Monday, March 14, 2022

The God Culture: The First Book of Enoch Review, Part 2: The Philippines' Role in 1 Enoch

Having analyzed the introduction to Timothy Jay Schwab's annotated edition of the First Book of Enoch it is now time to take a look at the text itself along with all the apparatus given to help interpret it. This book is full of charts and maps and colorful pictures of all kinds as well as notes and commentary. 

Because there is so much material in this book I have decided to forgo pouring over the notes and the  doctrines Timothy Jay Schwab teaches. It is all the same old heresy which I have rebutted multiple times. It is no fun constantly going over the same old things. Therefore I have decided to focus this review on the role the Philippines plays in Enoch.

First of all it is important to understand that both Enoch and Jubilees map out the exact location of the Garden of Eden. It is in the Philippines.

Enoch 32: 1. To the north-east I beheld seven mountains full of choice nard and mastic and cinnamon and pepper.

2. And thence I went over the summits of all these mountains, far towards the east of the earth, and passed above the Erythraean sea and went far from it, and passed over the angel Zotîêl.

3. And I came to the Garden of Righteousness, and from afar off trees more numerous than these trees and great--fruit trees there, very great, beautiful, and glorious, and magnificent, and the tree of knowledge, whose holy fruit they eat and know great wisdom.

4. That tree is in height like the fir, and its leaves are like (those of) the Carob tree: and its fruit is like the clusters of the vine, very beautiful: and the fragrance of the tree penetrates afar.

5. Then I said: 'How beautiful is the tree, and how attractive is its look!' 

6. Then Raphael the holy angel, who was with me, answered me and said: 'This is the tree of wisdom, of which thy father old (in years) and thy aged mother, who were before thee, have eaten, and they learnt wisdom and their eyes were opened, and they knew that they were naked and they were driven out of the garden.'
Believe it or not this is a description of the Philippines. The several notes on the chapter are as follows:
Verse 1: NE of Indian Ocean is the 7 Mountains of Visayas: Panay, Masbate, Samar, Leyte, Negros, Cebu and Bohol. All spices native to the Philippines.

Verse 4: ie. Lanzones Tree (right). Fruit like clusters of grapes, leaven and bark look like a Carob Tree, height of a fir, beautiful and penetrating smell. It also has at least 3 legends described as beign [sic] poison yet purified. Lason in Tagalog is poison. 

Is the Philippines really North East of the Indian Ocean? It is on Tim's flat earth map.

p. 123

But not only are the Philippines Seven mountains seen by Enoch they are also nine mountains mentioned by the Archangel Michael.
Words of the book which Michael addressed to the angels... He said: I found there divisions of fire...[and I saw there] nine mountains: two to the eas[t, and two to the west, and two to the north and two to the so]uth. I saw there the angel Gabriel...
p. 124

How is it that Michael describes the Philippines as nine mountains but Enoch as seven? Tim's annotations clear that up a bit. 

The 7 major island of Visayas, were 7 large mountains prior to the flood. They are located above the Garden of Eden.

Enoch only saw the Visayas. He did not see Mindanao or Luzon. I suppose if one is flying high above the earth Mindanao and Luzon could be easily missed.

But how can the seven or nine major islands of the Philippines be mountains? They are islands surrounded by the ocean, right? Well, no not at the time they are being described by Enoch. See, according to Tim, before the flood there was no ocean. That means all the islands were mountains.

Note to Enoch 31:1 Again, mountains in this perspective before the Flood were what we call islands now.

None of that makes any sense. Why is Enoch referring to the Erythraean Sea by name? That is totally anachronistic if Enoch the seventh from Adam wrote this book.
The Greeks themselves derived the name from an eponymous King Erythras, knowing that the waters so described were deep blue. Modern scholars sometimes attribute the name to the seasonal blooms of the red-hued Trichodesmium erythraeum in the Red Sea. Agatharchides had written of the origin of the name Erythraean Sea on the book (De Mari Erythraeo, § 5) in a story about the king Erythras:"There was a man famous for his valor and wealth, by name Erythras, a Persian by birth, son of Myozaeus..... the glory of the Island ascribed to him by the popular voice because of these his deeds, that even down to our own time they have called that sea, infinite in extent, Erythraean Sea".

