This is the last part in my review of The God Culture's Revelation 12 series. Part 1 can be found here and part 2 can be found here. To recap the woman is both the nation of Israel and 144,000 women who give birth to 144,000 children in the throne room of God. The man-child is the 144,000 children whom the woman births. The land to which the woman flees is the Philippines. In this post Tim will examine the moon and star symbology which further identifies the woman and then he will tell us exactly who the dragon is.
I hope you have noticed that all my titles in this series are adapted from songs in the Wizard of Oz. That's because I thought it was funny but really when dealing with Timothy Jay Schwab and The God Culture you aren't in Kansas anymore. You aren't even in the Philippines. You are in a world of Pure Imagination.
As was said this next video, part 13 D, deals with the moon and star symbology which further identifies the woman. What is the moon under her feet? What are the stars on her head? First of all one has to understand that, according to Timothy Jay Schwab, the Philippine archipelago forms the shape of a woman.
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Do you see it? Do you see the woman? I do not and it is here that Tim's interpretation breaks down. He is going to base everything that follows on his SUBJECTIVE assertion that the Philippines is shaped like a woman. I see a sleeping dog.
I wrote in a previous post that Tim suffers from apophenia which is the tendency to make connections between unrelated things. Now we see that he is also suffering from Pareidolia.
Pareidolia (/pærɪˈdoʊliə/ parr-i-DOH-lee-ə) is the tendency for incorrect perception of a stimulus as an object, pattern or meaning known to the observer, such as seeing shapes in clouds, seeing faces in inanimate objects or abstract patterns, or hearing hidden messages in music. Pareidolia can be considered a subcategory of apophenia.
Common examples are perceived images of animals, faces, or objects in cloud formations, the Man in the Moon, the Moon rabbit, and other lunar pareidolia. The concept of pareidolia may extend to include hidden messages in recorded music played in reverse or at higher- or lower-than-normal speeds, and hearing indistinct voices in random noise such as that produced by air conditioners or fans.[1]
Pareidolia was at one time considered a symptom of human psychosis, but it is now seen as a normal human tendency.
While it is normal to see shapes in things this is no way to interpret the Bible. Especially as Tim had previously said the constellations are just a subjective connecting of the dots. I say seeing a woman in the Philippines is a subjective connecting of the dots. It also contradicts his assertion that there is no allegory in Revelation 12 as well as his previous interpretations of the woman. Now the woman in heaven is not just Israel and 144,000 pregnant women but the actual land of the Philippines on the earth! The woman in heaven and the wilderness to which she is sent in Revelation 12 are now bizarrely conflated into one and the same thing.
Tim takes his time to prove his case and concludes with the following:
52:40 The moon is Rachel or mother of the tribes of Israel which fits the mother of all living and all mankind. Both are the Philippines. Now what's really fascinating additionally if you want to go a little further with that specifically the moon is Rachel and again we said we've already located the Lost Tribes in the Philippines landing in the territory of the Ilocano's and we do even go further in our Lost Tribe series and we tie Ilocano's to the tribe of Manasseh. Manasseh is Joseph’s son. Joseph is the son of who? Rachel! An interesting tie. Awesome!
And under her feet is a reference to Islam the Moon cult of which the largest population on earth is right there at her feet. No we are not saying Rachel is Islam any sense. We're saying it is yet another very distinct reference to the moon under her feet. That is all. And the crown of twelve stars are 12 tribes of Israel indeed but also found geographically on and literally as the twelve burning Islands the Babuyan islands. The gateway the portal in the east perhaps just above the figure of the woman forming a circle as a crown even.
It all fits and it really is unthinkable that Yahuah would not include this land with all of its history, the most history of any land in all of earth, and that he wouldn’t include that in prophecy is unthinkable to us and we find he does in this case.
