Tuesday, March 1, 2022

The God Culture: Dine with the Ancestors Havilah Rites of the Lakanate of Tondo

While tracing a few leads trying to find the origin of the resurgence of the Philippines is Ophir doctrine in modern times I ran across something quite odd that goes by the name of the "Dine with the Ancestors Havilah Rites of the Lakanate of Tondo." On May 12th, 2019 Timothy Jay Schwab of The God Culture took part in these rites.

The "Dine with the Ancestors Havilah Rites of the Lakanate of Tondo". As suggested by Pastor Paul Medrano, this special rite is a variation of the classic Dine with the Ancestors Ritual but this is done when the participants talks about the Lakanate of Tondo; and the Hebrew, Ophir, and the Lakanate of Lawan connections of the ancient Philippine civilization. This rite happened on May 12: the Dine with the Ancestors Havilah Rites started with the arrival welcome through a ringing of a bell in the House of Dulay Mendoza of the Lakanate of Tondo in Marikina Valley. 
Then the guests talked freely while partaking grapes kept in the ancient plates that came from the Lakan Dula household and red wine on top of an antique table, and beside an antique lamp and the bayonet of Ceferino Dulay, the 4th hereditary leader of the Dulay Clan of Marikina Valley when he was a guerilla leader during WW ll and the guests also played with friendly poodles surnamed by the Philippine Canine Club as Dulay. Then they proceeded to the House of Kapitan Moy, the founder of Marikina shoe industry, Marikina being the Shoe Capital of the Philippines, then walked across the Miraculous Shrine of Our Lady of the Abandoned, one of the ten prettiest churches in Metro Manila and host of the third longest Holy Week procession in the Philippines. Then, the guests proceeded to the secret cemetery of the church to visit the tomb of the Hebrew - blooded Juana Mendoza Cerbito and Ceferino Rivas Dulay, a descendant of Lakan Dula. Then the guests went to the Shoe Museum, an old Spanish Jail where Macario Sakay of Tondo was jailed and presently keeps the famous shoes of Imelda Marcos of Samar Leyte, and, finally back to the House of the Dulay Mendoza for a Marikina dinner of local dishes of waknatoy, everlasting, locally grown fruits, as well as prunes and nuts from the middle eastern countries -- to have the taste of Havilah. Timothy, the author of the famous Solomon's Gold, the God Culture in the You Tube announced a change of his name into Pedro. This rite is only done for Top Leaders of an organization. 
Some of the talks during the visit was that Manila Mayor Isko Moreno is from Allen, a part of Northern Samar, which according to Australian studies, a part of the Philippines which is the homeland of the Polynesians. Otley Bayer said that there are already people in the Philippines 250,000 years ago and this was confirmed by a French study which says that the Philippines has been populated by men as early as 700,000 years ago. Some old Filipino historians still have the mindset of "Filipinos are savage and it has to be discovered and cultured by anything foreign". These local historians refuse to mention that there is a civilization of Viking – like people based in the Lakanate of Lawan in Northern Samar (Samar was derived from Samaria). The Samar civilization was once headed by Datu Iberein as written by historian Henry Scott, and take note of the name -- very Jewish -- and consistent with Jewish Samar from Samaria. These people have siday (native epic) in which one of them is Bingi of Lawan, as mentioned by historian Alcina. They have the Almuraya which is an ancient ruin and they have royal burial jars -- all evidences would point that this civilization could be the biblical Ophir, the homeland of the Polynesians and Viking – like people who sent people to Tondo and different parts of the Philippines. and islands in the Pacific Ocean, including the people of Taiwan.  
In May of 2019 in between stops on his RISE UP evangelical conference tour Timothy Jay Schwab and his wife participated in the secret "Dine with the Ancestors Havilah Rites of the Lakanate of Tondo."  This consists in partaking of grapes and red wine served on top of an antique table and surrounded by artifacts from the ancestors consisting of an antique lamp and WW 2 era bayonet.  It looked like this:


I don't want to be a party pooper but who participates in secret rites in front of the television? And who, when they are invited to an auspicious and secret ritualistic dinner with the ancestors, dresses like a schlub?


Did Timothy leave all his pants, polo t-shirts, and shoes back in the states? 

Is this just a regular dinner with some important or rich people? No. It's not. The Lakanate of Tondo is one of the Royal Houses of the Philippines. Sofronio Dulay, also know as Toti, is the Grand Patriarch of the Lakan Dula Clan as well as the Grand Patriarch of the Principalia Hereditary Council of the Philippines.