If one is going to read this book intelligibly then when one comes across the Erythraean Sea then one must picture to himself a very large and expansive body of water that looks like this:

This map has come up several times in my articles about the teaching of Timothy Jay Schwab of The God Culture that the Philippines is Chryse. Another map that Tim uses to prove the Philippines is Chryse is the 1492 world map of Martin Behaim. This map makes an appearance in this annotated version of Enoch.

p. 126-127

In the First World Globe commissioned by the Portuguese government and released in 1492, the mindset of the age of exploration was firm that Ophir and Tarshish, the land of Solomon’s famed gold, were located in Southeast Asia just Northeast of Borneo and Southeast of China as an archipelago we now call the Philippines. This map identifies Luzon Island, Philippines as Chryse, the Greek word for the Hebrew Ophir and Mindanao as Argyre, the Greek word for the Hebrew Tarshish. The British were behind then and remain behind as they make claims only by ignoring this firm history and the Bible as well as Pomponius Mela(43 AD), The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea(70 AD), Dionysius the Tourist(124 AD), ete. which have mapped Chryse(Ophir) South of the Tropic of Cancer in the Philippines all along. Magellan knew this and recorded it.

Columbus believed and noted in journals that this was his destination of Ophir and Tarshish, not America, this same year really using the same data of the most current Portuguese exploration which this mapping identifies. His research also concluded that these same islands housed the Garden of Eden and Arsareth, the land of the Lost Tribes of Northern Israel from 2 Esdras 13. Italian Jewish Scholar, Ferrisol, of the same era, records the very same in specifically identifying the Philippines as the location of the Lost Tribes who migrated according to 2 Esdras. This was soon buried by the British who began paying propagandists in at least 1625 such as Samuel Purchas. Their supposed cases all ignore the existence of the Philippines which is the only land that could even qualify as Ophir, Tarshish, the Garden of Eden and Arsareth. Enoch agrees. See The Search for King Solomon’s Treasure for details.

This is all the same fraudulent history I have rebutted elsewhere. See this article for a refutation of Chryse being the Greek word for Ophir, this article for a discussion of what Arsareth means and a refutation of Tim's assertions about Abraham Farrisol, and this article for a thorough refutation of Tim's interpretation of the Behaim map and other maps. The only thing new here is the bolded section. This map was not commissioned by the Portuguese government. It was a project conceived by Martin Behaim and financed by the City of Nuremberg.

In 1490, Behaim visited the city of his fathers to settle a will case, and he stayed in Nuremberg for 3 years. He managed to convince leading members of the city council to finance the manufacturing of the famous globe of the Earth under his direction. The decisive reasons still are unknown, but many inscriptions on the globe indicate an economic motivation. Whereas the final financial account of 1494 Indicates clearly which craftsmen were involved in its making, the Behaim globe must be regarded as a joint achievement of the Nuremberg humanist circle, It is an early masterpiece of many kinds of scientific and technological achievements, establishing the intellectual and economic leadership of Nuremberg in late medieval Germany.

Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers,  p. 108

It's a small mistake but it just goes to show that Tim took no care to research this subject which he has been covering for the past two years. There are many of these little mistakes in his videos and books and they all add up to the conclusion that Tim is a poor researcher. He simply cannot get his facts right. 

Enoch only lived on the earth for 365 years. That is a rather interesting number which has one year  of his life representing one day of the year, there being 365 days in the year. Strangely enough the Book of Enoch posits a 364-day year. Tim goes off wildly making calculations to figure out the proper calendar which is based on the movement of the sun alone.

The sun is propelled by the wind. pg 184

The 6 portals set the track of the sun from East to West. This is why some portions of the Earth have opposite summers and winters and this is the only logical explanation. Making the earth tilt and rotate does not.  pg. 184

The sun and moon are equal in size. pg. 187. 

That the sun and moon are the same size is actually what Enoch 72:37 says.

On a cloudy day, one can observe the sun's peering through the clouds. If we were to follow the angle of those tays, they would reveal the position of the sun which must be far, far closer than 93 million miles (150 million km) away which Scientism claims yet never proves. We must require them to prove thier positions rather than espouse their religious occult doctrines of sun worship. Also, notice the hotspots which occur even when it is not cloudy. This seems impossible under the supposed academic position which appears poorly thought through.  pg. 186

That note is so full of stupidity it is painful. How can anyone be that dumb. The distance of the sun has been proven again and again. Even the Greeks knew the sun was very far away from the earth. Tim's map of the movement of the sun over the course of the year looks like this:

The sun moves in and out of those portals in expanding and shrinking concentric circles as the year progresses.

