The God Culture: Secret Two Day Conference in Baguio
On August 1st and 2nd Timothy Jay Schwab of The God Culture gave a secret conference at the Crown Legacy Hotel in Baguio City. Aside from the host he was the only speaker for the short two day affair.
I say this is a secret conference because despite this flyer existing Tim never advertised the conference on his webpage or his Youtube channel. That is rather odd seeing as Tim is a self-proclaimed Apostle to the Philippines sent by God, excuse me Yahuah, to restore the identity of Filipinos as members of the Lost Tribes of Israel and the Philippines as Ophir, Tarshish, Sheba, Seba, Cattigara, Antilia, and Havilah which means curse. But actually it's not so odd at all because Timothy Jay Schwab, as I have previously noted, is paranoid.
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Carlos Rico: TGC are planning to came here I the US,I’m always excited all of you video
The God Culture: We have to keep such travels under wraps due to threats. Email us at Yah Bless.
Timothy Jay Schwab says he has to keep his travels under wraps due to threats. What threats? The threat of being asked hard questions? Does this man look like he feels threatened?
Seriously, who has threatened this man's life or wife? He might say me but that would be completely disingenuous and false. I have never threatened the man but he has threatened me not only with a libel suit and prison time for writing my opinions but also with physical violence for pointing out that his marriage to a twice divorced woman is forbidden by Jesus Christ in Matthew 5:32 and 19:9 and puts him in a constant state of adultery.
How dare he. He better hope I am able to follow the commandments if I ever meet him, that's for sure.
Whatever the deal is about why Tim did not advertise this conference it is available to watch on Facebook if you know the secret page on which to find it. My secret decoder ring never leaves my finger which is why I was able to find out about this two-day affair a few weeks ago.
As you can imagine it is the same old schlock. Same old maps. Same old charts. Same old claims. What I am digging for here is for anything new. Anything remotely new. Let's see what we can find.
Day one consisted of three sessions. This time around the camera is steady and fixed on the projection screen without showing Tim in full on guru mode. However, here he is at breakfast just before the conference began.
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Tim claims he is part Native American. Does he look it? |
Picture this man in his loud plaid shirt holding a microphone and walking around, gesticulating, perhaps wiping away some sweat, and holding palaver with the select few of his cult members who made it to his presence. But before he begins speaking the host reads Psalm 119. That is the longest Psalm in the entire Bible and it takes him 18 minutes to read all of it. Don't forget that at heart The God Culture is a law keeping cult and Psalm 119 is all about keeping the law. Then there is the national anthem. Next is almost an hour of announcements and prayer and whatever else and then Tim finally takes the stage. He rambles on and mentions the recent earthquake.
1:14:59 It's always funny how they assess it with actual instruments and then, you know, hours later they always adjust it down. Hahaha. One wonders why. Was it really, uh, not that magnitude or are they just trying to minimize what it was, right? And one must wonder if maybe they see where Yahushah said that we will see an increase in earthquakes in the last days, especially large earthquakes and then all of a sudden you see science fudging numbers and saying, "Oh no, no, no that wasn't a 7.3 it was a 7.1, no it's 7.0, no it's 6.9 and you know it just keeps going down.
Now that is the Timothy Jay Schwab we all know and love. The atheist God hating scientists actually know God is real and are downplaying the severity of earthquakes in a bid to cover up the fact that it is the last days. You can't make this stuff up. But Tim can! He does it all the time.
After a bit more rambling he screeches out a Casting Crowns song, Praise you in the Storm. It's a nice bland song that does not mention Jesus one time.
But what are you doing Tim? Why do you call the Church the Synagogue of Satan and yet sing their modern songs? The same spirit in you is not in them. They are not sabbath keeping Trinity deniers who teach "the law is what redeems us" as you do.
Here is his answer:
1:26:13 That has been one of my favorite songs for a very long time and it's still rings true whether Casting Crowns' theology is perfect or not. Hehehehe. That's always the funny thing. You know, in the days of ridicule when evil is depicted as good and good is evil, you know, they try to pick apart every little thing that you ever say no matter what it's about. Even if it's a straight truth, a direct truth, that everybody knows and no one ever really questions they still find a way to say, "Oh, nu-uh."
He does not have an answer. He cannot justify using this song which belongs to the modern Church which Tim left long ago. Then he says something that is definitely directed towards me:
1:27:06 But you know the amazing thing is they will still say, you know, "Wow he said that, you know, that book is scripture so he believes the New Testament is not scripture because it wasn't found at Qumran." Duh! Of course we teach the New Testament, it's a huge basis of our teaching and we see this kind of thing all along.