Sofronio Dulay's CV can be read here.  It is rather extensive but when reading it things become clear real quick. He has been involved in print media and at one time worked for the Family Planning Council of the Philippines which is a subsidiary of the International Planned Parenthood Foundation. He even organized an IPPF conference in 1994. According to his biography he was a member of the Knights of Columbus and is currently a member of Opus Dei both Roman Catholic organizations. What kind of Roman Catholic works for Planed Parenthood? His biography and CV coupled with the fact that he is part of a noble house screams globalist and in fact he recently made a video advocating for world government.


In this video Sofronio Dulay reads from the Globalist Manifesto and gives his thoughts on the matter. This manifesto can be found on his own website here. Added to the globalist manifesto are the Illuminati Prime Directives. The author of this page says they are not part of the original manifesto but are meant to smear the Jews. Then why add them? Because those directives are the plan for global government. They are the goals many have been working towards for over a century now. Namely population reduction. sterilization, vegetarianism, and the elimination of nationalism. In the above video Sofronio Dulay says something quite odd at 15:23.  He says: 
World government's objective is to save the world, save humanity. Don't ask who is behind me, who is orchestrating me. They are irrelevant!
Obviously someone is behind him orchestrating the show and he knows it. He doesn't want you to know it. "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!" It's a deeper rabbit hole down which to plunge involving his Alma Mater the Asian Institute of Management which was started by the Harvard business school and the Ford Foundation, one of the most unapologetically globalist foundations there is. The AIM is a school whose aim is to train globalists.

Back to the dinner ritual. After partaking of the grapes and the wine and visiting the dead Timothy was reborn.
Timothy, the author of the famous Solomon's Gold, the God Culture in the You Tube announced a change of his name into Pedro. This rite is only done for Top Leaders of an organization. 
Tim ritualistically ate grapes and drank wine on an old table surrounded by the ancestors. Then Tim, as "a Top Leader of an organization," was born again receiving the new name of Pedro. 

Think of the symbology of this secret rite. The symbology of transformation. The grapes are transformed into wine. The symbol of death and rebirth. Wine as the blood of the grape. Wine as blood of the ancestors. Drinking said blood while being surrounded by symbols of the dead ancestors.  The antique lamp with its light representing their wisdom. Both the antique plates and the bayonet being fetish objects which the spirits of the ancestors inhabit. Afterwards they go visit a secret cemetery where the dead ancestors lie buried and pay them homage. One of them even had Hebrew blood coursing through his veins while he lived. Then they go visit a museum where Imelda Marcos's shoes are on display. What about the symbol of the shoes? Figuratively the Marcos' walked all over Filipinos when they were in power. Those shoes represent the power of the ruling elite of which Sofronio Dulay is a part even though he does not want you to know that.
Their unassuming secretive patriarch of the modern times does not rule, he reigns privately with circle of personal advisers, the personal leadership style he inherited from the earlier traditional leaders of the descendancy,  a reaction from the centuries of Spanish persecutions. He might even deny his hereditary and historical role and designation; or he might point to somebody else when talking to a non descendant. Descendants who are close to the patriarch will  not point directly to him as their patriarch but if needed, they will only indirectly identify him as the one who has been very active in coordinating the present Lakanate of Tondo.
As the scripture says:  
Psalm 60:8 Moab is my washpot; over Edom will I cast out my shoe: Philistia, triumph thou because of me.
Meaning Edom shall become a slavish subject just as Filipinos were slavishly subjected to the yoke of the Marcoses. The shoe is a symbol of ruling power.

After all these rituals are completed Tim is then born again taking on the new and secret name of Pedro. Why Pedro? Pedro is Spanish for Peter. The Apostle Peter was the Apostle to the circumcision or Israel.  Now Tim (Pedro) has relocated to the Philippines where he will be holding evangelistic conferences preaching to Filipinos whom he believes are part of the lost tribes of Israel.

Why is Tim (Pedro) in this house of a noble family patriarch, the house of a king as it were, partaking in occult rituals which culminate in the initiatory rite of his being born again with a new name? Such a connection would explain a lot about who Tim is, what he is doing in the Philippines, and who is backing him. Not just any foreigner comes to the Philippines and starts hobnobbing with the royal elite. It appears that it might be Pastor Paul Medrano who brought Tim to the attention of Sofrontio Dulay but I cannot say for sure. I can find no information online about him or what church he allegedly pastors.

