It seems Timothy Jay Schwab of The God Culture is finished telling his version of Philippine history and has now moved on to reveal his more explicitly theological doctrines. The gist of his history about the Philippines is that Filipinos are Israelites and the Philippines is one of the two witnesses who will rise up in the last days and condemn the nations. The other witness is the Kurds who Tim teaches are also Israelites. The condemnation of the nations by the Philippines in the last days will consist in the restoration of the Mosaic law in all its fullness. It was crucial that Tim lay down his historical foundation because now he can teach what the restoration of the law means.
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30:22 However Paul kept the Pharisee law in his teachings back then but Pharisee teachings. Ok? Those do not attribute to him keeping the actual law because the Pharisee law is not the law. Therefore having been a Pharisee it did not mean Paul understood the law or the Bible any better than anyone else. He would have to relearn, really unlearn first, and then relearn the entire law because they had leavened pretty much all of it and turned it against, so Paul was learning really a new law when you think about it.Who taught Paul the correct way to keep the law? The implication is Jesus Christ did when Paul went to Arabia for three years. Tim says that after relearning how to keep the law the Apostle Paul then taught Gentile Christians to do the same. From circumcision to sacrifices to the dietary commands all 613 laws are still in effect. Keeping them is necessary to one's salvation and to being grafted into the kingdom. If you don't keep the law then you are not in relationship with Yahuah. If you are not in relationship with Yahuah then you are not saved.
The following video is a brief presentation of how Timothy Jay Schwab of The God Culture teaches men are saved. In short it is not faith in Christ which redeems us. The law of Moses is what redeems us.
We are The God Culture, a group of independent researchers with no affiliation to any denomination nor organization whatsoever.
The Law of Sin and Death. What is it? NOT The Law of Moses! WHAT DID PAUL SAY? at 0:28
People ask at times how do we know we are saved? Well, are you keeping the sabbath? That is the sign of one who is saved and in relationship with Him.
So this is another example that we aren't to just have faith in Yahusha. That’s not enough. That’s not it. No, no, no, no. We are to keep His commandments.
Sabbath Series: Part 5: The End Times Sabbath at 19:30
For we know that the law is spiritual. Which law is he talking about? He's talking about the law of Moses. Operating in the Spirit is operating in the law of Moses.
The law written by the very finger of Yahuah Himself. The law is what redeems us.
Thank you for watching. Please subscribe to our Youtube channel. Don't forget to click the bell. Like us on Facebook at The God Culture space, hyphen space, original. Share this video with others and check out our website at The God Culture dot com. Always remember to prove all things for yourself. Love you all. Be safe. Yahuah bless and sabot shalom or sabbath peace if you are watching this on the sabbath.
The Law of Sin and Death. What is it? NOT The Law of Moses! WHAT DID PAUL SAY? at 1:02:29The text shown on screen is a list of all 613 laws of the Law of Moses which can be found at the following link:
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613 Laws of the Old Testament |
10:02 Now, in other words, when you die to the law of sin and death you keep the law of Moses. That's what he's saying. And he said that in Romans 7 and 8. And we made that clear in those videos yet our words taken out of context and someone attempted to try to frame that we were saying that salvation through the law which is ridiculous and pretty stupid frankly. To not keep the law of Moses is to live in the law of sin and death that's it because they're opposites, you're in one or you're in the other. There's no gray area in between. Paul doesn't leave any gray area. You're in one or you're in the other. He says there are only two laws in this respect.
Again, is there salvation through the law? No. One is not saved by keeping the law. That is Pharisee doctrine, not what Paul says. Paul is clear there is only salvation through Yahushah Hamashiach.
It may sound confusing but it's actually very simple. It has become confusing because Pharisees have gotten their hands in it and mixed it up. We receive Him in making a decision to make Him our Lord. I mean a real decision not just saying a prayer and in fact a prayer is not even required. However we are saved if we continue in that relationship and this where the law comes in because if you claim Messiah is your lord you cannot serve the law of sin and death any longer. If you serve the law of sin and death He is not your Lord. Sorry but He's not. He can't be. You cannot serve two masters, right? He said that. And there is no reconciling the two opposite laws as somehow the same. Tim is saying can be visualized like this:
John 1:17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.The confusion stems from Tim saying several contradictory things including faith in Christ is not enough, the law is what redeems us, the law does not save us, we are saved by relationship with Christ, that relationship entails keeping the Mosaic law, to walk in newness of life is to keep the Mosaic law, salvation is sure, and salvation can be lost. All those statements contradict each other. Despite his rejection of the idea a close look at his doctrine reveals that for Tim salvation does come through keeping the law. But law keeping must be coupled with faith in Christ or else it is in vain. They are synergistic and go together. Like love and marriage you can't have one without the other. For Tim to say all he says about the law and then tell his audience salvation does not come from the law is disingenuous. His doctrine is entirely legalistic. He hardly ever mentions the grace of Jesus Christ. Timothy Jay Schwab is a graceless law hole.
I stand by this video 100%. It accurately depicts Tim's heretical doctrine. Faith in Christ is not enough. The law is what redeems us. There are 613 laws which must be kept in order to maintain our relationship with Christ and be grafted into the kingdom. Of all those laws Tim harps on the sabbath the most. Listen to his videos on Colossians 2 and 3 as well as Grafted Into the Kingdom for further confirmation.
The hypocrisy here is unbelievable. All I did was take some audio, splice it up, and make a video that is protected under fair use laws. The whole point is to show the stupidity of Timothy's salvation doctrine which is, "We aren't to just have faith in Yahusha, That's not enough" and "The law is what redeems us." No one who saw this video could ever be fooled into thinking The God Culture made it nor is it designed to fool people into thinking such.
I submitted the proper counter notification and was given this notice:
The God Culture were given 10 days to show proof that they had begun "court action against" me or the video would be restored. They failed to provide such proof and the video has now been restored.
Contrast my experience to a channel called Youtube Flare who has reposted The God Culture's videos IN FULL and with his own added intro and outro since 2017.
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But it gets even worse. The God Culture has tried to shut me down because I use screenshots of their videos when I write about them. They claim that it is a copyright violation to do so. But in their video "Was the Apostle Paul the Son of Perdition" they do this very same thing using screenshots from a video to illustrate what they are talking about!
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Ophirian Heritage Conservatory
"Son of Perdition Part 1"
Uploaded April 15, 2020
Screenshot May 25, 2020
Used in accordance with the Fair Use Act
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Stop Cyber Criminal. This blog as all of this fraud's material are filled with Cyber Libel, Negligence, Fraud, Misrepresentation, Copyright Infringement, etc. He has been reported to the authorities and this will be dealt with. In the meantime, understand this is outrageous fraud in misrepresentation. We are no longer addressing this sheer stupidity and childish, criminal behavior. Watch our videos which are not represented here, test them and prove all things for yourself because David Roxas is a criminal whose time to reap his reward is very near.What an empty, stupid, malicious threat and accusation. Are they really going to waste their time and money suing me in court over this blog because I have exposed Timothy Jay Schwab for the absolute fraud he is? If they ever do sue me you can be sure it will be posted here for all to see what morons this group of fake researchers actually is.
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