The God Culture: Man Can Live Sinlessly
It is truly astounding that anyone takes Timothy Jay Schwab of the The God Culture seriously as a teacher of the Bible. While he does teach from the Bible he does not teach what it actually says. Here is another example. Tim teaches that Enoch and Elijah are living in the Garden of Eden underneath the floor of the Sulu Sea off the coast of the Philippines and have been residing there for thousands of years. For food they eat the fruit of the Tree of Life. This prompted the following exchange between Tim and a viewer.
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Just a question...if Adam & Eve became infected with the knowledge of good and evil (κολον and πονηρον) and had to leave the garden… because…. God said... no man may live forever with this knowledge.... (My current understanding is that this infection is passing on to all offspring of Adam and Eve.) Adam & Eve were thus expelled from the garden to de-nigh them and any descendants the possibility of eating from the tree that would prolong their life… Why would Enoch and Elijah… being infected with the knowledge of the good and evil… be allowed back into the garden and have access to prolong their lives while they are infected with this knowledge… It would seem Adam and Eve who were most likely less tainted by the satan’s harassment of gods creation would be allowed back into the garden before any others who are infected… however no infected descendant can be allowed access to that tree…. Not saying that the historical docs are mistranslated…. This just creates more questions …now that this info has been brought to light… hummmm……
Not really. These were holy men who conquered such infection remaining righteous proving man can and it is a misnomer that man cannot. Yahusha's blood was required for salvation of all men indeed but there is no reason a man can not live completely righteous. We just don't. Enoch is even recorded as more righteous than Noah which is hard for one to achieve. Principally in all of mankind, you have these 2 so really not much to reconcile. It is a testament to how holy they were. Yahuah chose them. Understand that He chose Adam and Eve to reside in the Garden before as clearly He has a role for a human priest there as well just as the Temple and Tabernacle which are mirrors of His way in the Garden in His Holy of Holies. These men were perfect in their walks and clearly Yahuah knew they were worthy of such a position and if they weren't, they would die in their sin in His presence yet they have not. We see this on a very temporary basis with Moses who withstood the physical presence of Yahuah for 40 days essentially. The assumption one cannot be that holy is not supported by scripture. It's just fact that almost all men are not. Some would then bring up Rom. 3:23 all have sinned but Enoch was not righteous until after he had his son around 65 years of age so he did sin. However, he was righteous from there. Yah Bless.
The essence of the question is, "Why are Enoch and Elijah allowed to eat from the Tree of Life despite having the knowledge of good and evil when Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden of Eden to prevent them from eating the Tree of Life because they had the knowledge of good and evil."
Tim says this is not a problem because Enoch and Elijah are righteous. Not only righteous but actually sinless. That is the implication here where Tim says Enoch was righteous after the age 65 but was a sinner before then. He says the same thing about Adam in his book Rest: The Case for Sabbath.
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Rest: The Case for Sabbath, pg. 79 |
“Many assume Adam was evil and there is no evidence he ever sinned after he was tricked in the Garden.
However, Adam atoned and remained righteous after by all accounts. We now know Adam knew and practiced the Law.
There is no record of Adam defecating, urinating, spiting, or picking his nose so I guess those things never happened either, right? Do you see the interplay here between Adam being sinless, righteous, and keeping the law? It's because they all work together in Tim's salvation scheme.
Furthermore Tim says one can become righteous, i.e. sinless, without the blood of Christ. Of course Tim says we need the blood of Christ for salvation but salvation is righteousness and if we can be righteous on our own then we don't need the blood of Jesus Christ or any of his work on the cross. This is why the Bible teaches righteousness comes by faith.
Tim's entire soteriology rests on us keeping the law! Tim flip-flops on this issue but ultimately he teaches we must keep the law to be saved. Even though he denies it that is where his system leads. According to him salvation is not union with Christ or Christ in us but a relationship which consists of us keeping the law. For his system to make any sense the conclusion is necessarily "keeping the law saves us."
This is a truly horrendous teaching that his audience has been ensnared with. Tim has taken Jesus Christ and replaced Him with the Mosaic Law. Timothy Jay Schwab has said before he is not a Christian because it is a negative term not used by the Apostles. The fact is Timothy Jay Schwab is not a Christian in any sense of the term. He is not a follower of Christ. He is not a member of the Church or the ecclesia. He is not a part of the Body of Christ. Christ is not in Tim. The lying spirit of the devil resides in the wicked soul of Timothy Jay Schwab.
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