The God Culture: Obsessive Paranoia Leads Timothy Jay Schwab to Commit Fraud

Timothy Jay Schwab of The God Culture is obsessed with this blog. In fact he is down right paranoid thinking that all I have written about him and his teachings poses an existential threat to his project. On his websites, in his books, and in his videos he refers to this blog sometimes directly and other times in oblique terms never naming me but warning people to stay away from here and accusing me of various crimes. Let's take a look at this obsession of his and see where it has led him. Spoiler alert: it's led him to commit fraud as the title says.

First of all let's look over his biography which is spread across several websites.

After extensive prayer and vetting by the large church in which they ministered, they were married in that church by those pastors following Biblical and civil laws. Do not entertain libelous fake news sites and channels on any topic when they are inept in understanding Matthew 5 and Matthew 19 actually affirming the Law of Moses' interpretation of reasons for divorce from Deuteronomy 24 of which this couple has been vetted and approved by appropriate, Biblical authorities including Jesus in His own words.  Anyone who cannot read the word "except" and understand it, is not one who should be listened to on any topic as they clearly have no desire to understand the Bible and when they change the words of Messiah and His meaning He explains, they are frauds. Steer clear.

This little blurb is to be found on Tim's Facebook pageAmazon, and Though he does not name me this is a clear and unambiguous reference to my Biography of Timothy Jay Schwab.  In that biography I revealed that Tim is married to a divorced woman. He is her third husband and she his second wife. Whatever the circumstances of their respective divorces the command of Jesus to not marry a divorced woman is crystal clear.

Matthew 5:32  But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.

Matthew 19:8 And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery. 

Mark 10:12 And if a woman shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery.

We need not have a long Bible study here comparing the Old and New Testaments. Whatever Tim and Anna's reasoning for ending their former marriages may be the fact is Jesus prohibits their union because Anna is a divorcéeHe calls such an union adultery. Jesus says Tim and Anna are adulterers.

This is important to know because Tim preaches a legalist doctrine that, "the law is what redeems us." Keeping the law is what engrafts us into Christ. Relationship with God means keeping the law. He has recently begun a new series of videos about the commandments of the New Testament!

But all the while he is teaching this doctrine about keeping the law he is breaking the law by hypocritically being in an active state of adultery which is condemned by Jesus Christ Himself.

Tim is so hysterical that I revealed this fact he thought it seemed fit to announce to the world that his marriage to Anna is sound, being properly vetted by the Presbyterian Church they formerly attended. Of course it's not like they believe anything that Church teaches like the Trinity or the Five Points so why would they trust the Church's judgement about their marriage? It's just more hypocrisy.

The second reference to me to take note of is also on the God Culture's website.

Their team works on a volunteer basis to assist Timothy and Anna in their aims and they will remain anonymous because they do not desire credit – just the restoration of truth. Besides, they will all allow Timothy to be pictured with libelous clown faces, nasty names, racist Indian headdresses, outright lies, and all of the Cyber Libel and illegal behavior that has followed. They expected ridicule but not from these illiterate children posing as adults whose only intent is to libel, disparage, slander, deceive, marginalize, and ultimately polarize because what they cannot do is disprove. The Philippines will rise against this corruption and throw it out on its ear because Messiah, Isaiah, and Ezekiel said so.

This is a reference to at least two articles I wrote about The God Culture. The first with the clown faces refers to "Flat Earthers and Pharisees From Clown World" where I analyzed what Tim has to say about the flat-earth. He does teach the earth is flat. Just read through what I wrote and fact check it in his videos. He repeatedly brings up the flat earth even in his new books "Solomon's Treasure" and his annotated version of Jubilees. The article ends with this picture:

Tim thinks this photoshop is illegal!  Here is his complaint to Google.

1. Picture of me illegally defaced with a world photoshopped onto my shirt in fraudulent representation. 2. Picture of me illegally defaced with a world pasted over my face. 3. My photo illegally defaced with clown face imposed on top. Harassment, Cyber Libel, fraud and infringing my personal image.