"The moon is Rachel" is a reference to Joseph's dream in Genesis 37 which Tim says refers to this passage in Revelation though without explaining exactly why except they share the same symbology. Just as Jacob, Israel, is the Sun, Rachel is the moon. Thus, as Jacob is the Sun and also the Philippines, so is Rachel both the moon and the Philippines. But the moon also represents Islam which Tim refers to as a moon cult after proving that Allah is the moon god. That he has to tell us that he is not saying Rachel is Islam goes to show he acknowledges that he is mixing his metaphors. Rachel is the moon which is the Philippines but the moon is also Islam. Make up your mind Tim!
The largest Muslim nation, moon cult, in the world is Indonesia which is under the feet of the woman. Ergo Indonesia, specifically Islam, is the moon under her feet. That is if you can see the womanly shape in the Philippines' outline.
The stars are a group of 12 islands north of Luzon which form a crown to the horribly misshapen and squat woman that is the Philippine archipelago.
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Revelation 12: The Land That Protects The Woman. Moon & Stars. Solomon's Gold Series 13E |
These are the Babuyan Islands. Tim assigns this name a Hebrew interpretation meaning gateway or portal and links these islands to the 12 portals in the east mentioned in the book of Enoch but gives no proof that Babuyan is actually composed of two Hebrew words. He relies only on similarity of sound and not actual linguistic analysis.
44:48 But let's look first at the word Babuyan. Bab, in the upper left of this screen, means gate or gateway. You mean portal? And uyan in Hebrew means it was studied. A portal being studied. Hmm. Now that's odd in light of what we saw in Enoch in the last video. First from the scripture we shared earlier which says thy seed, Abraham’s seed, shall possess the gate of his enemies. Look at this location. Think about it. At the very top of the Philippines and the enemy is very close to there. Interesting. But Enoch says at the ends of the earth he saw 12 portals to heaven basically. Is there some association to a portal to heaven in the Babuyan Islands? Well we can't prove that but very odd that the name means a studied gateway in Hebrew. Hmm.He also goes on to interpret the word as it is in Tagalog. Specifically he uses the interpretation as found on As usual he does not properly attribute his source. He does not give the full URL from nor does he try to find the source used for their claims. His poor research skills are once more on full display. The original source is a book titled, "The Batanes Islands," and the relevant section can be found at this link though not in full.
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Revelation 12: The Land That Protects The Woman. Moon & Stars. Solomon's Gold Series 13E |
47:38 According to a book by Dominican priest Julio Gonzalez, who had the patience to explore the history of the northernmost islands of the Philippines. Babuyan Islands got its name from one of its own. In other words, neither Miss Piggy nor Piglet had nothing to do with the name origin. Now that's because baboy is the word in, I guess Ilocano, but in Filipino languages for pig. So it's an assumed association but a wrong one. So let's keep reading.
Among these islands Caruga Babuyan is the highest and northernmost island. It is also the most visible from Luzon and Batanes are the islands even further north just before Taiwan. Where it is known by the natives as Mabalbal. Probably said that wrong sorry. Or, in English, burning island. Interesting. Now this is assuming that's in reference to its semi-extinct volcano. Maybe. And that explains why the island had was named as such Curog or claro in Spanish which means clear while Babuyan is said to have evolved from "mabuy" or "mabuyan" which means "to see; a place which is seeing." Eventually the island group adopted the name of Caruga-Babuyan and became known as Babuyanes which literally means "the places which are seen." It is simply known today as Babuyan Group of Islands
Pick an etymology, Tim! Is it a Hebrew word or a local Filipino word? It cannot be both. There are also actually 24 islands and not 12 so that messes up Tim's interpretation.
Babuyan Islands, island group of the Philippines that is a northerly extension of the Philippine archipelago. The Babuyan Islands lie in the Luzon Strait, south of the Batan Islands and Balintang Channel. They lie 20 miles (32 km) north of Luzon across the Babuyan Channel. With a total area of 230 square miles (600 square km), they comprise 24 volcanic-coralline islands, the chief of which are Babuyan, Camiguin, Calayan, Fuga, and Dalupiri.