Think of the hypocrisy here as well.  Tim (Pedro) says we have to worship on the Sabbath (Saturday) and keep the Feasts of the Lord because all else (Sunday, Easter, Christmas) are pagan. Yet this man has participated in an occult symbolic blood ritual wherein he was born again and given a new name. A ritual that is not so very different from the initiation rites of the Skull and Bones or the Freemasons.

In the recent video "What's Going On?" Tim (Pedro) reflects on the nationwide, indeed worldwide, quarantine and lockdown positing that God is forcing the whole world to take a sabbath. 


He starts off by saying at 0:58
As I look out over the Philippine landscape I see its majestic mountains of Eden and it causes me to pause and reflect on their importance. On the significance of this land of creation.
How is Tim (Pedro) able to see the mountains of Eden when there is a Cherubim with a flaming sword keeping out all comers? (Gen 3:24)  How did Tim get past that fearsome guardian and into Eden?

Next he says at 1:58
And all of a sudden a familiar sound from a neighboring house. What do Filipinos do when they are home? Well, karaoke of course.  I'm kidding. It's usually special occasions and some after consuming much alcohol but this one they didn't need alcohol for they began singing at 7 am.  Now before one thinks this is a bad thing remember the prophesy of Isaiah the Philippines will sing a new song.
This is exactly what I meant when I wrote that for Tim "Filipinos as they are cease to exist and instead become the idealized fantasies he wishes for them to be." In this case instead of being unbelievably rude by singing karaoke at 7 am it is only a reminder that one day these members of the lost tribes of Israel will be singing a new song to the Lord. What does he think when he opens his window in the morning and breathes in the smoke of a burning trash or leaf pile?

Perhaps instead of seeing and smelling a noxious pile of burning leaves he is reminded of this verse from Revelation:
And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel's hand. 
The latter part of this video consists of Tim (Pedro) lying to his audience by telling them that Constantine changed the Sabbath day to Sunday.


It is obvious he did not read the book he is quoting from as he calls the author, Philip Schaff, a Catholic. Schaff was actually a Protestant and he wrote one of the best Church Histories out there. He would do well to read it. If only Tim (Pedro) had read the preceding paragraphs he would have been disabused of the false notion that Constantine changed the Christian day of worship from Saturday to Sunday.
The observance of Sunday originated in the time of the apostles, and ever since forms the basis of public worship, with its ennobling, sanctifying, and cheering influences, in all Christian lands. 
The Christian Sabbath is, on the one hand, the continuation and the regeneration of the Jewish Sabbath, based upon God’s resting from the creation and upon the fourth commandment of the decalogue, which, as to its substance, is not of merely national application, like the ceremonial and civil law, but of universal import and perpetual validity for mankind. It is, on the other hand, a new creation of the gospel, a memorial of the resurrection of Christ and of the work of redemption completed and divinely sealed thereby. It rests, we may say, upon the threefold basis of the original creation, the Jewish legislation, and the Christian redemption, and is rooted in the physical, the moral, and the religious wants of our nature. It has a legal and an evangelical aspect. Like the law in general, the institution of the Christian Sabbath is a wholesome restraint upon the people, and a schoolmaster to lead them to Christ. But it is also strictly evangelical: it was originally made for the benefit of man, like the family, with which it goes back beyond the fall to the paradise of innocence, as the second institution of God on earth; it was "a delight" to the pious of the old dispensation (Isa. lviii. 13), and now, under the new, it is fraught with the glorious memories and blessings of Christ’s resurrection and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The Christian Sabbath is the ancient Sabbath baptized with fire and the Holy Ghost, regenerated, spiritualized, and glorified. It is the connecting link of creation and redemption, of paradise lost, and paradise regained, and a pledge and preparation for the saints’ everlasting rest in heaven.
He does not have to agree with the reasons that the Church has worshipped on Sunday since the time of the Apostles but he has no right to lie about the matter. Why does Tim (Pedro) continue to lie about this subject of the sabbath?  He goes on in the video to say the cross is not a Christian symbol but originates with Mithras. Cleary the man is in a sect of his own making as he advocates positions held by both the Seventh Day Adventists who are Sabbatarians and the Jehovah's Witnesses who call the cross pagan. He also has his own bizarre ideas about the "clock of creation" which he pontificates on in the first part of the video. 

I will tell you why he focuses on the sabbath so much.  It is because his whole scheme of religion (relationship he says) consists in faith in Christ plus keeping the law.