If photoshopping is illegal then the whole internet is going to have to be shut down. Just search for any celebrity or politician and Photoshop. Try Donald Trump and you get hundreds of what Tim claims are illegal images infringing on Trump's personal image. Has he sued anyone for making those images? No. That's because photoshopping is not illegal. It's fair use.

The part about the Indian Headdress concerns an article titled "More Stuff the God Culture Says." In that article I commented on Tim claiming to be part Native American. It's a ridiculous claim seeing as he is clearly a white man. To highlight the absurdity of this claim I included a picture similar to the following which The God Culture calls racist.

What is racist about that? They don't say. I suppose they ought to go after the website whose filter I used to make this photo.

The page that all this is mentioned on is a biography of The God Culture's Research Crew. One would think that the space would be used to tell us all about the team. Who's on it, what are their qualifications, and other relevant information. Instead we get this:

Their members are former ministers mostly with non-denominational mega-churches of varied educational backgrounds and business experience who have watched what they view as the degradation of Yahuah's concept of ekklesia mixed and infused with several occult principles.

What does business experience have to do with The God Culture's research project? What's preferable, a CEO or a Phd who is familiar with ancient texts and who could actually contribute something relevant? In his bio Tim tells us that he is working on a project to "restore Dead Sea Scrolls understanding." Are there actual Dead Sea Scroll scholars on the team? People who are familiar with the ancient languages and cultures of the Middle East? What qualifies this team to work on such a project? Tim should have used this space to tell us more about the team especially their educational attainments and qualifications. But instead he tells us nothing and rants against me. What a waste.

The next reference to this blog is a little more oblique and is on the back cover of Tim's annotated The Book of Jubilees.

Examine the Book of Jubilees with The Torah Test.

Many of us have been programmed with an immediate fort in response to books like Jubilees found in the Dead Sea Scrolls. However, this book never disappeared but remained inspired scripture over the centuries. In the beginning of this book, we will put the Book of Jubilees to the Torah Test. Let us no longer rely on a blogpost from a disingenuous Pharisee to determine scripture but prove it out directly as we are told in 1 Thessalonians 5:21: Prove all things hold fast that which is good. Torah Test inside. 

What is "an immediate fort in response?"

Given how much Tim has railed against me in his biography I am certain that this a reference to my article about Jubilees. In that article I laid the text bare and demolished Tim's arguments for it being scripture. Why Tim would waste space mentioning me, or whatever blog he might be referring to, is not clear. My article did not spring from my head all alone as I extensively used VanderKam's commentary. If anyone can completely devastate Tim's arguments for Jubilees it is him. Yet Tim mentions his commentary positively on page 282 of his version of Jubilees as a "Source of Note." It is therefore irrational to call me and my blog disingenuous when it appears Tim approves of the source for all I wrote.

I recently wrote a second article about the Book of Jubilees where I trashed Tim's annotated version and exposed it for being the unscholarly and unhistorical piece of garbage it is. The man literally thinks Noah was referring to FAIRBANKS, ALASKA when he was dividing the Earth among his sons. Two weeks later he published a preview video for a new series he is working on called, "Answers in Jubilees." I suppose that is a clever send-up of Ken Ham's Answers in Genesis. In the description he warns people to stay away from my blog.

Get ready for a New Series, Answers In Jubilees. A 52-Week YouTube exploration of The Book of Jubilees. WARNING: This requires mature believers who are capable of discerning for themselves without being swayed by a Pharisee blog of false paradigms that our published already exposed.
Will he address the criticisms I laid out in my second article about Jubilees? Will he insist that Noah was referring to FAIRBANKS, ALASKA or will he retract that nonsense? (It turns out he gaslighted his audience by denying he ever affirmed that Noah was referring to Fairbanks, Alaska.) Will he discuss some of the bizarre stories like Eve being shut out of the Garden of Eden for 80 days because she was impure after being created? Will he discuss the contradictions between Jubilees and Genesis/Exodus such as in Exodus God Himself kills the firstborn while in Jubilees it is "all the powers of Mastema" also known as Satan? On his note for Jubilees 49:2 Timothy actually says Exodus is inconsistent while Jubilees is consistent!!!

