Jasher Is NOT Scripture! Answers In Jubilees 49C

49 D. The Jasher Hoax. 76-100 Reasons Modern Jasher Is NOT Scripture! Answers In Jubilees 49B

There are no verses of Jubilees cited in any of these videos which means it is more wasted space. Hearing Tim go through Jasher and tell us why the book is not scripture is laughable because the same arguments apply to Jubilees such as the wrong timeline and additional material not found in Genesis which contradicts the narrative like the Patriarchs keeping the Mosaic Law. 49 D actually has Tim denying the holocaust at 44:19 and apologizing for Hitler at 49:58. I would not be surprised if Youtube takes it down.

50. The Bones of Joseph Speak! Proof Moses Wrote Jubilees. Answers in Jubilees 50

Jubilees 46:1-9 This is a direct response to "scholars" who claim this chapter shows a contradiction. Tim never names these "scholars" or gives their allegedly wrong interpretation. 

51. Is Prince Mastema Satan? Who Was The Angel of Death In Egypt? Answers In Jubilees 51

Jubilees 10:8-9; 11:11; 18:16; 19:28; 48:9, 12, 15-17; 49:2

Tim claims the stories about Mastema offer clarity about why Pharaoh pursued the Israelites into the wilderness. The reality is God hardened Pharaoh's heart yet Tim does not mention that fact. He calls the story of God meeting Moses at an inn seeking to slay him because his sons were not circumcised stupid and ridiculous but deceitfully cites only the version told in Jasher while not disclosing that the same story is in Exodus 4:24-26. I have written a rebuttal of this video that can be read here.

52. End Times Prophecy of Moses In Jubilees. Answers In Jubilees 52

Jubilees 16:26; 21:24; 23:18-32

Let's break all that down. Of Jubilees' 50 chapters Tim did not touch 18 of them. That is 36 % of the book left unexamined.  But let's go even further. There are 1288 verses in the Book of Jubilees. 10 videos have no verses from Jubilees which is 8.9% of the series not discussing Jubilees. Timothy covers a total of 385 verses in the other videos some of which are repeats.  That means he only examined 29.8% of the book! And he has the gall to claim he has "thoroughly vetted" Jubilees? What a liar!

This is not the method of someone who is honestly wanting to take a look at the Book of Jubilees. What Timothy Jay Schwab should have done is start with chapter one and make his way to chapter 50. That would have allowed him to cover a chapter a week for a whole year. But instead of doing this he teaches the book in fragments, jumping around from chapter to chapter. Oftentimes he retreads old subject material such as Noah's division of the earth and when the Sabbath begins.

What this reveals is that Tim does not take this book seriously as real history. But it is necessary to his narrative concerning the Philippines that it is Ophir and the Garden of Eden and the Land of Creation. Without this book he cannot map the Garden of Eden as being in the Philippines. So what does he do?  He tiptoes around the book giving it legitimacy as scripture and history but he never wades in the deep and deals with the the entire text itself.  That is why his Answers in Jubilees series is fragmented and not a systematic teaching of the entire book.  He cannot deal with the book as a whole so he deals with it in parts and hopes his viewers do not notice that these 56 videos barely touch the surface of Jubilees. It's quantity (56 videos) over quality (teaching through the entire book).

What we have here is not a systematic teaching of the Book of Jubilees to get its message across. What we have here are the ravings of a totally deluded man who has fallen deep into heresy. The Dead Sea Scroll community would most certainly have condemned Timothy Jay Schwab. In this series we are not told that animals lost their ability to speak because of the fall, Tim skips Jubilees 3:28, but we are told that the spirits of all men were created on day one and that animals will be judged for their sins.

Judgment of the Watchers. Answers In Jubilees: Part 15

8:47 “And the judgment of all is ordained and written on the heavenly tablets in righteousness even the judgment of all who depart from the path which is ordained for them to walk in and if they walk not therein judgment is written down for every creature and for every kind.” Realize that includes land animals who have spirits according to Jubilees too. So yes they’re going to be animals in the kingdom of heaven. Hmm. Interest.

What nonsense that is and it comes straight from Tim's interpretation of Jubilees. As for all the spirits of every man being created on day one that comes from Jubilees 2:2. 

21:27 All spirits for every man who will ever live were already created from day one.

The 22 Works of Creation. Who Were the Creators? Answers In Jubilees: Part 12

Now, it is a fact that Tim rails against the Pharisees and the Christians for rejecting Jubilees but in this instance the doctrine of the preexistence of souls survives amongst midrashic literature. Legends of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg has many stories from Jubilees. Compare Jubilees 2:2 with Legends of the Jews and the Midrash Tanumah.

