
Showing posts from March, 2024

The God Culture: We Are Researchers Who Ask Questions To Affirm Things We Already Know

Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture makes a big to do about being a researcher. He claims to have done more research than anyone else and that is why no one can disprove him. But what exactly is his research method? Let's hear Tim in his own words. What Territory Belongs to HAM? Answers In Jubilees: Part 3 20:30 The fact that Atel is Bengali is a bonus which connection we do not require but  it is neat  that it is there and we are researchers who ask such questions to affirm things we already know .  We do not say this is the Indian Ocean because Atel is Bengali. That's stupid. We say it is the Indian ocean because that is the sea to the west of Indonesia where we were in the directions.  That's it. And it's nice to know that it comes back full circle and ties that Atel is in fact a word in Bengali. Wow! Funnily enough in this tirade Tim reveals his ethos as a researcher: "... we are researchers who ask such questions to affirm things we already know. " ...

The God Culture: Your Spirit Can't Die

Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture has some outright heretical teachings about sin and its effects on man. He says our spirits cannot die because we sin. Instead he teaches the heretical and unbiblical of annihilations which means our spirits will be burned up once and for all on judgement day to exist no more for ever.  What Is Hell? Is It Real? Part 9 Answers In 2nd Esdras 23I 13:27 Your spirit can't die because you sin. Now, you can eternally set your position that you will be in hell, that you will die, yes, but that's not what the Bible does here. It's not playing these word games of dumb scholars that just don't get it. It doesn't do it. So, spirits don't die not unless they are consumed with eternal fire period. That is the only measure in scripture for so-called spiritual death. We do not die spiritually when we sin. Our spirits can't die. It can set it up sure but the Bible doesn't do that there and that is not what Yahuah is saying to A...

The God Culture: Apologist is the Dumbest Term Ever Used

Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture employs Greek and Hebrew etymologies for many of his arguments. But as Tim admits, he is no linguist. This fact is shown in a hilarious manner when he says "apologist" is the dumbest term ever used. Exploring Eden's Waters: Unraveling the Mystery of the Rivers with Zen Garcia & Tim Schwab 1:01:14 Lisa George: Hey Tim real quick, uh, there's a question in chat. I'm not sure if you're taking these in chat but this kind of goes along with the same topic that we're talking about with the flood and it's a little bit off, um, slightly off topic. I'm curious to see your information on this too. Uh, Sue says, "What do you think about the ark encounter? Is it a fair assessment?" Now, we were just there a couple years ago. I have my own opinion about that. I don't know if you've actually been there. Timothy Jay Schwab: I haven't because honestly I never had enough interest and I love the who...

The God Culture: There Is No Bodily Resurrection

What happens during the resurrection? According to Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture only our spirits are resurrected. Our body is gone and turned to dust because we don't need it. We will get new bodies. 50:20 Now, it's time for the Feast of Tabernacles, okay? Also known as booths or tents which really are just interpretation of the same word, uh, Tabernacles but in Hebrew it's the word Sukkot. Again, tent. Foreshadowing of the day in which believers receive our new glorified bodies instead of our temporary temple. See, the body we're in right now is temporary. That's why it returns to dust and it never gets what, what's resurrected on the day of judgment for the dead is your spirit not your body. Body's gone. Don't need it because you'll get a new one on this day. Here It Is!!! 2023 Reconcile for the 7 Biblical Feasts. Feast Series What verse does Tim cite to prove that our bodies are not resurrected? He cites none. But here are several v...

The God Culture: Meteors Don't Come From Outer Space

Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture has an interesting theory about meteors. He says they originate not from outer space but from Earth.  50:31 I  know they say that, you know, there's a meteor that came and 11% of the meteor was actually water, oh, and the water's been tested and it matches the Earth so that means that... what? Well, they say very stupidly, and I, this is incredibly dumb, uh, they say well, uh, that meteor, uh, must mean that all of the Earth's waters came from outer space. How illiterate can you be? First of all,  meteors don't come from outer space. There is no outer space.  Now, we're going to deal with that directly and head on. But the reason that meteor has water, and several have asked this question so I don't mind dealing with a little bit of it now, the reason that meteor had Earth's water is because it came from the earth.  It's not a meteor from outer space it's a rock that was sent, uh, you know basically exploding...

The God Culture: There is No Italian Mafia

Timothy Jay Schwab who is the God Culture has some interesting ideas about the Italian Mafia. He says they do not exist because they were all Italian Jews.  58:05 Now, these made the lowest of their society, no not the poor even lower, the lowest are the criminals. They made them their priests. What, a criminal priesthood? And they became known as Pharisees.  This is why you see uh for instance the Jewish Mafia, no there is no Italian mafia because most of them were Italian Jews that's just fact. It is a Jewish Paradigm that doesn't mean that all Mafia is but the the top and the origin of it comes from that Paradigm. Uh, they were also the Pirates of the Caribbean the Pirates of, uh, the Barbary Coast they were Jews that's the way they operate . Uh, the the fact is, uh, they touted and some of the Jewish authors will even, you know, talk about how wonderful it is that the Pirates were Jewish yet, um, uh, no not really. It proves that, uh, especially those at the top, again ...

The God Culture: "Christian" Is A Pagan Term

Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture is no Christian. Understanding his doctrines makes it more than abundantly clear that Tim does not follow Christ by rejecting His free grace in favor of keeping the law. However, Tim would say he is no Christian because it is a pagan term. Why can scholars not conduct an ounce of research to see they are propagating the Babylonian and Egyptian mystery religion calling it Christianity, a term not really used in the bible except by pagans or for the benefit of pagans in understanding because that was their brand? A very negative light of the followers of Yahusha. The first ecclesia never called themselves Christians or the term would be in the New Testament a thousand times not just four. Talk about ridiculous.   Egyptian Book of the Dead. Origin of Church Doctrine on Judgment? Part 8 Answers In 2nd Esdras 23H First of all the word "Christian" is in the Bible three times not four.  Second of all there is nothing to indicate that the ter...

The God Culture: Josephus Founded The Catholic Church

Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture hates the Church so much that he claims it was taken over by Satan in the first century. He also claims Josephus founded the Catholic Church. Of course in the first century there was ONLY one, holy, apostolic, universal (i.e. Catholic) Church which means Tim is calming against all facts and reason Josephus founded the Church.   47:38 So, yes Josephus founded that, what became the Catholic Church.  Gog of Magog Attacks: FRESH REVELATION: Lost Tribes Series 5: Who is Gog? When did Josephus the historian find time to found the Catholic Church? Tim does not offer any proof for this bogus and laughable claim. It's not just nonsense, it is blasphemy for Jesus Christ said: Matthew 16:18  And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Suffice to say Satan did not take over the Church in the first century and Josephus did not found the Catholic C...

The God Culture: There Was a Greek Colony in the Philippines in 800 BC

Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture is a man who stands alone. He is the only one in the entire world standing against all historical evidence and stating boldly that not only was there a Greek colony in the Philippines but also they were circumnavigating Africa to access it in the year 800 BC.   32:11 So, here we have history, yes history, that in 800 BC  the ships of Tarshish, the Greek ships yes from the Greek colony over in the Philippines, were able to show up in Joppa Israel on the Mediterranean . How about that? There was no Suez Canal yet and the Red Sea port was out of commission. They circumnavigated Africa it was the only option and it's documented right here in 800 BC. Did The Ancients Sail Around Africa? Bible Evidence. Solomon's Gold Series 16A Now, that is indeed rather interesting don't you think? There was a Greek colony in the Philippines dated to 800 B.C.? Where is the evidence for such a colony? That would be a huge archaeological discovery seeing ...