Cf. Ex. 12:27 says Yahuah struck the households and delivered at the same time but that is not consistent. Jubilees is

Is Tim aware there is a book that discusses some of the many contradictions within the text of Jubilees?

The Book of Jubilees: Rewritten Bible, Redaction, Ideology and Theology 

Likely he would brush off such a learned tome from an expert on the subject as "pure ignorance from a false paradigm."

What is the reason for including this WARNING? Who is relying on my blog posts to determine for them whether or not Jubilees is scripture? There are many blogs and videos and books that discuss Jubilees. I am not the only one talking about it. Why single me out? Is Tim so stupid that he does not understand that his statement can be equally applied to him or to any other group? What he really means is, "Don't be swayed by all the scholars who have spent their lives studying Jubilees and have different conclusions than us." 

The fourth reference to me is in "Solomon's Treasure" on page 137.

The Search for King Solomon's Treasure, pg. 137

We had one question the "belief" of Adrian Horridge yet his "belief" is clear here and Justice Carpio was accurate in his rendering of such. In our Sourcebook we offer that detail for your review.

Unless anyone else has debated with the God Culture concerning what Professor Horridge wrote about the Austronesians then this is a reference to me.  But why refer to that exchange here? It really has no place in the book. I emailed professor Horridge pages 135-137 of Tim's book in order to get his opinion on Tim's use of his work. He called both Justice Carpio and Timothy Schwab's interpretation rubbish. 

The fifth reference The God Culture makes about this blog stems from a letter Tim has been sending to everyone who buys books directly from him.  

Four years ago, we set out to educate especially the Philippines restoring their history and most importantly the understanding of prophecy. We realize this revelation sets off major fire alarms among the colonialists and all who have been trained to oppose the rising of the Philippines. Of course, they cannot overcome the words of Messiah and they will fail. You may have noticed however, that our YouTube Channel has been greatly attacked by YouTube itself refusing to notify subscriber which has been reported to them many times and never have we received even an acknowledgment from YouTube. In time we will address this even in court if needed. Facebook is guilty of the same in which we have well documented. Google is also complicit even placing a Facebook post 8 months old with no likes on a site with 80 followers above over four websites with our own bio newly released of many thousands of views and even our own Facebook posts with over 500 likes, hundreds of comments, thousands of engagements and thousands of views on the same. That is not natural nor is there a remote possibility for any algorithm to do such yet they do.

That is a reference to my back-up Facebook page Philippinesfails. If you Google "Timothy Jay Schwab Philippines" it is actually the third hit. "Timothy Schwab Philippines" brings it up a slot to number two. The God Culture wrote a long missive against me on their Facebook page which contains the following:

He uses our name and logo to attempt to get views because we have a real following and he manipulates Google even in fraud.

In fact, he has to fraud Google to come up #2, 3 and 4 in a search under Tim's name. Imagine an international author releasing 3 books with bios on Amazon Author Central, Author's Den and other very credible sources along with 4 credible websites with credible bios for Tim and yet this idiot's 9-month old FB post with 1 like and no comments is preferred by Google as #2, then his blog and then, #4 his tweet to 21 people saying nothing. Whomever idiot he has inside Google is making Google look like a fool and exposing them to serious consequences.

That entire post is full of ignorant and even libelous claims against me. None of what they write about me is true and the things they get close to being true are still false especially the claim that I stole Tim's Social Security number which  may or may not be 21*-6*-****. As if I could possibly do such a thing as steal his SSN. All the information I have gathered about Timothy Jay Schwab is derived from public sources available online. There is quite a lot out there of which he is most certainly unaware.