Jubilees 2:2 For on the first day He created the heavens which are above and the earth and the waters and all the spirits which serve before him -the angels of the presence, and the angels of sanctification, and the angels [of the spirit of fire and the angels] of the spirit of the winds, and the angels of the spirit of the clouds, and of darkness, and of snow and of hail and of hoar frost, and the angels of the voices and of the thunder and of the lightning, and the angels of the spirits of cold and of heat, and of winter and of spring and of autumn and of summer and of all the spirits of his creatures which are in the heavens and on the earth, (He created) the abysses and the darkness, eventide <and night>, and the light, dawn and day, which He hath prepared in the knowledge of his heart.

Legends of the Jews: The care which God exercised in fashioning every detail of the body of man is as naught in comparison with His solicitude for the human soul. The soul of man was created on the first day, for it is the spirit of God moving upon the face of the waters. Thus, instead of being the last, man is really the first work of creation.

With the soul of Adam the souls of all the generations of men were created. They are stored up in a promptuary, in the seventh of the heavens, whence they are drawn as they are needed for human body after human body.

Many in the ancient world believed that all human souls were created before the material world, but the midrash Tanhumah tells us that all souls were made during the six days of Creation. Before the birth of each person, God calls forward the proper soul and has angels show that soul how earthly existence benefits spirit by allowing for spiritual development.

Those are only two instances of the extra-biblical material in Jubilees surviving outside of Jubilees. So, it is most certainly untrue that this book and its contents were suppressed. The fact is Jubilees was composed as a midrash or commentary upon Genesis and it survives in part as a midrash upon Genesis to this day amongst the Jews because they incorporated large parts of it in their tradition. Tim is wholly unaware that many of the stories in Jubilees show up in Jewish Midrash. Texts such as Rabba Geneis and the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs contain stories found in Jubilees. So while the book of Jubilees itself was left in obscurity the traditions in it were not. It is to no avail and actually reveals his ignorance when Tim accuses Pharisees of suppressing the book of Jubilees when its traditions fill their writings. 

But I must stop here. To go on rebutting everything Tim has said in these 56 videos is beyond the scope of one article. Let's get to the real meat here. What Tim is ultimately saying in this series is that entire Chrisitian world has interpreted Genesis wrong because they have lacked Jubilees. In order to understand Genesis, nay the entire Bible both OT and NT, one needs Jubilees. It does not just fill in the gaps but adds necessary doctrine and an interpretive framework. The cover of his edition of Jubilees says this:


If the Book of Jubilees is "crucial to fundamental biblical understanding" then why did God allow it to be hidden for two millennia? Is it not the Holy Spirit who guides the church into all truth and preserves the scriptures? If it is necessary to understanding the Bible then why did both Christians and Jews reject it? And make no mistake they did reject it.  Yet Tim continues to push the lie that Jubilees was in use as late as the 13th century and was even quoted by a Pope!

The Real Yashar History Uncovered. Modern Jasher vs. Jubilees. Answers In Jubilees 48
20:04 Now, you will find the Book of Jubilees in continued use throughout history.  It has been bible canon, uh, especially in Ethiopia all along at least 300 a.d, their first church basically, uh, to present. It's still there in their Bible canon and it is quoted by early church fathers even Popes, from 150 A.D. all the way through to at least  the 1300s even in the West who, yeah, lost it for a time but it wasn't lost. Ethiopia continued it as canon. Now, that's called historicity,
Quoted by early church fathers including Popes from 150 to the 1300s? What a lie! I have exploded that falsehood elsewhere in my article The God Culture: A Closer Look at Jubilees as Cited by The Church Fathers. Suffice to say Jubilees was condemned by Pope Gelasisus and considered by all to be apocryphal. It was never in use into the 1300s in the Western Church as scripture. It was never in use, period. Just because a few Greeks cite it in their chronologies does not prove it was in use.

It is simply an outrageous, unhistorical lie that Tim keeps promoting. But no surprise as Timothy Jay Schwab is not only a heretic he is also a bald-faced liar. The Ethiopian Church remains a non-Chalcedonian heretical Church and is not part of the Body of Christ. It is a mystery why Tim appeals to the Ethiopian canon when they actually have 80 books. Will he be adopting them as well? Will he believe in the Trinity as they do? In fact why does Tim care if the Church used Jubilees at all as he thinks the Church is actually the Synagogue of Satan who suppressed the book. 
Now that is already a problem as no Pope nor Christian leader can be compared with John the Baptist.  Thus changing his canon of scripture which this library would represent and which we now have full documentation in his time capsule preserved in the caves of Qumran is very problematic to any traditional line attempting to suppress books considered scripture by John and by the way Yahusha even visited and was baptized there which could be considered a a further endorsement in fact.  You cannot say that about the council of Nicea or any of the other councils. Yahusha was not there and believe me not in any sense whatsoever as they eliminated the book of Jubilees and others which was scripture inspired and canon. 
BOOK OF JUBILEES: Scripture? Inspired? What does the Bible Say? Enoch, Jasher, Dead Sea Scrolls at 38:22
Which is it!? Did the Church suppress the book or was it in continual use until the 1300's!?? Pick a scenario because it cannot be both.

