Ask The God Culture: Who Translated the Septuagint?

Welcome back to Ask The God Culture, the place where Timothy Jay Schwab will answer any question you may have. Our first question this week comes from Randy Claywell. Randy Claywell: It's my understanding that the Septuagint was translated by a group of Jews not Greeks. The God Culture: There were NO Hebrews in Egypt at that time. The Bible is clear all the Southern Kingdom that was in Egypt either returned or died. The Hebrews who could do such with authority were in the Temple and we find their library in Qumran where they were exiled. No other library has such credibility as that one as they are the Biblical keepers of scripture since Moses. Anyone else, is not. Yah Bless. Randy says it is his understanding that the Septuagint was translated by a group of Jews and not Greeks. Tim says there were no Hebrews in Egypt at the time the Septuagint was translated. This is an incredibly illiter...