Let me once again clarify that I never, ever said Tim does not believe the New Testament is scripture. What I said is he has no epistemic right to use it as such because his test for canonicity is whether or not a book was found at Qumran. The New Testament was not found there but was compiled by the Church which Tim calls the Synagogue of Satan. My exact words are as follows:
Everything in these next three sections concerns the testimony of the Church and because Timothy considers the Church to be the Synagogue of Satan it should really be trashed. Why does he care about the testimony of the Synagogue of Satan? He cannot even appeal to the New Testament because the Church chose which books and which texts of those books to accept. With his criteria for what makes scripture, that a book must have been found at Qumran because those schismatics kept the true canon, Timothy Jay Schwab has no epistemic right to the New Testament.
Why would he use the Holy Book of the Synagogue of Satan? Tim simply does not understand the argument or the consequences of his own logic.
In this introduction he continues on to talk about my blog in discreet terms and says my arguments against him amount to, "Nu-uh." What a load of bollocks. I fill these articles full of facts that contradict him and he simply does not wish to engage them. He would rather heap scorn and ridicule. The difference between me and Tim is that while I do ridicule him I also take him seriously which is why everything I write has been researched as much as I am able to do using the internet since I have no access to libraries.
The God Culture the movie could be coming soon to a theater near you.
1:36:11 We wrote a powerful screenplay for a movie in fact regarding this and once again, you know, it just keeps getting blocked, it keeps getting blocked. But you know what? There is no roadblock that Yahusha cannot push out of the way. So we are not worried about when it happens, we know it will.
That could be any of a number of scripts Tim has written and copyrighted.
There is really nothing new in the first session. Most of the time was taken up by the introduction which left Tim with only an hour and 15 minutes. There are these two silly slides towards the end:
How do you lose the Land of Gold? Duh! I don't know. Lost since 1891.
Yeah, because everyone in the world knew the Philippines was Ophir until 1891. Sure thing except that is not true. Josephus, 8.6.4, wrote long before 1891 and told us that Ophir was the Golden Chersonese or Malay Peninsula. The problem is, and Tim does mention this extensively in the second session, just because explorers were tasked with finding Ophir and Tarshish and they ended up in the Philippines does not mean the Philippines is either of those places. It does not follow that because Columbus was tasked with finding a route to India that he actually found it. The same goes for Magellan. He landed in a lot of places and just because he was tasked with finding Ophir and Tarshish does not mean he actually found them in the Philippines. Just because he scratched out Lucoes and wrote Ophir does not mean he found the real genuine Ophir in Luzon.
Now for the first day's second session which is shorter than the others.
This is more of the same stuff Tim has taught before concerning the presence of gold in the Philippines. Here is a slide where he is talking about Pigafetta's testimony and alluvial gold deposits.
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12:30 "That which is most abundant is gold" which is the area in here in which is near Butuan. "They showed me certain valleys, making signs that there was more gold there than hairs on the head." Wow! Wait that's not a mountain that's a valley of gold. A valley! This is not an embellishment, this is a fact. The Philippines has alluvial deposits definitely in streams but also even on the ground.
Tim claims that the Philippines was littered with so much gold that one could simply pick up large chunks from the ground in a valley where it was a numerous as the hairs on the head. But he fails to cite the rest of Pigafetta's testimony.
That which is most abundant is gold. They showed me certain valleys, making signs that there was more gold there than hairs on the head, but that as they had not iron to dig it out, it required great labour to acquire it, and which they did not choose to undergo.
While there was an abundance of gold because they lacked iron implements great labor was needed to dig it out so the natives left it alone. That is a totally different story from what Tim is telling.
The third session was after lunch and is the longest coming in at 3 hours. Tim only speaks for about two hours. He starts off discussing Jonah and as a matter of course talks about the alleged trade route between the Philippines and Israel which circumnavigated Africa.
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4:04 |
1:05 So, in Jonah's day there was no port on the Red Sea so he had to go around Africa the long way or the ships of Tarshish did to get to Joppa Israel which is where he hopped on a ship which was going to Tarshish.
Tarshish is the Philippines in Tim's worldview so this is more confirmation that he does indeed teach Filipinos were engaged in trade with Israel by circumnavigating Africa which can be clearly seen in the slide above. The only thing is there is no historical proof for this whatsoever. I have written at length about this elsewhere.
Next Tim gives some interesting testimony from Spanish monks, whom elsewhere he calls liars, about how the Philippines is Ophir and Tarshish.
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6:45 |
Why does he trust what these men say when elsewhere he calls them liars and claims they destroyed real Filipino culture and burned their writings? It makes no sense at all.
