The God Culture: The Pounders Live Interview

On August 26th Timothy Jay Schwab of The God Culture gave a live interview on the Jon Pounders show. For nearly 40 minutes Tim was given free reign to speak his piece. The topic was the location of the rivers of Eden but Tim gave a very truncated argument for the Philippines being Ophir, Tarshish, Cattigara, Antillia, Haviliah, and the location of the Garden of Eden. Of course even according to Tim the Philippines proper is not the location of the Garden of Eden but we will come back to that.

As with my last review of a speech Tim gave we are looking for anything new. Here are two new things!

6:40 We went through the Messianic movement even um which is a natural step for many of us, uh, and then eventually we came out of the Messianic movement.

9:20 Do you speak do you speak the language there yet? 

Uh, no, no, because the predominant language is English.

10:00 It's an odd language and it's hard for me to pick up to be honest so I only pick up a few words here and there. Uh, my wife is actually uh from the northern part uh of the Philippines and it's it's called Illocos and she speaks Illocano another dialect. There's over a thousand dialects so I give up.

First of all we learn that Tim did in fact go through the Messianic movement which is something I noted a while back. Second of all we learn that not only does he not speak a Filipino dialect but he gave up even trying to do so!  And he wants to tell us all about how Hebrew and Tagalog words are similar? Timothy Jay Schwab does not understand Filipino or Hebrew! The sheer hubris of this man is unmatched.

This video is chock full of the same old, same old which is not surprising. For about 40 minutes Tim is given free reign with absolutely no check from Pounders. At one point it appears that the host even left the conversation only to reappear at the 50 minute mark!

Look at the top right corner and you can see the host, Jon Pounders has left the building.  What happened? As the host he should be interrupting his guest to interject questions. This does not occur. This man is no Joe Rogan who actually is a good host who will ask questions of his guest or give a comment of some kind. He does ask questions when he reappears though.

52:26 Have you found any like, uh, archaeological evidence or anything that would suggest or would add to this, um, idea of the Garden of Eden being the Philippines? Have you seen any any finds or anything that just kind of suggests that it's possible?

That is actually a great question but it belies the fact he was even listening because Tim shows a slide that clearly states the Garden of Eden is INSIDE THE EARTH!!!

To ask that question Jon had to have missed this slide which means he was not watching this presentation!

Tim's answer to this question is actually quite stunning.
Um, more, more of it being the land of gold which is everywhere. There's gold deposits all over, uh, not on every island of the 7000 but all over the archipelago and a massive vein, uh, running through throughout.

There's a massive vein of gold running through all 7,000 islands? That is impossible!!! This is not an answer to the question but I admit the question was based in ignorance because Tim places the Garden of Eden beneath the floor of the Sulu Sea and that is not something he can prove positively with archaeological evidence unless he digs below the sea floor. 

Speaking of archaeology Tim has this to say:
50:38. Um, there is a ton of history here. The problem though is no one's really doing any archaeology here. The universities don't do much and when they do they'll they'll accept grants and they'll have a budget but there's so much corruption here unfortunately that, you know, money's handed down and handed down and by the time it gets to the project itself they they have, you know, the money to get a, a spoon and a fork and and do the archaeology.
How does he know what universities are and are not doing in regards to archeology? More importantly Tim calls the need for archaeological evidence for his claims an occult paradigm!

25:33 But if Noah and his sons landed on Mt. Everest can we find additional support that they actually settled there? Hm? We can find support. Let's go for it. Which frankly this far back is rather miraculous when you think about it given the circumstances. These are extremely ancient and to think they left archaeology to find may not be so simple and to hold one to that standard as a must is really an occult paradigm that assumes that we must find great architecture in order to prove recorded history especially in an era not known for great architecture largely. 

In fact for the Philippines Tim says there is NO archaeological evidence to support his claims!

Many seek this architecture in demand to prove this narrative and they are stuck in a false paradigm. There is none to be expected nor has any other nation on earth produced such nor will they.

Ancient Ophir is never described as having temples at all whether alone ones of gold, it is never recored to have great infrastructure in any sense just a mega-abundance of resources. The humble lifestyle of the Filipino even fits the oath of a Rechabite as Farrisol said. 

But he can't say something so bold in this interview and risk turning away new subscribers and book buyers. It's too lucrative to risk telling the truth!

There is a lot of outrageous stuff in this...well it's not even really an interview since Tim is given the floor. But this one takes the cake and it is also new. At least this is the first time I have heard Tim make this claim with his voice and not in the comment section of his videos.

48:38 The ancient mapping process required the North Pole to be in the center, in the navel, of the earth. Antarctica is a shelf that surrounds it and it is a flat round disc. That's the way they map it. Whether anybody believes in flat earth or not you can't dispute that.

Not only is the earth flat but Antarctica is a shelf that surrounds it! You can read more about Tim's flat earth beliefs here

There is a lot that can be said about this video but Tim's words are more important than my commentary. It's the same old junk but it's compressed into 40 minutes. Imagine 430 videos compressed into 40 minutes. Tim gives his all and rushes through it like a marathon runner and I can appreciate that. He is dedicated to his false worldview and he knows all the beats and how to get it across in the shortest amount of time. There is only one more thing from this video I want to comment on and it is this:

19:45 I've been telling people all this time that if they don't enter a relationship with Yahusha that, you know, they're going to go to hell.

Is Tim really telling people they will be going to hell if they don't have a relationship with Yahusha? Why? Timothy Jay Schwab teaches that when you die you fall asleep in one of three chambers inside the earth.  Then on judgement day everyone wakes up. The righteous inherit eternal life and the wicked are burned up like straw to exist no more!

22:29 The wicked are consumed period. And completely and final, the end that's why it's called eternal fire. Not because it burns and burns and burns forever but because when it burns it burns eternally. that's what it's about. So, don't misread passages that we are consumed by eternal fire as meaning we sit in a furnace when we die that's just not true that's not fact there's no bible verse that ever says that, ever. It's just not there. That assumes Yahusha's eternal fire is impotent, not effective, uh, because it it can only burn us but it it doesn't consume us. It's supposed to consume us that's what the Bible says it does so does it or doesn't it? Well, that ain't scripture. That's, that's the point. 

Who cares if you go to hell when all it means is you wake up from a long nap only to be annihilated! To be annihilated is to know nothing!  In Tim's scheme going to hell only means you will ultimately cease to exist! There is nothing for the wicked to fear because there is only an eternal nothingness which they won't even experience! This man has no idea what he is talking about and his system is fundamentally illogical. 

To sum up this so-called interview is terrible. The host leaves the conversation and apparently did not even pay attention to what Tim was saying. He does not act like a good host and ask probing questions but gives Tim the floor for 40 minutes. It's pathetic really. 


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