The answers to the questions Tim asks ought to give him pause. Why aren't the stories unique to Jubilees recorded in Genesis or anywhere else for that matter? Jacob killing Esau and placing both the Edomites and Amorites under tribute would be highly significant events yet neither Stephen mentions them during his speech in Acts 7 nor does Josephus record them in his Antiquities of the Jews. Calling Josephus a liar as Tim does is not an answer as to why he omits the history contained in Jubilees. Yet that is the kind of ad hoc explanation to which Tim continually resorts. 

Look at the nature of these questions and answers. They all deal with occult, esoteric, scriptural arcana. I do not mean occult as in magic and evil but as in what it literally means, hidden. I am not the only one to notice this.
As with conventional exams, one cannot be tested outside of what is in the syllabus of instruction! Why seek the unknown and esoteric, when you stumble and struggle to keep up with that which is common knowledge? The canonized Christian scriptures is ( the 66 books, is the syllabus) from which we shall be 'tested'.
Does it matter what the first language was? Does it matter if Noah had a book of healing? Does it matter where the Garden of Eden is (Jubilees does not place it under the ocean floor as Tim claims)? Does it matter what are the names of the wives of the Patriarchs? The answer is no. If the answers to those questions had any bearing or weight they would have been answered in the Bible. They also have no Christological significance. As Tim says:
The Bible doesn't say because it is impertinent.
What we have here is not the Bible, not the Torah, but, like the Genesis Apocryphon, someone's commentary on Genesis attempting to fill in the gaps and answer questions left unanswered by the text. That is exactly how Tim frames and uses this book. He repeats ad nauseam that Jubilees "fills in the gaps."

It is nonsense to posit that no one can truly understand the Bible without Jubilees. The conceit of Jubilees flips the Biblical narrative on its head by telling us that the Patriarchs were practicing the Mosaic law before the Mosaic law was given. They kept all the feasts listed in Leviticus before the wandering in the desert. That is problematic on many levels.

For all the answers Tim does give he doesn't answer the tougher questions about the discrepancies between Jubilees and the Torah. For instance, in Exodus and Leviticus all the feasts are tied directly to the Exodus from Egypt while in Jubilees the Patriarchs are celebrating these feasts already. Why does Exodus never mention that Abraham, Noah, Adam, and everyone else kept those feasts? Or how about the priesthood of Levi? In Jubilees 32:9 Levi is exercising the office of the High Priest BEFORE the instructions of God regarding the Priesthood were given in Exodus. Tim offers no explanation of this situation. Then there is the issue of Jesus Christ. Genesis is full of types and symbols of Jesus Christ yet Tim does not find any such typology in Jubilees except for the sacrifice of Isaac. Tim teaches that Jesus and Isaac were both sacrificed on the same date which is the Passover. He also teaches that Jesus and Isaac were born on the same date which is Pentecost.

Tim does not get at the meat of the real typology between Isaac and Christ. They were both miracle children. Isaac gave birth to Israel (Jacob) and Christ gives birth to the true Israel (the Church). They were both Sons offered up by their Fathers. Instead of explaining the real typology between the two Tim latches onto dates. Very paltry dates. And these dates he can only guess at through his use of Jubilees which absolutely does not agree with Genesis in its chronology. No, Pentecost is not tied to the birth of Isaac. It is tied to the giving of the law in Exodus and the fulfillment of that feast is the giving of the Holy Spirit in Acts. Those two events mirror one another as they both represent the two covenants God has made with man. One through the law and the other without the law.

In the Bible all the feasts are related to the Exodus beginning with the Passover. Each feast celebrates one aspect of God's leading his people from the bondage of Egypt and into the Promised Land. Since Jesus Christ is our Passover sacrificed for us who leads us from the restless bondage of sin (Isaiah 57:20-21) to the freedom and Sabbath rest to be found in Him that makes each one of the feasts a type or symbol of Christ's work. To say, as Jubilees does, that the feasts were all kept by the Patriarchs and do not have their origin in the Exodus is to denude them of their Christological significance. This is just one of the many reasons no Christian could or ever did accept Jubilees as scripture. It is not surprising that Tim is ignorant of the Christological significance of the feasts and the law. The man's theology is Christless and graceless. There is no room in his scheme for Christ except to be an example of how to keep the law. Tim's Christ is not the Redeemer who delivers us from the bondage of sin and the Mosaic law. According to Tim the law is what redeems us.

The fact is Tim is not interested in reconciling the Biblical account of the giving of the law on Mt. Sinai with Jubilees. When asked to do so in the comment section he deleted the comment!

Deleted Comment from: The Original SINDAY. Answers In Jubilees Part 28

Zachary Hampton: Genuine question here:

1. around the 7-8 minute mark, you speak of Adam tilling the ground, I thought he didn't need to till until after the ground was cursed due to him sinning.