And he really thinks this better explains the seasons than the rotation and tilt of the earth!?

Back to Enoch. At the end of those 365 years we are told in Genesis that Enoch was taken:

Genesis 5:23 And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years:

24 And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.

Now, the common interpretation is that Enoch was taken to Heaven. After all the text does say all his days were 365 years. That would mean that he has no more days or years left to live out on the earth.  But  according to Tim Enoch was taken to the Garden of Eden and remains there to this day. 

p. 128

It is not made clear in this annotated version of Enoch exactly what it means that the Garden of Eden is under the Philippines. But elsewhere Tim has made it clear that the Garden of Eden is underneath the Sulu Sea.

34:36 So, there you go. The Garden of Eden is just below the Philippines under the Sulu Sea. 

The Garden of Eden ended up buried beneath the floor of the Sulu Sea during the flood. The great fountains of the deep exploded forming the oceans and burying Atlantis, Lemuria, and the Garden of Eden in mud. But the Garden of Eden was enclosed and protected and it remains to this day with Enoch as its lone inhabitant. 

This is a very important doctrine for Tim. You see, the Garden of Eden is inside the earth and it houses not only Enoch but the Holy of Holies, God's physical presence on the earth. Also inside the earth are the chambers for the dead.

Enoch 22 tells all about the chambers for the dead. There are four of them. One for the righteous, one for the unrighteous, one for martyrs, and one for a group of sinners from which they shall never escape. The common notion amongst Christians is that when one dies one goes to be in the presence of the Lord which is in Heaven. Tim says that is wrong. We actually go to one of the chambers and the presence of the Lord is his Holy of Holies which is in the Garden of Eden which is underneath the Philippines. Thus the chamber for the righteous is next to the Philippines.

p. 107

The Garden Of Eden is Yahuah’s Holy of Holies on Earth (Jub 8:19) thus, these chambers are in His presence just as Paul says they are (2Cor 5). The spirits of the dead are with Him but not in Heaven nor Hell. That modern church doctrine originates in the Egyptian Book of the Dead NOT the Bible. Watch “Where Do We Go When We Die?” (YouTube, Rumble, Utreon, Odyssey: The God Culture).

It is quite interesting that Tim has nothing to say about that fourth chamber. 

So, when you die expect for your soul to fall asleep in one of those chambers. If you are a Christian you will fall asleep in a large chamber which is somewhere near the Philippines. Thus you will be in the presence of God on the earth except you will not know it because you will be asleep and unconscious. Kind of like how I am in the presence of Timothy Jay Schwab and his wife Anna because we both live in the Philippines even though we are hundreds of miles apart. I have dismantled this stupid doctrine in an article which can be read here.

The very idea that the Philippines plays any role in the ancient Jewish book of Enoch is patently ridiculous. But that is the message of Timothy Jay Schwab of The God Culture. He is the apostle to Philippines.

As I noted at the beginning this book is chock full of stuff. I want to end by posting what is probably my favorite of Timothy Jay Schwab's notes on 1 Enoch. That would be his note to Chapter 34.

Enoch 34 1. And from thence I went towards the north to the ends of the earth, and there I saw a great and glorious device at the ends of the whole earth. 

2. And here I saw three portals of heaven open in the heaven: through each of them proceed north winds: when they blow there is cold, hail, frost, snow, dew, and rain. 

3. And out of one portal they blow for good: but when they blow through the other two portals, it is with violence and affliction on the earth, and they blow with violence.

The note to this chapter reads as follows:
This is Antarctica and though Gen 2:5 identifies a mist that comes up form the Earth to water the surface, this is the edge which has likely been kept in similar fashion all along including snow, ice and rain. Rain is Britain is not coming from these portals. We have been unable to acquire a plane ticket to Antarctica to verify this but modern science has failed in producing reliable data.

This section is accompanied by the following flat earth map.

p. 132-133

That is ridiculous. That is not what the earth looks like at all in anyway shape or form. Antarctica is a real continent and not an icewall. Likewise Tim's comment that he has been unable to acquire a plane to ticket to Antarctica to verify this is pure comedy gold. Has he really been trying to charter a plane to find the portals over Antarctica? No, he has not. Chartering a plane to Antarctica is incredibly expensive. If he actually did fly to Antarctica he would have to completely reject all the flat earth nonsense in this book because such a flight would prove this cosmology wrong beyond all doubt.

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