The God Culture: How to Keep the Feast of Tabernacles Without Actually Keeping the Feast of Tabernacles

Having previously instructed his audience to buy their children plastic horns to blow on the Feast of Trumpets because it's fun Timothy Jay Schwab of The God Culture now instructs them on how to keep the Feast of Tabernacles.

The Feast of Tabernacles: Sukkot, A Shadow Of Things To Come. Feasts of YHWH Series

9:12: Now, this part is fun. Your kids will love this, but let's not pretend we don't love it too. We do. We really do. "And ye shall take you on the first day," that's the 15th of Ethanim the seventh month, uh, that's the name of it in scripture. Uh, if you notice, uh, there's actually only, I think it's four months of the entire year that actually are named in the Bible otherwise it's called the fourth month, the fifth month, and so on and so forth just the number. Uh, and that is the two Feast months Abib and Ethanim and the two months that follow them, the yeah, and that's it. Those are the only ones that actually have an actual Hebrew name in scripture. Uh, very fascinating, uh, so, let's continue. So, we'll show you the the modern calendar reconciliation don't worry we're going to get there but let's read first. "The bowels of goodly trees branches of palm trees and the bowels of thick trees and Willows of the brook and ye shall rejoice before Yahuah your Elohim seven days." What do we do with them? Well you'll see in scripture we build a booth or tent or Tabernacle thus the name of the feast. That's what it's all about. 

24:03 Now, again, we continue to dwell in our tents we built. That's the point. You built it with your family, yeah, and you decorate it and have fun with it. This is incredible. This is far better than a Christmas tree. Your family gets to build a dwelling together, um, that you get to live in for seven days and nights. That is so awesome! The kids will love it. Remember we no longer sacrifice animals as Yahusha was our sacrifice for all feasts and Sabbath forever. We're going to show you the scripture. However, we do still offer incense or spice offerings and drink offerings or wine and both are easy, they're not difficult at all.

51:19 So, that's what we do. We take branches and we build the temporary shelter to live in for seven days. Yes you can run electric out there no problem with that, uh, but, uh, we sleep, we eat in our tents are booths all week for seven days and nights.

So, there you go. You have fun with your family building a tent in the backyard out of tree branches, you decorate it, and you live in it for seven days. Of course the scriptures never say to have fun decorating a tent with your children.

One commenter asked Tim if he could show exactly how he celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles but he declined citing safety reasons.

Leela: Hi Tim, would love to see you take videos on how you and your family celebrate the feast and share here in YouTube. It would be an awesome reference. Thank you for always sharing these contents.

The God Culture: We would love to but due to safety considerations, we cannot at least for now. Perhaps in time. Yah Bless.

How exactly would Tim's safety be compromised if he showed a picture of the tabernacle he built and decorated with his family? The martyr complex on this guy is huge!

Along with building a tent you also have to offer up incense and drink offerings. How that is to be done Tim does not say. He says absolutely nothing about building an altar or needing a priest to properly make an offering. He also admits that he does not even have the correct calendar dates for when the feasts happen.

1:09:59 But no one has these dates a hundred percent that we can verify including us, uh, so don't beat people up over oh well you do it this day oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, don't do that. The point, keep the feast

No! The point is not "keep the feast." The feast is to be kept in a very certain manner which is laid out in the Bible. To not keep it on the right day or to not keep it properly by refraining from sacrificing is to commit sacrilege. In fact Tim denigrates the whole Feast of Tabernacles by calling it fun and saying one does not need to follow it to the letter and sacrifice animals.  The thing is ALL OF THE LAW has been fulfilled by Jesus Christ. 

Tim has a stupid analogy about TV orders and Christ's work on the cross. Tim says if your TV order has been fulfilled does that means no more TV orders will be filled?

Rest: The Case for Sabbath, pgs 29-30

Are we to interpret this as since TVs were delivered, there is to be no more TV? Do the TVs then pass away since they were delivered? In fact, no one else on earth can ever have a TV delivered again because this person got theirs? We know better but this is how they are applying this scripture backwards by redefining this word in error.