Secondly, what law do you speak of during Adam's time? I know God rested on the seventh day, but I'm not aware of law for Adam to follow. I though the law came later through Moses.

This question gets right to the heart of the matter concerning Jubilees. The law did come through Moses. Jubilees teaches otherwise. It's strange that Tim had no answer to this query except to delete it. Isn't the series Answers in Jubilees supposed to be about providing ANSWERS in Jubilees?

It is Jesus Christ who is the key to understanding the Bible. Not Jubilees. Remember, the message of Jubilees is that the law is God's supreme revelation to mankind, specifically to Israel. The law is written on the heavenly tablets, is kept in heaven, and will be kept for all eternity. There is no place in Jubilees for a Messiah like Jesus Christ who came to save us from the bondage of the law of Moses (see 2 Cor 3). Jesus Christ is NOWHERE to be found in its pages, not even in Jubilees 16:26 which says:
for He knew and perceived that from him would arise the plant of righteousness for the eternal generations, and from him a holy seed, so that it should become like Him who had made all things
Tim claims in his annotated Book of Jubilees that the concept of Messiah as creator is not found in the Old Testament. Even if that were true, it is not see Isaiah 9:6 where the Messiah is called the Mighty God, this verse is not about the Messiah. In his book Tim claims both the plant and the "holy seed" are Jesus Christ.

The “Plant of Righteousness for the eternal generations” can only be Messiah. It is also mentioned in 7:34. It is certainly not Israel but one man according to 1 Enoch (1 En. 10:16, 93:5, 10) which specifies it is Messiah. He is the “holy seed” and He is the one “who had made all things.”

Book of Jubilees, pg. 21
He reaffirms this in video 52:
8:10 Messiah is the eternal plant of righteousness and no one else. He is the holy seed. Israel never was. And he is the one who made all things 
Did Jesus Christ "become like Him who had made all things?" No! Jesus Christ became a man but he remained the creator from the beginning! So, not even this verse has anything to do with Jesus Christ unless you want to posit an Arian Christ who was a man who became God. This verse is about the nation of Israel and not the divine second person of the Trinity. It is Israel who is a righteous nation. Isaiah 61:3 calls God's people "trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord." It is Israel who is told to be holy because God is holy (see Lev. 19-20).

The term "plant of righteousness" is indeed also found in the extra-biblical book of 1 Enoch. The source for this term is the Branch of the Lord or the Branch of Righteousness or just The Branch which is found in Isaiah 11:1, Jeremiah 23:5, 33:13, and Zechariah 3:8, 6:12. We should not find it surprising that 1 Enoch and Jubilees or any of the other second temple literature "sounds" like the Bible since the authors used the Bible as their source material.

Let's talk about chronology. The chronology between Jubilees and the Masoretic text of Genesis DOES NOT ADD UP!

Of course neither does the Septuagint which is actually older than Jubilees and also poses problems for Tim. His unprovable ad hoc solution is that the Jews corrupted the text and it is Jubilees that contains the true calendar! That does not solve the problem of the Septuagint which predates Jubilees and thus represents an older tradition than both Jubilees and the Masoretic text. Tim is big on chronology and calendars and teaches what Jubilees teaches which is that there are 364 days in a year. That is laughable on its face and wrong on every level. There are 365 1/4 days in a year. The motion of the sun across the horizon proves this. Start using a 364 day calendar and after a while you will be way off. The issue of the strict solar calendar is another point where Jubilees goes wrong.

Another thing Tim gets wrong with his chronology is when he claims Shem died before Abraham was born. That is what Jubilees says but that does not agree with Genesis.  Here is part of a timeline of the Patriarchs which plainly shows us that Shem lived until the time of Jacob!

This alternate chronology is another strike against Jubilees being scripture written by Moses. Why would Genesis and Jubilees have differing chronologies if they were written by the same person? They would not! As for Tim's claim that the chronology of Genesis was altered by the Jews, his proof is paltry. He discusses this alleged alteration of the text in video 25, Return of the Occult making a big deal out of Cainan being omitted from the genealogies in Genesis.  There are plenty of solutions to why Cainan is omitted from the Masoretic text but remains in Jubilees and the LXX that do not require an assertion of scribal malfeasance.  

By not duly considering the purpose of a genealogy we may mark a contradiction where none in fact exists. There is no record of unbelieving Jewish critics in the early ages of the church charging Luke’s genealogy of the Messiah with a fault because of a supposed contradiction with Old Testament genealogies, a fault which they would have been only too eager to find. The genealogical records were simply too well known for any such charge to stick.

Even if Cainan were shoved into the text it would still not rectify the massive chronological discrepancies between Jubilees and Genesis. One wonders what Tim makes of the discrepancies between the genealogies in Luke and Matthew. Is he going to call them frauds too? 

