The God Culture: 100 Lies About the Philippines: Lie #17: Filipinos Are Described as Big, Bearded White Men

Welcome back to 100 lies The God Culture teaches about the Philippines. Once more the subject is the Lequios Islands. Timothy Jay Schwab claims that the Leqouis Islands is the Philippines and that in an old Spanish document they are described as big, bearded white men. As we shall see it is another lie.

In Solomon's gold Part 6 Tim says:

Solomon's Gold Series - Part 6: Little Known History of Ophir. Philippines History

9:12 According to Colleccion General de Documentos Relativos Islas Filipinas, you might need to correct our Spanish there, document number 98 the Lucoes were big, bearded, and white men. they were only interested in gold and silver when trading at ophir. General Legazpi wrote, "the ships of the Lucoes were always laden with gold and silver," thus targets of the Spanish. 

These are big, bearded white men the Phoenicians. In other words Hiram King of Tyre which was part of Phoenicia whom King Solomon hired to sail to Ophir to get gold and other resources. So if these distinctive looking men came to your land, might you remember them? Yep? Might you name an island after them and their trade? Perhaps. They are the Lucoes in which Luzon is named because that was the capital of Ophir where the Lucoes lived and traded. Yet another tie to the story of Solomon, the Queen of Sheba, Ophir, and Tarshish. .Imagine that.

In his book The Search for King Solomon's Treasure Tim says the same thing.

Solomon's Treasure, pg. 163

Collecion General de Documentos Relativos a las Islas Filipinas, Document #98 mentions the Lequios were “big, bearded, and white men.” They traded “gold and silver.” 

This appears to throw a wrench into this entire narrative in history perhaps. How could Filipinos be big, bearded, white men? That is not a description of the Japanese either. This is an ancient residual reference to Solomon’s navy of which the Spanish have all but wiped so much history that would likely confirm this even further. However, we have enough to prove this thoroughly and that will suffice.

The problem is that such a description is never given in the document to which Tim is referring. Here is a translation of that section which is at the end of the document. 

In front of this said China and its lands are many islands to the sea and beyond these islands is a very large land that They say that it is terra firme, other islands where three or four junks of white people, who are very large and very rich, came to Malac every year. They bring a lot of gold in rods and silver and silk and a lot of very good wheat and very beautiful porcelain and other merchandise and they carry a lot of pepper and all the other things that the Chinese sayings carry to those who are called lequios, those from Malac say that they are better people than older merchants and richer and more dressed and honored than the Chinese whose people until now We have no news because they never came to Malac after the Portuguese went there.

Not a word about beards. The Spanish word "barba" does not show up in the text. Why is that? According to Chinese sources it's because the Lequios plucked out their beards. They also are described as having deep eyes and long noses. Filipinos do not have long noses. They are also said to observe no hierarchy which is unlike Philippine society which is ruled by elders.
"The country of Liuqiu is situated amidst islands in the sea, in a location that should be east of Jian'an County, to which one may arrive with five days' travel by water. The land has many caves. Its king's clan name is Huansi, and his given name is Keladou; it is not known how many generations have passed since he and his have come to possess the country. The people of that land call him Kelaoyang, and for his wife, [they] say Duobatu. His place of residence they call Boluotan Grotto, with threefold moats and fences; the perimeter has flowing water, trees and briars as barriers. As for the domicile of the king, it is sixteen rooms large, and engraved with carvings of birds and beasts. There are many Doulou trees, which resemble the orange but with foliage that is dense. The country has four or five chiefs, who unite several villages under their rule; the villages have [their own] little kings."

"The people have deep eyes and long noses, seeming to be rather akin to the Hu, and also having petty cleverness. There is no observance of hierarchy of ruler and minister nor the rite of prostrating oneself with one's palms pressed together. Fathers and children sleep together in the same bed. The men pluck out their whiskers and beards, and any place on their bodies where they happen to have hair, they will also remove it. The adult women use ink to tattoo their hands in the design of insects and serpents. As for marriage, they use wine, delicacies, pearls and shells to arrange a betrothal; if a man and a woman have found pleasure in each other, then they get married."
This designation of the country of Liuqiu is where the word Lequios originates. It is a place amidst islands to the east of China. The description here is of the Ryukyu Islands and Formosa not the Philippines. The Philippines is not even in front of China it is to the southeast of China. 

