The God Culture: Prince Mastema

Despite all the things I have written against Timothy Jay Schwab of the The God Culture I do try to give him the benefit of the doubt. I am always disappointed. It really is a mystery why anyone could fall for anything that man says but fall they do. In this article I want to cover Tim's 51st and penultimate video in his Answers in Jubilees series. The topic is Prince Mastema.

Is Prince Mastema Satan? Who Was The Angel of Death In Egypt? Answers In Jubilees 51

It is the second question that concerns us here. Who was the angel of death in Egypt? Specifically what happened to Moses at the inn when someone sought to kill him and who was causing Pharaoh to be so "pigheaded and stubborn." Let's listen to Tim.

26:42 Then we see Mastema in the story of Moses and his role there is a big one overlooked by most. Many ask the question why Pharaoh would be so pigheaded and stubborn. How, how could he be so dumb to go through all those plagues and have to go through all of that and even in the end after even having his own firstborn and the firstborn of much of Egypt die still he then goes after, Egypt again sending his troops to their doom in the sea which collapses on them? How can he be so dumb? Ah! This explains it. Genesis doesn't because it doesn't need to. Moses wrote these together. They are to be read together for full understanding and we get that when we read Jubilees.

Let's go to chapter 48  starting in verse 2.  "And thou thyself knowest what he spake unto thee on Mount Sinai." This is Yahuah talking to Moses. "And what Prince Mastema," there we go again, Satan, "desired to do with thee when thou wast returning into Egypt on the way when thou dost meet him at the lodging place." This is, this is pay attention. This story, okay. This isn't in Genesis. It's not there um and uh we're going to talk about the book of Jasher for a second on this. Verse three, "did he not with all his power seek to slay thee?" Mastema, Satan, wanted to kill Moses. Got that? Satan wanted to kill Moses. Satan. Got that? "And deliver the Egyptians out of thy hand when he saw that thou was sent to execute judgment and  vengeance on the Egyptians," who were serving Satan, right? I mean they practiced the occult that is a well-known, um, you know he was their god you could say, one of their gods but it's his infrastructure  that account for all of his gods really. 

So, now, here we go again. The occult fabrication in the modern book of Jasher which we prove is a fraud and we covered this point there but I'm going to bring it back up. This is another occult lie where it gets it backwards. Rather than Satan opposing Moses notice the difference here, uh, on his way back to Egypt, no, modern Jasher claims that an angel of Yahuah sent at Yahuah's command comes to kill Moses! What! Didn't Yahuah just send him out on a mission so he could kill him? That's stupid, right? 

Okay so but, but, why? Because he failed to circumcise his first son. Where do we see that doctrine circumcision is salvation? No, never not in scripture ever. Where is circumcision salvation? Ah! Paul talks about it.  Paul says that the Pharisees, or I guess maybe it's Luke in Acts but anyway, the Pharisees were going around telling people that. Okay, so now that you're saved you have to get circumcised because you're not really saved unless you get circumcised. That's Pharisee doctrine. That Pharisee doctrine is right there in the modern book of Jasher essentially. This is ridiculous. Talk about backwards trash. That book is toast  already but just wanted to mention that one since we're on the account in Jubilees. There you go.

What Tim is saying here is the one verse in Jubilees which mentions Prince Mastema, Satan, meeting Moses at a lodge to kill him is true while the full account given in Jasher is not. In that account an angel of God is said to have met Moses to kill him because he had not circumcised his son. Tim calls that stupid. He comments on this story at length in his video The Jasher Hoax. 76-100 Reasons Modern Jasher Is NOT Scripture! Answers In Jubilees 49D.