Let's not pretend that the issues here are so easy to reconcile. The fact is the Masoretic text and the Septuagint differ significantly. Why is that? Surely there are better answers than saying, along with Tim, that the Pharisees deliberately falsified the text. Why would they do that? Genesis is one of their holy books. Deliberately and radically altering it would be like cutting off one's arm. But then again Josephus, who was a Pharisee, tells us that he is using the Hebrew Bible and he comes up with a chronology the same as the Septuagint except he omits Cainan.

Compounding the problem here is that Jerome's translation of the Hebrew,  the Latin Vulgate, which was written a mere 300 years after Josephus, has a chronology like that of the Masoretic text. When and why did the text change? There is no easy solution to this problem which has confounded many people. It must not be forgotten that the Septuagint represents an older tradition and was even found at Qumran. But so was Jubilees. Both books were used as scripture by the Qumran community despite the massive chronological contradictions. These are the kind of thorny problems Tim should have been discussing in his series but which he wouldn't touch with a 39-and-a-half-foot pole. He's too interested in whether or not Esau had red hair.

It's amusing that in Part 49 A Tim recommends a video titled "Were the Pyramids Built Before the Flood? (Masoretic Text vs. Original Hebrew)" which attempts to reconcile Bible chronology by claiming that the Septuagint is right and the Masoretic is wrong. There is simply no place for the chronology in Jubilees in any tradition. Jubilees stands alone and according to Tim, who believes everything must have two or three witnesses, that makes it wrong by default. Why would he recommend a video that so throughly trashes the Jubilees timeline? 

In reviewing this series it would be too much to point everything that is wrong and stupid. Believe me there is plenty of fodder for that kind of a critique. The thing is Tim did not even go through the whole book and he could have done that. He could have given his audience a guided tour of every chapter but he did not. He could have not limited himself to 52 weeks and gone through the book systematically from beginning to end but he did not. Tim does not treat Jubilees as a straightforward history book but as a book where we can glean hidden and esoteric knowledge about nephilim giants and elves and angelic animal experimentation. Tim uses the book as a corrective for the Church's alleged misinterpretation of Genesis. The introduction to his video appeals to restoring "lost ancient knowledge.

Who reads or teaches from a book jumping around from one place to the next covering only fragments? Not someone who sincerely wants his audience to understand the Book of Jubilees. It is such a hypocritical move coming from a man who condemns teaching from fragments. It is also a disservice to his viewers who get only fragments and weird tales instead of an understanding of the history taught in Jubilees and its relation to Genesis.
1:03 We wanted to show you just how much there is that is occult to this book because we are tired of seeing the comments that are completely illiterate from people who haven't really read the book. Maybe in fragments as they read the bible, many, and you just can't read anything that way and understand it. It won't happen.

Right here we see Tim admitting his method of going through Jubilees at random will not lead to understanding. I can only speculate why Tim skipped around Jubilees rather than going straight through it from chapter 1-50. He obviously has rather ingenious, albeit totally false and completely disingenuous, methods of interpreting the text so why not go full speed ahead and take a look at the whole book? There are some rather curious things within its pages. For instance who is Potiphar?  
Jubilees 34:11 they sold him to Potiphar, the eunuch of Pharaoh, the chief of the cooks, priest of the city of 'Elew.

Jubilees 39:2 and Potiphar, an eunuch of Pharaoh, the chief cook bought him.

Jubilees 40:10 and gave Joseph to wife the daughter of Potiphar, the daughter of the priest of Heliopolis, the chief cook.
Potiphar is a married eunuch whose daughter is given to Jospeh, Pharaoh's chief cook, and the priest of both 'Elew and Heliopolis. Why would a priest also be Pharaoh's chief cook? As a priest would he not be constantly busy with priestly duties? Being a eunuch means Potiphar is castrated. How is a eunuch married with a daughter? Does Potiphar being a eunuch explain why his wife pestered Jospeh to sleep with her? Why does the description of Potiphar in Jubilees not match those in the Septuagint and Masoretic text? 

How about the issue of the Joseph's brothers getting married AFTER he was sold to the Egyptians?
Jubilees 34:20: And after Joseph perished, the sons of Jacob took unto themselves wives....and the name of Judah's wife, Betasu'el, a Canaanite
Aside from the name of Judah's wife not being given in Genesis there is one major problem here and that is the issue of time. Unlike Genesis we are given an exact timeframe of 20 years for the story of Judah and Tamar. Jacob was seventeen when he was sold into slavery in Egypt. He was 30 when he stood before Pharaoh.
Genesis 41:46 And Joseph was thirty years old when he stood before Pharaoh king of Egypt.
This means he was 37 when the first seven years of plenty were fulfilled. Jubilees makes it known that the whole saga of Judah and Tamar took place just as those seven years ended.
Jubilees 41: 21And after that she bare two sons, Perez and Zerah, in the seventh year of this second week. 