This analogy is stupid. But going along with it, Jesus Christ delivered a TV to every person who has ever lived or will ever live. There are no more TVs to be delivered. In the same fashion Jesus Christ fulfilled the law for all mankind as the Second Adam. That is Christianity 101.

But perhaps even worse is Tim's explanation of what the Feast of Tabernacles foreshadows. I think you will be surprised.  I know I was.

The Feast of Tabernacles in the NEW TESTAMENT. Feasts of YHWH Series

49:02 Let's go to 1st Corinthians 6:19. Yes, Paul knew. "What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you which ye have of Elohim and ye are not your own." See, our bodies are tabernacles, the temple of the Holy Ghost. This is a concept of the Feast of Tabernacles our future event when we shed our temporary bodies just like we shed our, you know, our, uh, temporary tabernacles and we receive new glorified bodies on the day of judgment. A period of about three weeks by the way not just one day in scripture even though it's called the day as it appears to mirror the three weeks of Ethaninm, the day of trumpets when the trump shall sound and the dead shall be raised, the day of atonement which is judgment, and tabernacles when we receive our new glorified bodies and live eternally from there. All of these are foreshadowing of events that have not occurred yet therefore they cannot have passed away before they even occurred.

According to Timothy Jay Schwab the Feast of Trumpets, the day of Atonement, and the Feast of Tabernacles all foreshadow the final three weeks when the dead are raised, judged, and the righteous are given new bodies or tabernacles. None of those feasts has anything to do with the work of Jesus Christ.

How is Tim so daft that he does not realize Jesus Christ tabernacling in the flesh fulfills the Feast of Tabernacles?

John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. 

The word translated as "dwelt among us" means to tabernacle.

Galatians is very clear that the law is a schoolmaster which leads us to Christ. Dr. Gene Scott says it better than I can:

As we close the fourth chapter of Galatians, Paul compares those who go back to Sinai and pull the Law off that hill, and come to some new Jerusalem as the interpretive center, and from that new Jerusalem begin to lay the Law on you as an added necessity of being a Christian, Paul compares that to Abraham going into the tent and fornicating with Hagar. He says Hagar is Sinai, and Sinai is "new Jerusalems" which are now, and they produce children of bondage.

It's really the same old, same old from Tim. He wants to have everybody in the tent fornicating with Hagar! Just in case he asks, the Day of Atonement was fulfilled on the Cross when Jesus atoned for our sins but the trumpet is yet to blow announcing His second coming. That does not mean, however, that we are to celebrate the Feast of Trumpets because as I noted:

Galatians 3:24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.

25 But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.

26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.

Tim's interpretation that the Feast of Tabernacles foreshadows the resurrection and the giving of our new bodies and is not a foreshadowing of the incarnation is 100% Christless. I have noted this before in my review of his Answers in Jubilees series.

To say, as Jubilees does, that the feasts were all kept by the Patriarchs and do not have their origin in the Exodus is to denude them of their Christological significance. This is just one of the many reasons no Christian could or ever did accept Jubilees as scripture. It is not surprising that Tim is ignorant of the Christological significance of the feasts and the law. The man's theology is Christless and graceless. There is no room in his scheme for Christ except to be an example of how to keep the law. Tim's Christ is not the Redeemer who delivers us from the bondage of sin and the Mosaic law. According to Tim the law is what redeems us. 

Now, as I deal with the Philippines on this blog I want add this little gem from the first video.

1:00:05 And very likely the Ark if ever found would probably be found in an area like the Philippines where lost tribes migrated.

There you have it.  That is the crazy Philippine subject matter I look for when dealing with Timothy Jay Schwab of The God Culture. 

And that is also how you keep the Feast of Tabernacles without actually keeping the Feast of Tabernacles. Have fun building, decorating, and living for seven days in a tent with your entire family.  


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