In the video "Lost Tribes Series: Part 4A: Grafted Into the Kingdom" Tim (Pedro) lays out on the table for all to see what he thinks salvation consists of. The gist of it is that a man must believe in Christ and keep the law. The law has not passed away says Tim (Pedro) therefore we are bound to keep the Mosaic law. He does not mention this but the Mosaic law includes commandments about sacrifices, festivals, shaving, dietary laws, menstruation and many other things of which the Apostle Peter says:
Acts 15:10: Now therefore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?
The Mosaic law does not consist of just the ten commandments as a code for personal holiness. Rather it consists of hundreds of laws designed to erect a religious and civic polity for the nation of Israel.  It is a national code of law involving all circumstances of life. The Mosaic law with all its promises and curses (Deuteronomy 28) is the substance of the covenant God made with the nation of Israel. Apart from living in a society that is structured on this code, apart from being in the covenant nation of Israel there is no keeping of the law.

Tim (Pedro) is an absolute fool to think he or anyone can keep the Mosaic law. The law demands perfect obedience and neither Tim (Pedro) nor anyone else will ever manifest that obedience. Without engaging in a protracted theological discourse let me point out that in this video Tim (Pedro) spews forth his extreme ignorance of the scriptures and the plan of salvation it contains.

He is ignorant of the new covenant which differs from that made at Sinai.  Jeremiah 31: 31-34.

He is ignorant that this new covenant is made through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Matthew 26:28.

He is ignorant of the fact that Jesus Christ is not a priest after the order of the Levites but after Melchisidec and that as a consequence of the priesthood changing the law has been changed.  Hebrews 7:11-12.

He is ignorant of that fact that Paul equates the covenant at Mt. Sinai with Hagar, who represents the flesh, and bondage.  Galatians 4:22-29

He is ignorant of the fact that the law is a schoolmaster who leads us to Christ. Galatians 3:24

He is ignorant of the fact that righteousness does not come through the law nor is their a synergy between the law and faith but all our righteousness comes from Christ or else he died in vain. Galatians 2:21.

He is ignorant that Jesus Christ himself abrogates the Mosaic law in the Sermon on the Mount when he says several times, "You have heard it said...But I say unto you." For example Jesus contradicts Moses by forbidding divorce except in the case of adultery and by forbidding the divorced parties to remarry. That is to say Jesus forbids divorce and remarriage which is stricter than even Moses!  (Matthew 5:32 and Matthew 19:3-9) Anyone who has divorced their spouse except for adultery or married a divorced person is in a state of lawlessness and no amount of law keeping can rectify that situation.

He is completely ignorant of the power and sovereignty of God saying at the beginning of this video that God did not cause 9/11 while in the video "What is Going On?" he refuses to say God has brought about COVID-19. The God he worships is completely caught unawares by these events whereas the Bible is very clear that God brings about all things and does whatsoever he will upon the earth.  
Amos 3:6 “Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it?” 
Isaiah 45:7 “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.” 
Daniel 4:35 “And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?” 
In short Tim (Pedro) is ignorant of church history, ignorant of the purpose for which Jesus Christ died and rose again, ignorant of the plan of salvation, ignorant of man's spiritual state (Jeremiah 17:9) because he thinks man is able to keep the law, ignorant of the new covenant, ignorant of the necessity of having a circumcised heart, ignorant of the need to be born again and filled with the Holy Spirit, ignorant of basic Christianity which teaches that the law is fulfilled in and by Christ, ignorant that the Gospel saves while the law condemns. As John says:
John 1:17 "For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.” 
But then again Tim (Pedro) might not be ignorant of these things at all. Rather he might be willingly teaching these false doctrines as he says he was once a part of the church and now he rejects what the church teaches! He is out to change paradigms and "Challenge Tradition." If that is the case then he is nothing but an obstinate heretic.

Where do we even go from here?

Now that we know Tim (Pedro) has participated in an initiatory occult ritual with the Roman Catholic Patriarch of one of the royal houses of the Philippines it is time to ask who is this man? Why is he hanging out with the royal elite who promote globalism? Who is funding him and his evangelistic conferences? Who brought him here to preach his false doctrine? Who are the members of his alleged research team? How far down does the rabbit hole go with The God Culture and Timothy (Pedro) Jay Schwab?

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The God Culture: A.I. Has NOT Confirmed Their Research Nor Can It Do So

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