22 And thereupon the seven years of fruitfulness were accomplished, of which Joseph spake to Pharaoh.
Jubilees tells us Jospeh was sold into slavery in 2149. If Judah married in the same year and his sons were born in 2149, 2150, and 2151 that would make Er 16 at the oldest when he was given in marriage to Tamar in 2165. Onan would have been 15 or 16 when he was married to her. Shelah would have been 14 or 15 when Onan died and 19 in 2168 when he is said to have come of age. Judah did not sleep with Tamar until 2169 and she bare twins in 2170.

That would be twenty one years for Judah to have three sons, for all three of his sons to be grown to a marriageable age (Gen 38:14 and Jub 41:7), and for Tamar to conceive and bear twins. Is there really enough time for that to happen? Are we really to believe that Er was married off at 16 and Onan at 15, or perhaps 16, and that Tamar was supposed to wait for Shelah to come of age when, according to this timeline, he practically was of age when Onan died? Is 16 or 15 a marriageable age for a man according to the Bible? Numbers chapter one tells us that only men from 20 years and up were eligible to fight in the army so it is very doubtful 16 or 15 would be considered a marriageable age for a man.

Spinoza frames the question much better than I.
First, in the story of Judah and Tamar (Gen. xxxviii.) the historian thus begins: "And it came to pass at that time that Judah went down from his brethren." This time cannot refer to what immediately precedes, but must necessarily refer to something else, for from the time when Joseph was sold into Egypt to the time when the patriarch Jacob, with all his family, set out thither, cannot be reckoned as more than twenty-two years, for Joseph, when he was sold by his brethren, was seventeen years old, and when he was summoned by Pharaoh from prison was thirty; if to this we add the seven years of plenty and two of famine, the total amounts to twenty-two years. Now, in so short a period, no one can suppose that so many things happened as are described; that Judah had three children, one after the other, from one wife, whom he married at the beginning of the period; that the eldest of these, when he was old enough, married Tamar, and that after he died his next brother succeeded to her; that, after all this, Judah, without knowing it, had intercourse with his daughter-in-law, and that she bore him twins, and, finally, that the eldest of these twins became a father within the aforesaid period.
Further complicating the issue is that in Jubilees the list of those that went down in to Egypt omits the sons of Pharez. 
Jubilees 44:15 Judah and his sons; and these are the names of his sons: Shela, and Perez, and Zerah-four.

Masoretic Genesis 46:12 And the sons of Judah; Er, and Onan, and Shelah, and Pharez, and Zarah: but Er and Onan died in the land of Canaan. And the sons of Pharez were Hezron and Hamul.
Septuagint Genesis 46:13 And the sons of Phares Esron, and Jemuel.
The sons of Pharez are listed in both the Septuagint and Masoretic text but not in Jubilees. Why is this? If Moses wrote both books why would he give different lists of names? In fact, there are actually a lot of discrepancies between Genesis 46 and Jubilees 44 and they do not make sense if each book has the same author. These are only a few of the many problems in Jubilees that need answering and which Tim completely ignores because he does not teach systematically through the book but instead jumps around from fragment to fragment. 

Perhaps the biggest "revelation" from this series is Tim's assertion that The Book of Jubilees is really the Book of Jasher, Jasher means upright which means Torah which means Jubilees is one of his proofs, and that Genesis actually cites Jubilees. But does it? Does Genesis cite Jubilees? Tim's proof for this claim is that Genesis 48:22 references a war which is recorded only in Jubilees.

The Bible Book of Jasher Is Jubilees! Modern Fraud Exposed! Answers In Jubilees 47
44:27 What are we going to see? We're going to see that Genesis affirms Jubilees as Torah, right here! Wow! Open your bible to Genesis 48:21 and 22. This is monumental, folks. Here it is. The proof many have been demanding about Jubilees. Here it is folks and this is firm and no one can disprove this. 

Jacob is about to quote a history that does not come from Genesis. It doesn't come from his story otherwise because Moses placed that story, that full account, in Jubilees and then references it here in Genesis. This proves the book of Jubilees as Torah. Quoted by Torah. Boom! Here we go. 

Let me interrupt here to take note that Timothy Jay Schwab often does the mic drop saying, "Boom!" whenever he thinks he has made an irrefutable point. It's childish and stupid and is not what any serious person would ever say when they are trying to get their opinions across. But then again Timothy is not very serious. A man who claims a map from 1492 references the city of Manila and depicts the Philippine archipelago is simply not serious. A man who claims the Book of Jubilees was in continual use in the West from 150 AD until the 1300's is not serious. A man who claims the earth is flat and that God is one member of a class of heavenly beings is not serious. A man who claims that the entire Christian world is in error and needs correcting from the Dead Sea Scrolls which were not discovered until 1947 is not serious. Tim is a crafty liar, however.

