The God Culture: More Awful "Research"

At this point I have written almost 100 articles analyzing the so-called research of Timothy Jay Schwab of The God Culture. From all I have seen there is no way The God Culture can be a team. If they are they are certainly awful and have no idea how to do actual research. Here is another glaring instance of this incredibly poor "research" from Timothy Jay Schwab and his alleged team.

The Search for King Solomon's Treasure Sourcebook, pg. 148

Nowell's source is out of print but the University of Illinois and University of Michigan allow Limited Search of v. 31 through Hathi Trust Digital Library of the text only of this publishing which affirms on P. 438 the words Nowell is quoting. Here are examples: (https://catalog.hathitrustorg/Record/000681729) 

Now, what is going on here you may ask? Tim is citing Charles Nowell who writes:

Magellan digested Barbosa's work and with his own hand rewrote one passage, which consisted of a list of places between the Cape of Good Hope and the Lequios that were known but not yet occupied by the Portuguese. Magellan's version substitutes for Barbosa's "Lequios" the words "Tarsis" and "Ofir." 
Tim wants to check up on Nowell's source for this claim that Magellan changed Barbosa's book and substituted Tarsis and Ofir for Leqouis. That source is:
29. Denuce, "Les Iles Lequois (Formose et Riu•Kiu) et Ophir," Bulletin de la Societd Royale Beige de Giographie, XXXI, 1907, 438. 
Tim correctly notes that the source is out of print but instead of exhausting all means to find it he relies on Hathi Trust which allows a limited word search of this document.

What is this supposed to prove anyway? That the words Tarsis, Ofir, Magellan, and Barbosa appear in this article? So what? What about the substance of the article? 

With a few clicks of the mouse I found this article in under five minutes.

Roughly, that translates as:
The author of the archive inventory assigns the document the date of 1520-1530, without examining whether there could be any direct relationship between the different pieces contained in the bundle, among others with the Magellan manuscript. Now, the anonymous memoir is nothing more than a fragment of the book of Od. Barbosa, relating to the Far East. The arrangement which the author has adopted in his description differs slightly from that admitted to us given above according to the edition of the Book published by the Academy of Sciences of Lisbon

Sumatra, Cumda, Java major, Java minor, Timor, Vendant, Meluq, China, Tarais, Ofir.
That paragraph cannot be fully understood without reading the previous two pages. I did that but I am not going to print that here. I am not going to do Tim's research for him. In this day and age of artificial intelligence it is incredibly easy to use OCR to translate a book into English. 

Now, there is a lot more in this article about the Lequios islands and thier location.

But as I said I am not about to do Tim's research for him. What is important to point out here is that Tim constantly claims he is part of a research team and has done more real research than actual scholars. Yet we see right here he could not even do the proper research to pull up this article. He is not unaware of the Archive or Google Books yet here we see he was unable to find the actual article to make his case. It's not as if the article does prove his case but still the fact remains Tim's research skills are poor.

There is no way The God Culture is a team. The amount of mistakes which are made on a regular basis prove this out. This article is just more evidence that The God Culture is Timothy Jay Schwab alone.


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