Funny how on the slide for these islands he lists Wikipedia as his source and ignores that Wikipedia states there are 24 islands and not 12.
This is all total nonsense. The woman IN HEAVEN is wearing a crown of 12 stars. But Tim tells us these stars are 12 islands north of Luzon. So the woman in heaven is the Philippine archipelago?? Likewise the woman IN HEAVEN is clothed with the sun and has the moon under her feet but Tim applies all of that symbology not to a real woman but to the geographic Philippines which is on earth. His fanciful interpretation does not take into account the actual text of Revelation 12.
Let's do a quick rundown and try to sort this all out.
While there are two more videos in the Revelation 12 series this is basically the end. In the final two videos Tim tells us who the dragon is. He claims it is China and goes through all the same sorts of fanciful explanations he does elsewhere to prove his claim. He even mentions a large particle collider the Chinese are planning to build and claims they want to open portals to other dimensions.
In the end times China, which Tim claims is shaped like a dragon, will lead the attack against God's people who are being sequestered and protected by Him in the Philippines!
That China is shaped like a rooster is a fact taught to Chinese school children.
This is all total nonsense. The woman IN HEAVEN is wearing a crown of 12 stars. But Tim tells us these stars are 12 islands north of Luzon. So the woman in heaven is the Philippine archipelago?? Likewise the woman IN HEAVEN is clothed with the sun and has the moon under her feet but Tim applies all of that symbology not to a real woman but to the geographic Philippines which is on earth. His fanciful interpretation does not take into account the actual text of Revelation 12.
Let's do a quick rundown and try to sort this all out.
The woman in heaven clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and wearing a crown of 12 stars is Israel.
She is also 144,000 women who give birth to the man-child.
The man-child is 144,000 newborn babies who are offered up as a first-fruit offering to God.
The woman in heaven clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and wearing a crown of 12 stars flees heaven on the wings of the Philippine eagle and is brought to the Philippines which is the wilderness prepared for her.
The wilderness prepared for the woman in heaven is also the woman in heaven who is clothed with the sun, has the moon under her feet, and is wearing a crown of 12 stars as evidenced by the Babuyan Islands, Islamic Indonesia, the sun symbology in the flag and national anthem, and that the Philippine archipelago is shaped like a woman.
The woman in heaven clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and wearing a crown of 12 stars is thus the nation of Israel, 144,000 women who give brith, and the Philippine archipelago which is on earth and is the wilderness prepared for her by God.
Try to make sense of that if you can. Timothy Jay Schwab has given this woman three different identities. And he has the nerve to say there is no allegory in this passage when that is exactly how he interprets the whole thing. He does not even follow proper allegorical interpretation as each character in this chapter has been assigned multiple identities which all contradict each other. How can the woman in heaven also be the wilderness prepared for her by God? How can the woman in heaven be human beings and an archipelago on the earth? The woman in heaven flees to the woman in heaven on the earth? What incoherent nonsense!
While there are two more videos in the Revelation 12 series this is basically the end. In the final two videos Tim tells us who the dragon is. He claims it is China and goes through all the same sorts of fanciful explanations he does elsewhere to prove his claim. He even mentions a large particle collider the Chinese are planning to build and claims they want to open portals to other dimensions.
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Revelation 12: The Dragon & The Beast That Rises Out of the Sea. Solomon's Gold Series 13F |
31:21 Remember Enoch which we shared before says there are 12 portals in the East? We identified what could be one location in the crown of stars over the head of the Philippines, the Babuyan Islands meaning gateway or portal even. Again even if we go there doubt we are going to be able to enter that portal even so. So not going to be able to prove that out but it is an interesting connection as is this. Could the Scarborough Shoal or somewhere around that area have some sort of markers to better identify this?