The most bizarre claim they make is that I am both conspiring with and defrauding Google to get my page up in the rankings. Of course they never lay bare the nature of this fraud. Instead they fling the accusation and thus libel me. I am most certainly not defrauding Google nor do I have an inside man in Google nor am I a Communist which they also allege. Do they even know what Communism is? A typical Communist tactic is to accuse your opponent of that which you are guilty. In this case that is exactly what Timothy Jay Schwab and his second wife Anna Rose Gacayan Zamoranos are doing. It is they who are defrauding Google to get their webpages up in the rankings.

Just take a look at their websites and see for yourself.

Timothy Jay Schwab Philippines

Timothy Schwab.   Ophir Philippines

Biography of Timothy Jay Schwab

Biography of Timothy Schwab

Biography of Timothy Schwab Philippines

Biography of Timothy Jay Schwab Philippines


Ophirian Heritage Conservatory

That is called hidden text and it is not something of which Google approves. In order to see this text just go to the link and type Ctrl-A. That will select all the elements on the page and it will reveal what is hidden. The next bit of hidden text is even more sneaky.

"Timothy Jay Schwab and Anna Zamoranos-Schwab The God Culture The Levite Bible Ophir Institute Author, The Search for King Solomon's Treasure, Ophir is Philippines, Philippines is Ophir, Ophirian Heritage, PhilippineFails The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea  Antonio Pigafetta’s Journal  The Cambridge Ancient History  The Smithsonian Institute  Yale University  The Israel Museum  The Louvre Museum  British Museum  Pomponius Mela, Chorographia  Flavius Josephus  The surueye of the vvorld... Dionysius Periegetes  The Voyages and Adventures of Fernando Mendez Pinto, The Portuguese (Cogan)  Pliny the Elder (Historia Naturalis)  The Philippine Islands (Blair, Robertson)  ​Europe and the Far East (Sir Robert K. Douglas, Cambridge University Press, 1904)  The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology  ​The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology  The Institute for Maritime and Ocean Affairs  History of the Philippine Islands (Antonio de Morga, 1609)  ArcheoSciences Journal  The Carpenter R"

This hidden text is concealed behind an image of Tim and Anna. In fact this same text is concealed beneath other pictures on his site as well.

His website Book of Jubilees dot org also has hidden text.

ANSWERS IN JUBILEES 52 Week Study Timothy Schwab Philippines Biography PhilippinesFails PhilippineFails Ophirian Heritage Butch Belgica

It is interesting that this set of hidden text has "Butch Belgica." Is Tim trying to divert traffic from Butch's website? That would be pretty rude seeing as Butch wrote the "Foreward" to Tim's book.

The only way to see it is to right click on the picture and select "inspect element." Even though the user cannot see the hidden text on these three pages Google can and they don't like it. In fact it is a classic tactic to manipulate search engines in order push your website to the top. It is nothing more or less than spam and placing hidden text on your website could result in penalties from Google.

Hiding text or links in your content to manipulate Google's search rankings can be seen as deceptive and is a violation of Google's Webmaster Guidelines. Text (such as excessive keywords) can be hidden in several ways, including:

  • Using white text on a white background
  • Locating text behind an image

What can we learn from all this? What we learn is Timothy Jay Schwab and the God Culture are obsessive and paranoid about this blog. So much so that now they have engaged in fraud by using hidden text in an attempt to redirect Google searches to their webpage. They are literally doing what they have accused me of doing. As a result it is possible their websites could go down in the rankings. Let's not forget about Bing, Yahoo, Duck Duck Go, and other search engines. Am I defrauding them too? 




Is that a conspiracy or is it the algorithm? Tim knows it's the algorithm and that's why he's attempting to manipulate it. But he better watch out. Those search engines could also penalize The God Culture's websites for using hidden text and push them down in the rankings.

This is all because they are scared that someone has tested them and shown everything they teach to be outright lies.  It's too bad that I appear to be the only one taking Timothy Jay Schwab and the God Culture seriously by fact checking their claims. It's really amazing how many people have been deceived by this guy but it should not be so surprising. After all there are two million members of Iglesia Ni Cristo.


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