The God Culture: Bongbong Marcos Prophesied to Be President In 2022?
Timothy Jay Schwab of The God Culture has opened Pandora's Box with his historical and prophetical revisionist project concerning the Philippines. He really has no one to blame but himself for all the kooks he attracts to his equally kooky group. WHEN DOES THE BIBLE DAY BEGIN? Brief Recap. Answers In Jubilees 36 This video is part of Tim's Answers in Jubilees series. It is a recap video summarizing videos 34 and 35 in the series as well as a few other videos concerning when the day begins. That means it's a complete waste of time. Instead of telling his audience something new from Jubilees he harps on a subject he has continually blabbed about, the correct calendar. He already did a 16 part series last year about the Sabbath and when the day begins. Why waste our time with an unnecessary recap about a subject he has already covered? There are 26 more videos to go in this planned 52-week series and there is absolutely no way Tim will be covering the rest of Jubilees in dep