For those who are familiar with CERN, an operation on the border of France and Switzerland which purpose is to open a portal in fact, the project is expanding but guess who just so happens to be planning to build the very largest particle collider to open a portal in history? Well, China of course! Now they haven't announced where they would build it but we sure do wonder if that is not a connection here as it's really intended to open a portal to another dimension to send things through or receive something or someone at least in the words of those who run the CERN project. It's an interesting thought we cannot prove out nor have we seen this operate but odd that in lieu of everything else China of all places is planning on building the largest portal at that. Now we can't say this for sure on this but we are telling you keep your eye on this oneIf Tim cannot prove any of this then why mention it? It's all worthless conjecture.
In the end times China, which Tim claims is shaped like a dragon, will lead the attack against God's people who are being sequestered and protected by Him in the Philippines!
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Revelation 12: The Dragon & The Beast That Rises Out of the Sea. Solomon's Gold Series 13G |
1:40:00 One last observation which also supports this. Remember we’ve looked at the Philippines map and it literally looks like the figure of a woman with legs and a crown. But what about China? When you take a look at that map what do you see? Talk about odd, are we the only ones that see the very head of a demon or dragon at the top of the map of China? We can even see the form of a goatee a face and horns and it is looking down at the land that protects the woman in fact the Philippines. Very odd indeed.Tim is nuts. China is very clearly shaped like fighting cock with his neck outstretched, his chest puffed, and his wings flapping.
That China is shaped like a rooster is a fact taught to Chinese school children.
In conclusion the great red dragon where Satan falls to earth will be China and Revelation 12 from that point on earth plays out in the Philippines which protects the woman and the South China Sea which China is attempting to take over perhaps prophetically. The Beast will rise out of that sea perhaps even in the area of Scarborough Shoal and the complete progression of the beast as demonstrated in his figure of the leopard Germany bear Russia and lion Britain tell the exact story of the migration of communism which ends in China the land of the great red dragon and the beast. Wow!
This is fascinating. Again we know this is prophecy and some may not agree with our full interpretation and that's okay but we have certainly fully proven this out as far as we can at this point and we feel very comfortable with these conclusions. We firmly believe this is ground zero for the end times playing out and we fully identified it from Revelation 12 and the first part of 13. But as always test everything and prove this out for yourself.Once again these imaginative explanations are all a bunch of nonsense. Revelation 12:9 clearly identifies the dragon as Satan, the devil! Not a nation. To interpret that any other way is for Tim to contradict the plain words of scripture.
Revelation 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.Saying that China is the dragon is exegetically wrong. Interchange "Satan" with the phrase "great red dragon" and see how stupid this interpretation is.
"In conclusion the great red dragon where the great red dragon falls to earth will be China"
"In conclusion the Satan where Satan falls to earth will be China"Tim ignores what the Bible actually says in order to push his own doctrines. He has not proved anything in these seven videos about Revelation 12 except that he is a cunning deceiver. I leave it to you to watch the last two videos as well as the other five. As always there is so much balderdash, claptrap, baloney, hooey, hogwash, blather, tripe, and gobbledygook in these videos that there is no way to properly deconstruct each laughable absurdity. The main points have been adequately covered.
I want to end on a different note. All throughout his videos Tim makes the most unfounded, fanciful connections and then claims, "It fits, therefore it's true!" So I want to try an experiment. Using Tim's techniques I want to answer the question, "Are Timothy Schwab and David Koresh the same person?" I think you will be surprised.
Both are men. Both wear glasses. Both keep the sabbath. Both live in special places. David Koresh lived in Waco and Tim lives in the Philippines which he claims is the land of creation. Both have fanciful interpretations of Revelation. Both have been persecuted. David was killed by the FBI while Tim claims he is being censored by Google.
Let's chart this out.
Let's chart this out.
Hmm. Interesting. How odd. Now, I'm not saying Timothy Jay Schwab is David Koresh but it certainly fits!
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