And Israel, Jacob, said unto Joseph, Behold I die but Elohim shall be with you and bring you again unto the land of your fathers. Moreover I have given to thee one portion above thy brethren. He loved Joseph the most there's no doubt about that and again he also set Ephraim, Joseph's actually younger son, it wasn't even his oldest because that's Manasseh, but he set Ephraim with the birthright because Reuben had lost it. Uh, we didn't actually get to that in this series. I don't think we're going to but there's a story in Jubilees that explains how Reuben lost his birthright sleeping with his father's concubine basically servant maidservant of sort. Um, okay, so here we go, here he goes. 

Which, so he's going to pay him one portion above thy brethren. Where does this money come from? The money comes from the battle of the Amorites who paid him tribute which means it happened, folks. It's real. It's truth and it affirms the book of Jubilees. Wow! Okay, which I took out of the hand  of the Amorite with my sword and with my bow. He's talking about the tribute that they paid to him. There you go again. Jacob's bow is also mentioned in Samuel as well and what's this, here we go, where does torah ever say Jacob defeated Amorites and received tribute? It's not in Genesis. It's not there yet this is Torah quoting Torah.Uh-oh that's because it's in the book of Jubilees which is Torah, proven right here in Genesis. Moses says Jacob quoting Jubilee's account here as Torah on Torah there you go.
In chapter 34 of the Book of Jubilees Jacob defeats the Amorites and places them under tribute. Tim claims Genesis 48:22 references that event. He also claims the Amorites Jacob defeated are probably Nephilim. But contrary to what Tim says there is NOTHING about payment or tribute in this verse. Where does he even get this notion of payment from? Certainly not from the Hebrew.

Once again Tim is lying and making stuff up!

The portion being given is not money. In fact there are two other verses that EXPLAIN what is being given here. The first is from Genesis and second is from Joshua.
Genesis 33:18 And Jacob came to Shalem, a city of Shechem, which is in the land of Canaan, when he came from Padanaram; and pitched his tent before the city.

19 And he bought a parcel of a field, where he had spread his tent, at the hand of the children of Hamor, Shechem's father, for an hundred pieces of money.

Genesis tells us that Jacob moved to Shechem and bought a parcel of land. Joshua tells us that Jospeh was buried in this same spot and that this same land became the portion of the children of Joseph.
Joshua 24:32 And the bones of Joseph, which the children of Israel brought up out of Egypt, buried they in Shechem, in a parcel of ground which Jacob bought of the sons of Hamor the father of Shechem for an hundred pieces of silver: and it became the inheritance of the children of Joseph.
John 4:5 confirms these two verses.
Then cometh he to a city of Samaria, which is called Sychar, near to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph.
See how straightforward that is? Jacob bequeathed the land he bought in Shechem to Joseph. There is nothing about Jacob paying Ephraim or giving him tribute money from the Amorites. In fact, Jubilees 45:14 tells us that the portion given is LAND!
Jubilees 45:14 And Israel blessed his sons before he died and told them everything that would befall them in the land of Egypt; and he made known to them what would come upon them in the last days, and blessed them and gave to Joseph two portions in the land.

It's amazing that Tim could get this so wrong when the explanation is so clear. Jospeh gave Jacob land not tribute money. The reason there are two portions given, one portion above thy brethren, is because Ephraim and Manasseh were each given separate portions and thus Jospeh was represented in Israel by two half-tribes.  But what about the bit about the bow and arrow? There are many explanations both Jewish and Christian given for it. I will only give Calvin's interpretation.
But it remains to inquire how he may be said to have obtained it by his sword, whereas the inhabitants had been wickedly and cruelly slain by Simon and Levi. How then could it be acquired by the right of conquest, from those against whom war had been unjustly brought; or rather, against whom, without any war, the most cruel perfidy had been practiced? Jerome resorts to allegory, saying that the field was obtained by money, which is called strength, or justice. Others suppose a prolepsis, as if Jacob was speaking of a future acquisition of the land: a meaning which, though I do not reject, seems yet somewhat forced. 
I rather incline to this interpretation: first, that he wished to testify that he had taken nothing by means of his two sons Simon and Levi; who, having raged like robbers, were not lawful conquerors, and had never obtained a single foot of land, after the perpetration of the slaughter. For, so far were they from gaining anything, that they compelled their father to fly; nor would escape have been possible, unless they had been delivered by miracle. When, however, Jacob strips them of their empty title, he transfers this right of victory to himself, as being divinely granted to him. For though he always held their wickedness in abhorrence, and will show his detestation of it in the next chapter Genesis 49:1; yet, because they had armed his whole household, they fought as under his auspices. Gladly would he have preserved the citizens of Shechem, a design which he was not able to accomplish; yet he appropriates to himself the land left empty and deserted by their destruction, because, for his sake, God had spared the murderers. 
Calvin says Jacob owned up to the slaughter his sons Levi and Simeon commenced at Shechem because they had armed his household and thus fought under his auspices. As with the solution to Arzareth in 2 Esdras, this solution "has the double merit of ingenuity and simplicity." There is no need to find a solution in a book that was rejected by the Church. Is this the correct interpretation? It could be. I don't know.