The fact is Tim did not even bother to read this document. His source for this false information is

According to Documents 98, the Lequios were big, bearded, and white men. They were only interested in gold and silver when trading at Ophir. Okinawans, Koreans, and Vietnamese people are not big nor are they white. Their beards are just small goatees and could not satisfy the word "bearded". Therefore they were not the Lequios. So who could the Lequios be but the remnants of Hebrews and Phoenicians who have made some enclaves along the Southeast Asian shores?

If you pay attention to Tim's videos you will see that Tim lifts a huge amount of his so-called research directly from He is on record admitting this. 

The Lequios of Luzon: Key to Finding Ophir and Chryse. Clue #52

21:19 For a while now we have used definition for the Hebrew for this word from ancient Philippines blogspot. We, in the beginning in fact, we tried to quote local sources and you'll see in the description box we mentioned those guys. We also mentioned Bob's blog as well. It's all there. It's been there for three years. We've always, you know, given them some credit and those are worth reading because really that's where we started with the history portion. We started reading their stuff and then we started branching out from there. Yes, we verified everything that we could and if there was something that we couldn't verify such as the gold found in first century Egypt as easily we took it from numerous sources so we felt pretty good with it and went with it and turns out it's proving to be fine as a reference. So far our sources by the way check out to be very good.

That admission is absolutely amazing. Tim started his journey by quoting "local sources!?" What does that even mean? A Philippine blog? Why not start with proven academic sources? Because Tim hates academia. Then he says he tried to verify most of what he read online but if he couldn't verify it he went with it anyway because multiple sources said the same thing! That is not a proper method for doing historical research at all and shows what a total fool this man is. All the errors from those sources he never verified have ended up in his book. Errors such as Documento 98 describing the Lequios as bearded. 

But let's investigate this Spanish document a little further. Not only are the Lequios people described as being white but so are the Chinese.

The visitors of this land of China are men of good stature and white and well disposed and also the women have very small eyes

pg. 136

Are the Chinese actually Phoenicians? Of course not. Document 98 follows the exact same route as in Duarte Barbosa's book. He describes the Chinese in the same way.

The inhabitants of this land me great merchants they are white men, and well built. Both men and women have small eyes, in their beards they have three or four hairs and no more, as a sign of gentility, and the smaller their eyes are the more repute they have as well-bred men.

Duarte Barbosa, Vol. 2, pg. 213

He also describes the people of Solor, which is the Sulu archipelago as being almost white. 

And passing these Maluquo Islands northwards towards China there is another very large island well furnished with food which they call Solor. Its inhabitants are almost white, Heathen with good figures.

Duarte Barbosa, Vol. 2, pg. 206

He even describes the inhabitants of Celebes as being white. 

Having passed the said Isles of Maluco certain other islands are found towards the west, whence come at times certain white folk, bare from the waist up, yet they have garments woven from something like straw, wherewith they cover their private parts. They speak a tongue of their own. Their boats are badly built, and therein they come to take loads of cloves in these islands, also copper, Cambaya cloths and tin, and they take thither for sale very long and broad one-edged swords and other ironwork, and a good quantity of gold. These folk are eaters of human flesh, and if the King of Maluco wishes to put to death any person condemned by law they beg for him to be delivered to them to eat as if they were asking for a pig. These islands, from which these and suchlike people come, are called Celebe. 

Are these people also Phoenicians? Of course not. The point is that the color of these people's skin means absolutely nothing. There are light skinned and dark skinned inhabitants in East Asia and in the Islands of South East Asia. That is no proof they are descendants of King Solomon's navy. 

As for Document #98 Tim is not telling the truth. At no time does it describe the Lequios people as bearded. But he does not know this because he did not even seek to verify the contents of the document. He is on record saying he took and other "local sources" at face value. That is no way to do history. But it is the way to propagate lies.


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