The Jasher Hoax. 76-100 Reasons Modern Jasher Is NOT Scripture! Answers In Jubilees 49D

54:04 Chapter 79, lie number 97. Oh, almost. On his way to Egypt after the burning bush calling an angel then oddly comes down to kill Moses!. Yeah, you heard that right. That's what Jasher says. Well, because why? Well, because he did not circumcise his first son. Is that how Yahuah operates? Does he kill everyone who doesn't circumcise their firstborn? This is stupid! This is, this just so stupid and unbiblical. Eventually the angel was from Yahuah but missed the memo that Moses had a calling of course. Moses was going there because well Yahuah told him to go but I guess the angel well maybe operated on his own. This is a lie. But no worries! His wife took a sharp rock and fixed that right away. This is stupid

Then Aaron who is a slave somehow was freed, uh, to leave Egypt meeting Moses in the wilderness. In fact not just in the wilderness but all the way to Saudi Arabia on Mount Sinai, really. Cause slaves are just free to come and go whenever they want. Moses had already left and was on the way to Egypt in fact. So, what? He wasn't even at Sinai. It's inconsistent and stupid.

According to Tim not only is the story of God wanting to kill Moses because his son was uncircumcised stupid and unbiblical but so is the story that Aaron met Moses at Mount Sinai. Here is the passage from Jasher 79:

8 And Moses rose up to go to Egypt, and he took his wife and sons with him, and he was at an inn in the road, and an angel of God came down, and sought an occasion against him.

9 And he wished to kill him on account of his first born son, because he had not circumcised him, and had transgressed the covenant which the Lord had made with Abraham.

10 For Moses had hearkened to the words of his father-in-law which he had spoken to him, not to circumcise his first born son, therefore he circumcised him not.

11 And Zipporah saw the angel of the Lord seeking an occasion against Moses, and she knew that this thing was owing to his not having circumcised her son Gershom.

12 And Zipporah hastened and took of the sharp rock stones that were there, and she circumcised her son, and delivered her husband and her son from the hand of the angel of the Lord.

13 And Aaron the son of Amram, the brother of Moses, was in Egypt walking at the river side on that day.

14 And the Lord appeared to him in that place, and he said to him, Go now toward Moses in the wilderness, and he went and met him in the mountain of God, and he kissed him.

Is Tim unaware that this passage is essentially ripped out of the Bible from Exodus 4? 

24 And it came to pass by the way in the inn, that the Lord met him, and sought to kill him. 

25 Then Zipporah took a sharp stone, and cut off the foreskin of her son, and cast it at his feet, and said, Surely a bloody husband art thou to me. 

26 So he let him go: then she said, A bloody husband thou art, because of the circumcision. 

27 And the Lord said to Aaron, Go into the wilderness to meet Moses. And he went, and met him in the mount of God, and kissed him.

It is the same exact story with one major difference. God himself and not an angel was the one who sought to kill Moses because his son was uncircumcised. The word translated Lord in verse 24 is Yehova!

In the Septuagint, which predates the Masoretic text, the one who seeks to kill Moses is the Angel of the Lord. This is also what is written in the various Targums. What is never said in any telling of this story is that Satan tried to kill Moses because he wanted to save the Egyptians from the vengeance Moses was about to wreck on them.

Did he not desire to kill you with all of his might and save the Egyptians from your hand because he saw that you were sent to execute judgment and vengeance upon the Egyptians?

That scenario is inserted in the text because the author needed a way to solve the problem of why God would want to kill Moses after he had sent him on a mission.

By shortening the story as he does, the author of Jubilees makes only one reference to an evil being, who is also a destroyer, and does not have to deal with the awkward facts that Moses had not circumcised his son and that his foreign wife saved the day (and Moses) by performing the task herself. The angel gives Moses only a brief reminder of the whole embarrassing situation and transforms the event into an attack by Mastema, who wants to stop Moses from carrying out his divine commission.

