The God Culture: The Course of the Moon
Having discussed the course and purpose of the sun Timothy Jay Schwab of The God Culture next goes on to wax eloquent about the course and purpose of the moon. There are four videos on this subject in his Answers in Enoch series. As ever the videos are packed with information but in this article I will be trimming away the fat and leaving the meat.
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The Error of the Moon for Days, Weeks, Months and Years. Part 1. Answers In First Enoch Part 43 |
This first video is an hour and twenty minutes long but it should have been much shorter. The gist of it is that Tim proves from Enoch the moon is not the measure for days, weeks, months, and years. That honor belongs to the sun alone. All the while he is doing this he in engaged in a pissing contest with a Youtube channel he refuses to name. Apparently this channel made a critical response to Tim's videos about the sun which rubbed him the wrong way. Tim was so offended he will no longer be recommending that channel to his viewers.
36:33 Now, again, we're not going to chart the moon's course as we did the sun. Uh, believe me your head would spin and it's just not necessary to go there for now and doesn't make for a good YouTube video. If someone wants to do that do it great wonderful. If the other channel wants to do that well, why don't you start by charting the sun because you haven't done that. You covered Jubilees and Enoch and you didn't chart the Sun and you didn't chart the moon yet you criticized this channel, uh, essentially, for not charting the moon because we're not foolish. Um, you know we're just not going to do that to people and yet then we can't possibly understand the moon's course because we didn't chart it like we did the sun. Well, you didn't chart either so why don't you go charting and stop throwing stones from your glass house. How about that? You know this is what we get so many times in criticism, uh, and it's a shame that that channel led there because we've supported them for many years we've even sent many people to to their Channel. We won't anymore
This video is interwoven all throughout with such petty snark. It's pretty funny. In fact at several points Tim talks like a caveman because apparently the unnamed channel claimed he said the moon was evil.
1:55 Here it is in plain English because we had another Channel who said some things that we want to clear up right now. Moon good. Moon okay. Moon holy, faithful, witness we love Moon. We even love the people who use the moon as the measure in error but the error we don't love neither does Yahusha by the way. Error bad. Moon good. Moon not bad. Error is bad. The error of men is really bad. That is what we address regarding this and we've never called the moon itself error nor does this title actually.
56:09 We love moon. Moon good.
But why won't Tim chart the movement of the moon as he did the sun? Because it's foolish and would make your head spin and would not make for a good Youtube video? Those are not valid reasons and don't explain his refusal to chart the moon's course. Does he know there is a Youtube Channel where a guy drinks a glass of water a day and it has been ongoing since 2011? There is a series of two-to-four-hour-long video critiques of the awful new Disney Star Wars trilogy which has millions of views. And Tim thinks charting the course of the moon would not make for a compelling YouTube video? Tim's audience is so thirsty for content that they literally beg him to make more! In the meantime here is a video of the lunar analemma.
Slide after slide shows verses from Enoch and Jubilees saying that the Sun alone is the measure of days, weeks, and years. Here is one of many:
56:12 We read in jubilees 2:9 "And Elohim appointed the sun to be a great sign on the earth" for what? A very specific purpose in which one can never attribute to the moon, period. "For days, for sabbaths, and for months, and for feasts and for years, and for sabbaths of years, and for jubilees, and for all seasons of the years. And Genesis agrees with this
14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.
16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
One would think Timothy Jay Schwab would cite Genesis at least once in his series about the sun and the moon but he does not. Not one single time. Instead he relies on Enoch and Jubilees which both contradict Genesis when it comes to the purpose of the moon which is, along with the sun and stars, for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.
The main subject of the second video in this series about the moon is eclipses and how Enoch accounts for them. It is abundantly clear that Tim has no idea what he is talking about as he confuses lunar eclipses with solar eclipses and even says sometimes the sun moves in front of the moon.
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The Error of the Moon for Days, Weeks, Months and Years. Part 2. Answers In First Enoch Part 44 |
31:13 This movement of the moon is very hard to chart, uh, and we're not going to do it but it's not necessary in order to understand. Once again the opportunity for eclipses arises as the moon turns back and recedes behind the sun. This would cause an eclipse uh in a certain area of the world at certain times, uh, of, you know, certain moments. Uh, both lunar and solar eclipses are explained by this dynamic as the moon could be in front at some times and the sun could be in front at some times, uh, from a certain perspective. Remember they are the same size according to Enoch we'll show you those scriptures in a second, well in a few minutes. Another time the sun in front of the moon. So, in both cases you got an eclipse. If the perspective catches them in the same exact position at that moment, which is what would have to happen, it's what we call a full eclipse, right or otherwise it's partial. Pretty easy to understand.
Eclipses do not debunk Enoch. Uh, actually, they debunk modern scientism who actually has a very poor explanation for this dynamic. Enoch accounts for them and very well and very scientifically.
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Uh, both lunar and solar eclipses are explained by this dynamic as the moon could be in front at some times and the sun could be in front at some times, uh, from a certain perspective.
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This commenter wants to know how lunar eclipses happen and instead of explaining how the moon goes dark during a lunar eclipse Tim repeats his talking points and then when pressed stops responding. That's because he has NO answer to the question of how lunar eclipses occur.
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If you looked at the Sun at the same time each day, from the same place, would it appear at the same location in the sky? If the Earth were not tilted, and if its orbit around the Sun were perfectly circular, then, yes, it would. However, a combination of the Earth's 23.5 degree tilt and its slightly elliptical orbit combine to generate this figure "8" pattern of where the Sun would appear at the same time throughout the year. The pattern is called an analemma.
19:26 They use circular reasoning and claim that this anathema (he means analemma) is evidence. They're actually using it as evidence uh yet they need to prove it ever happens in the first place. That is not evidence of a wobble it is evidence of perspective, optical perspective just as we're showing you here.
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The Error of the Moon for Days, Weeks, Months and Years. Part 3. Answers In First Enoch Part 45 |
10:17 Does the modern Bible Canon actually say the year is 364 days?11:34. Yes is the answer. The modern Bible Canon does support the sun calendar.23:20 I know then they'll say,"But that's just the Dead Sea Scrolls that's not the modern Bible Canon." Uh, yep it is.
Enoch 71:14 And he came to me and greeted me with his voice and said to me, “You (are) that Son of Man who was born for righteousness, and righteousness dwells on you, and the righteousness of the Head of Days will not forsake you.” -George Nickelsburg and James Vanderkam translation
Enoch 71:14 And he (i.e. the angel) came to me and greeted me with His voice, and said unto me 'This is the Son of Man who is born unto righteousness, And righteousness abides over him, And the righteousness of the Head of Days forsakes him not.' -RH Charles translation
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