The God Culture: 100 Lies About The Philippines: #5 Ancient Greeks in the Philippines

Welcome back to 100 lies The God Culture teaches about the Philippines. Today's lie concerns Timothy Jay Schwab's claim that there was an Ancient Greek presence in the Philippines. Again, it's another claim that is obviously a lie but seeing as Tim makes this claim in all seriousness and he has gullible people believing him without doing what he claims which is test all things including himself it needs to be debunked.

There are two places were Tim makes the claim that there was an Ancient Greek presence in the Philippines. The first one is in video Clue #2.

This video has been edited but in the original beginning at 5:27 Timothy Schwab says:
"When we visited Butuan, Philippines in May we were actually able to see this Greek armor which was found in 2018 in the Philippines. The thing is these are indisputably Greek from the symbols and the structure and they are dated all the way back to 800 B.C. up to about 480 B.C. "
Now that is indeed rather interesting don't you think? Ancient Greek armor was found in Mindanao and dated between 800 and 480 B.C.? That would be a huge archaeological discovery seeing as Alexander did not even reach India until 326 B.C.! It would mean Greek soldiers marched or sailed to the Philippines BEFORE the Peloponnesian War. What can one do in the face of such overwhelming evidence that the Greeks were in the Philippines possibly only 300 years after the Trojan War? Question it and tear it apart of course.

The fact is if you search for Greek armor in the Philippines on Google you will find nothing which validates this find. In fact Tim would later edit this video to indicate that this discovery was still pending confirmation. 

100 Clues #2: Philippines Is The Ancient Land of Gold: Gold Found - Ophir, Sheba, Tarshish. Edited.

How can Tim with a straight face tell us at 13:56 in this new edit:
"The thing is these are indisputably Greek from the symbols and structure and they are dated all the way back to 800 B.C. up to about 480 B.C."
In the unaltered audio he tells us that these artifacts are indisputably Greek while on screen he notes "Archaeology Confirmation Pending." It cannot be both. His source for this is Kasaysayan Hunters which is run by J.G. Cheock and we saw in lie #2 that she is also Tim's source for the false claim that Ferdinand Pinto placed the Leqouis Islands at 9N20. J.G Cheock and Kasaysayan Hunters are not reliable. 

Here is a picture of the alleged Greek armor set in full.

An image search for "Greek muscle cuirass" and "ancient Greek battle axe" gives results that look nothing like the armor above. There is armor with fake abs but not with lion heads and celestial wheels for nipples. Maybe such did exist but they are not coming up in any search online. And believe it or not those so-called Greek battle axes have more of a Tibetan design than Grecian.

It's obvious that Tim does not believe these artifacts are genuine ancient Greek armor because they have been rigorously and thoroughly tested by experts and found to be so. He offers no prove that they have undergone such testing. He believes because it confirms his thesis that the Philippines is the ancient land of Ophir. He ignores what is so obviously gives away the fraud which is the tokay gecko on the helmet! But this would not be the first fact that Tim ignores.

Funnily enough this alleged find of Greek Armor did not make it into Tim's book The Search for King Solomon's Treasure. Why is that? If he is so confident that this is really Greek armor he should have included it. 

The second instance of Tim mentioning an Ancient Greek presence in the Philippines is in his video about Greeks circumnavigating Africa to reach the Philippines. 

32:11 So, here we have history, yes history, that in 800 BC the ships of Tarshish, the Greek ships yes from the Greek colony over in the Philippines, were able to show up in Joppa Israel on the Mediterranean. How about that? There was no Suez Canal yet and the Red Sea port was out of commission. They circumnavigated Africa it was the only option and it's documented right here in 800 BC.

Did The Ancients Sail Around Africa? Bible Evidence. Solomon's Gold Series 16A

Where exactly were the Greek colonies in the Philippines? Tim offers no evidence because there were none. If there had been then we would find Greek artifacts in the Philippines just like Roman artifacts have been found in Vietnam. Ptolemy's map would also not have ended with the Malay Peninsula.

This lie about an ancient Greek presence in the Philippines is connected with Tim's claim that the 7,000 Philippines Islands are the two mythical islands of silver and gold, Argyre and Chryse. We will take a look at that lie next time. 


  1. “Funnily enough this alleged find of Greek Armor did not make it into Tim's book The Search for King Solomon's Treasure. Why is that? If he is so confident that this is really Greek armor he should have included it.” The reason is why he edited it to say it’s pending confirmation.

    1. He only edited it AFTER I called him out on it. He in fact edited three videos after I posted an article about them showing all his errors. And what about the Greek colony? No evidence for a Greek colony in the Philippines. None at all.

    2. So he’s actually listening to criticism of his research and correcting himself like a man who cares about the truth. How don’t you see it?!

    3. He only did that ONE TIME. Ever since then I have only been his perceived enemy who he wishes to see jailed for calling out his lies.


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