What I do know is that positing Jacob as a warlord who had conquered and imposed tribute on both the Amorites and the Edomites as Jubilees claims raises serious problems. The biggest one of all being Pharaoh would have heard of this warrior. Yet, he makes no mention of his conquests when they meet and Jacob passes himself and his family off as meek and lowly shepherds. Is the Pharaoh of Egypt so stupid that he would let this warlord into his country unaware of his true identity? It does not make any sense. Also even if Jubilees is correct and the Amorites and Edomites paid tribute to the Israelites until they went to Egypt, Jacob would have had no money to give to Ephraim because they had stopped paying tribute! No matter how you slice it Tim is wrong! It is he who is the illiterate blowhard, not me.

I expect there will be more videos about Jubilees because he has not covered the whole book but if so it will be the same ahistorical garbage. What else can we expect from this man who continually twists the sources he uses to prove his fake history and heretical theology? Let me mention with one thing here. Tim takes issue with my method of critiquing him and I want to address this.

52:24 Even if the usual idiots, especially dunderhead failure blogs, uh, that try to pick and pick, and pick, and pick at this point, that point. You know it's funny, you'll make a hundred points and well, they'll say, "Oh we disproved six that we don't agree with." Uh what about the other 94? Hello! Talk about ridiculous. I mean they can't even think in a logical rational sense nor do they want to because they're just here to agitate we know that.
Tim's whole system is like a set-up of dominoes. When one falls they all fall. So, when I have proven, as I did in the 100 Clues review and in the 2 Esdras Lost Tribes videos review, that several of his videos are fraught with fraudulent claims, and I mean massively fraudulent claims which collapse his narrative and not mere nitpicking, then we can bet the house that all his other videos will have the same type of lies. From fake Hebrew etymologies of Philippine place names to deliberate misreadings of ancient maps and directions, as I have dug deeper and deeper into Timothy Jay Schwab's insanity that has proven to be the case. It is one crafty lie after another. His Answers in Jubilees series is no different. It will be interesting to see what kind of lies, damned lies, and utter nonsense he has concocted for his annotated Book of Enoch and the subsequent video series.

Let's conclude with the words of Timothy Jay Schwab from video 52.
40:47 We have fully tested and vetted this book and our research qualifies us far above any stupid scholar to draw conclusions because we've actually read it and they haven't. Or they only read it as a scoffer. And they can't actually read what it says nor do they wish to. Uh, they've never bothered to conduct any research outside of their paradigm, which is a paradigm that remains stupid and makes them stupid. You would think they wouldn't want to look stupid but as Forrest Gump says stupid is as stupid does." Indeed the Book of Jubilees was written by Moses and it is Torah. It always has  been and it always will be inspired, scripture, Torah, even, and Bible canon as fact. Proven.  

42:37 We hope everyone has enjoyed the series and learned much from it. Know this: we covered a lot but there is still so much more in this book. We encourage everyone to read it for yourselves test everything including every one of our videos.  
The pride and hubris of Timothy Jay Schwab knows no bounds. Having listened to this series I can say unequivocally that Tim is simply not qualified to talk about this book. Nothing he says about it is true. It is not Torah, it was never Torah, and it contradicts the Bible at a fundamental level which is that the law was given on Sinai to Moses and Christ has done away with it by enacting a new covenant. Jubilees teaches the Patriarchs had the Mosaic law and kept it, including all the feasts. Not only that but it also includes a prophecy that the law will be restored in the last days.
29:26 Verse 26, "And in those days the children will begin to study the laws." WAH-HOO! Okay. Yes. Exactly. Now, this is what we've been getting to in our Answers in 2nd Esdras series which ends on the same note. That the law is the fire, the eternal fire, that consumes in the end. That's what it says. Wow. Uh, it says that the law will be restored in the end and actually so does Revelation. I mean you know this is all over prophecy throughout scripture and here it is  in Moses' is writing the book of Jubilees. Wow. Exactly. We are to return to his law folks.   
The law is not going to ever be restored. The scripture is very clear that the law is the ministration of death which is a schoolmaster to lead us to Jesus Christ. He has come and now the law is no more. We are not under its constraints. Tim is living in a fantasy world thinking that the law will be restored at some future point. This issue, the rejection of the grace that is in Christ and the exaltation of the law, is proof positive that Jubilees was written not by Moses but by a Jewish sectarian who wished to show his people the greatness of the law as opposed to the Hellenistic culture of his day. The Book of Jubilees is not scripture and its message is a lie.


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