Segal explains how the rewriting of the passage in Jubilees responds to one exegetical and two theological questions raised by Exod 4:24-26. The exegetical issue is: why would God want to kill Moses after having just commanded (see Exod 4:19) him to return to Egypt? The answer of Jubilees is that it was not God who wanted Moses dead but rather Mastema. The first theological problem is whether God is unjust in the Exodus passage since he wanted to kill someone (and Moses at that) without an explicit motive. The answer in Jubilees is that the theodicy question is irrelevant because God was not the one desiring to kill Moses without a reason. And the second theological problem is: if God wanted to kill Moses how could he not succeed? Is God not omnipotent? The reply is, of course, that God was not the one who failed 

Jubilees: A Commentary, James Vanderkam, pg. 1152

I find it hard to believe that Timothy Jay Schwab would not know the story of God seeking to kill Moses in Exodus 4 with Moses meeting Aaron ant Mount Sinai directly afterwards. Along with the command to sacrifice Isaac it is one of the most famous theological problems in all of scripture. Why would God want to kill Moses after he had just given him a commission? Jubilees renders the question moot by telling us a totally different story with Satan being the antagonist. Tim deceitfully leaves out the fact that what is recorded in Jasher 79 is ripped from Exodus 4. If he really wanted to give us Answers in Jubilees and vet the text as Torah written by Moses he would not have glossed over this very important contradiction. 

In the comments though Tim does take notice of this passage in Exodus 4.

mbeatg : Hello, can you address Exodus 4:24. I heard you address Jasher. Based on Jubilees, would you consider this more “ Leaven”

The God Culture : It does not fit indeed. Yah Bless.

Tim's solution is to claim that the text is corrupt. But that does not solve anything. The story is recorded in the Septuagint as well as the Targums. It has precedent and tradition. Jubilees, standing alone, lacks both. 

The next question to consider here is why was Pharaoh so stubborn to go after the Israelites even after the destruction caused by the ten plagues. Tim answers, along with Jubilees, that Prince Mastema was egging him on. Prince Mastema, Satan, also killed all the firstborn of Egypt in the tenth and final plague.

Is Prince Mastema Satan? Who Was The Angel of Death In Egypt? Answers In Jubilees 51

32:00 Verse 12, "and notwithstanding all these signs and wonders the prince of the Mastema," their Satan, again, "was not to put to shame." So, he was still emboldened even though all of these plagues happened all these signs and wonders and he was the power behind Pharaoh and his stiff-necked rebellion. He's the one that was really pushing this. Imagine a lot of people out there say, "oh, you know Satan's been whispering in my ear." No, no, no, he's not. He's only one. He's only one dude, right? He's one. He's not everywhere. He's not whispering everybody's ear every second. Now a demon can be but Satan himself is not. It's just so, you know, anyway, uh, they give him far too much power. They make him omnipotent as if he is Yahuah. He is not. Now, you'll see this next though. 

"Because he took courage and cried to the Egyptians to pursue after them with all the powers of the Egyptians." The same thing that did that, that's why the turning of the tide with Pharaoh. Pharaoh had given in and, oh no he changed his mind. Well, Satan is behind that. But why did Pharaoh at first not pursue Israel? Why would he let them go only then to pursue them? I mean that would be a waste of time and resources and doesn't make sense, does it? Well, it seems to make no sense until we restore Jubilees which explains why and how this happened once again clarifying Torah. 

Verse 15, "And on the 14th day," get this and on the 15th day and on the 16th and the on the 17th  and on the 18th." What do we have here one, two, three, four, five days. So for five days the Prince of Mastema was bound. Ah! That's the key. "And imprisoned behind the children of Israel that he might not accuse them." Well, that's what Satan does, okay? Now, see Israel was given a reprieve in which Pharaoh could finally give in and let them go and the Egyptians would even give them gold and possessions for their journey in I guess you could say reparations of sort. Uh, Satan was bound and could not operate and they acted like people again that made sense. 

For about five days, it essentially is when you add all that up, so, but then verse 16,  "and on the 19th we let them loose that they might help the Egyptians and pursue the  children of Israel." Yahuah is setting them up though. "And he hardened their hearts." Satan did and made them stubborn now. That including Pharaoh, of course, being the leader and number one of king of stubborn. Really Satan was behind this. Physically there the entire time. He is not in your life as such. He's not that powerful. He's not omnipotent like Yahuah. Remember that always. Never give him that kind of power. He doesn't have it. "And the device was devised by Yahuah our Elohim that he might smite the Egyptians." So, he was setting them up the whole time. "And cast them into  the sea." He was going to wipe them out now so this was Yahuah's plan all along and Satan fell into  his trap. There you go. However that was not his only role and this, wow, this is very interesting.