What Tim fails to grasp is just because the Jesuists say a thing is a thing does not make it that thing. Tim also brings up Pedro Paterno and says he claims in his book Conjectural Anthropology that the Philippines is Ophir. This is wrong. There is no book called Conjectural Anthropology. The book is titled "El Cristianismo en la Antigua Civilización Tagálog." This translates to "The Christianity of the Ancient Tagalog Civilization" and it is a work of conjectural anthropology. That Tim still does not know this just goes to show how poor his research is and that he has not actually read Paterno or bothered to read about him.
The majority of the rest of this video is about Sabbath worship and is a reiteration of the contents of Tim's book on the subject which I have reviewed here and here.
For the second day of the conference Tim wore a more subdued red golf shirt.
The first session began with an hour of the host exhorting the audience and then Tim sang How Great is our God by Chris Tomlin. This song contains the line "The Godhead three in one, Father Spirit Son."
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1:14:42 |
Shockingly enough Tim, despite being an avowed anti-Trinitarian, sings this lyric with all his might. Unbelievable!
2:37 But why the obsession with the number three in theology in this day and age? I mean they teach us there is a Trinity you know, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Well that is a term never found in the Bible. It's just not there. Uh, don't care what you think whether Trinity or not Trinity there is no word Trinity in the Bible, period. It's just not there.
Um, the Bible also does not ever equate the Holy Spirit as the other two. It's just not there either. Important, no doubt, and understanding their roles all three is what's really important not polarizing ridiculously stupid arguments. "Oh you're this, oh you're that label, oh you're that label," you go label whatever you want. Go do it in the corner, um, because that's where we put dunces on this channel. They will not be commenting. If you watch 22 Kinds of Creation we cover this psalm as creation in scripture was that of two not three. The Holy Spirit was there but we are given no role for Him and no equation to the other two. It's just not there. There are two creators Elohim a plural word meaning heavenly being and before the angels were created there were only two Elohim and that was the Father and the Son who did the creating.
Unlike the previous day Tim gives no excuse as to why he sings the lyrics of a doctrine he emphatically rejects.
This song transitions into the chorus of How Great Thou Art which transitions into Hallelujah and then Timothy offers a prayer. Afterwards he discourses about the letter "J" and tells the audience that the name of Jesus cannot be Jesus. Of course that means a large part of the first session of day two is devoted to the True Name of God. After spending 40 minutes on that subject Tim then discusses the flood and his Rivers From Eden Theory.
There is nothing new at all in this video or anything interesting except for the fact that Tim sings a Trinitarian song despite teaching that the Trinity is false. I have already dealt at length with Tim's Rivers From Eden Theory proving it to be false in an article and a video.
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The penultimate session of the conference begins with a discussion of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. It's the local fruit known as Lanzones. Not long after Tim gets right to the heart of the matter.
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21:08 This is why Yahusha said this land will restore his law. This land will rise against the final generation (kingdom?). It's why Isaiah said His law will be restored in this land. Why just the Philippines? It's not just the Philippines, it's the land of creation, the land of the Garden of Eden, the land of his Holy of Holies. His presence is here. You know, one thing you wonder and a lot of the world wonders and, I don't know, I'm sure there's studies that show somebody else somewhere, to me Filipinos are the happiest people on earth. At some point you've been conquered and raped and stolen from and all of these things in history in the last 400 years or so and yet you're still the happiest people on earth. Why? Because you are just above the Holy of Holies above Yahuah. That's why. Wow.
This is it. There is one more session but it doesn't matter. This right here sums up the entire reason for the conference and Timothy Jay Schwab's mission. The name of the conference is Restore Philippines and he is on a mission to restore the law. To get Filipinos and others to trade faith alone in the blood of Jesus Christ for law keeping, sabbath keeping especially. There is nothing else to say here. This is the epitome of why The God Culture must be rejected. They reject Christ and His work on the cross.
This foolish notion that Jesus Christ came and kept the law as an example for us of how to keep it and that the law is what redeems us is not going to save anybody. It's only going to damn people. Tim has a fundamental misunderstanding of what Jesus has done for mankind. Take this slide for instance.
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1:37:47 |
If Sabbath/Feasts are a shadow of heavenly things then they do not pass away
That is fundamentally wrong. The law is a type and shadow of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ has come and now the shadows have been dispersed by the heavenly light of the Son of God. Time would fail me here and I am not going to explain this. Galatians and Hebrews explain it in full detail. In Galatians 3 Paul writes:
24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.
25 But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.
26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
The law is our schoolmaster which brings us to Christ that we might be justified by faith. Faith has come and now we are no longer under the law. End of story.
This is the end of my review of The God Culture's secret two day conference in Baguio. It's the same heresy and nonsense as in Tim's videos and books. There is nothing new. As a consequence there is nothing new in this article. It's the same rebuttal I have given and will continue to give against Timothy Jay Schwab.
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