Jubilees 49 verse 2 "For on this night the beginning of the festival in the beginning of the joy ye were eating the passover in Egypt." We know that story. "When all the powers of Mastema had been let loose to slay all the first born in the land of Egypt." Now, remember the powers of Mastema are who? Demons. Okay, uh, there's only one angel in that hierarchy and that is Satan himself. So the angel of death is Satan. Okay? But this will clarify. "From the firstborn of Pharaoh to the firstborn of the captive maidservant in the mill and to the cattle." Realize Satan is a powerful angel. He cannot hurt you or I directly because he is restrained by the restrainer. According to scripture that's the archangel Michael. No, it's not the Holy Spirit that's not his role. Michael does that. However all  of Satan's powers were let loose only to slay those firstborns they were still limited. Those who did not have blood on their doorposts. Some of Egypt of course was spared. He was still restrained but he slayed all the firstborn in one night as the angel of death.  No, that was not Yahuah which we cover in this series as well. It was satan the angel of death.

These claims can be refuted with many verses in Exodus. I will use only two.

Exodus 14:8 And the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh king of Egypt, and he pursued after the children of Israel: and the children of Israel went out with an high hand.

Exodus 12:29 And it came to pass, that at midnight the Lord smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sat on his throne unto the firstborn of the captive that was in the dungeon; and all the firstborn of cattle.

The word translated LORD is the same as noted above, Yehova! (It is NEVER Yahuah) It is God who smote the firstborn and it is God who hardened the heart of Pharaoh. Why? God tells us why:

13 And the Lord said unto Moses, Rise up early in the morning, and stand before Pharaoh, and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord God of the Hebrews, Let my people go, that they may serve me. 

14 For I will at this time send all my plagues upon thine heart, and upon thy servants, and upon thy people; that thou mayest know that there is none like me in all the earth.  

15 For now I will stretch out my hand, that I may smite thee and thy people with pestilence; and thou shalt be cut off from the earth.

16 And in very deed for this cause have I raised thee up, for to shew in thee my power; and that my name may be declared throughout all the earth.

He did it to show his power and that his name may be declared throughout all the earth. Paul quotes this passage in Romans 9:17 when he is discoursing on the absolute sovereignty of God when it comes to salvation. Why do some not believe? Because they have been hardened by God to not believe just as God hardened Pharaoh's heart so he could destroy him and show his power. Romans 9 is a chapter many try to explain away because it is so terrible to learn that God is in control and not us. We do not choose Him, He chooses us. This is one reason among many that Tim's soteriology is all wrong. Salvation is not a relationship as evidenced by keeping the law. Salvation is being united to Christ and made one with Him. That is only accomplished through His power and not by anything we do.

It is this fact of God's absolute sovereignty that is being assailed both by Timothy Jay Schwab and the author of Jubilees. They cannot imagine God would kill people or harden mens hearts or cause planes to slam into buildings or bring about a war or cause the world to panic over a virus that has a 99% survival rate. It's too awful. Yes, it is awful in the sense that we should be full of awe at the works of God because 

Daniel 4:35 And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?

It is God who has the power of death, not Satan.

Deut 32:39 See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand.

Rev 1:18  I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.

There is not much else to say. Jubilees does not add clarity to these events in Exodus. Rather, the author of Jubilees, who is not Moses by any stretch of the imagination, attributes the acts of God to Satan. He detracts from God's glory. God says he destroyed Pharaoh to get glory and the author of Jubilees says no that's too awful it must have been Satan who did these things. And what sense does it make for Mastema, or his demons, to kill the firstborn of Egypt when we are told that he tried to kill Moses to save the Egyptians from that very vengeance? It does not make any sense. But Tim isn't about to admit that glaring contradiction is real and invalidates the Book of Jubilees as Torah written by Moses.


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