Tuesday, March 1, 2022

The God Culture: Revelation 12 Series, Part 1: Filipinos and Negroes and Kurds, Oh My!


"The elusive prophecies of Revelation have been an enigma to most for several centuries at least. It seems the more we get closer to modern times the more information we have lost regarding the understanding of biblical geography and prophecy. Many times we prove this many times over on this channel and so do others but are those days changing. Are the modern Dark Ages ending? Are we in the days of increasing knowledge as predicted by Daniel or, better, is all evil being exposed with the light of truth in our lifetime? We believe we are entering those days and we believe it is time to know how to interpret Revelation12."
So says Timothy Jay Schwab of the God Culture as he begins his interpretation of Revelation 12. Be warned! It is probably the most unique and imaginative exegesis of Revelation you will ever hear. According to Tim this chapter highlights the major role played by the Philippines and Filipinos in the end times. If you have not read this chapter blow the dust off your Bible and open it up or click this link.

There are seven videos in this series each exploring a different aspect of the symbology in Revelation 12. Those symbols include a woman, a man child, a land, and a dragon. Because it is such a long series I will necessarily have to divide this review into several parts. There will be three in total.

The first video is less about Revelation 12 and more about Tim's epistemic and interpretive methods. It also serves as a rebuttal to the prophecy concerning September 23rd, 2017. How are we to interpret Revelation 12? Through astrology? No. Through the Bible of course. Scripture interprets scripture.

If Tim had only laid down that principle and said no more then there would be nothing else to comment on about this video. However Tim says many other things which further lay bare the interpretive methods he will be employing in the ensuing videos.

First of all he makes the claim that any perception of the constellations as being particular designs are a subjective connecting of the dots. They could be anything, even a television antenna.

9:42 Basically someone decided to connect the dots kind of like when we were children and yet well anyway you know in the night sky to form figures. But who did this and what figures did they draw and is there a connection between these supposed star patterns and yahuah god's interpretation of the sky or are we all basing our interpretation of Bible prophecy in modern times on a false system in the first place? 
For instance let's look at the constellation Virgo here is an illustration on a deck of constellation playing cards of Virgo so let's connect the dots on the right. Do they actually look like they form the figure of an angel? Perhaps can we look at it any other way kind of like when we look up at the clouds and the husband sees a girl but the wife sees a peanut. is it really much different for instance could it be a crab or I got it this is a prophecy in the sky of the rabbit ears TV antenna! Of course that’s silly and yes we do mean to mock because you can connect these dots thousands and millions and trillions of ways. In fact this is just cherry picking some of the stars within the constellation's star field.  You could probably form just about anything you want but, see, those who formed these patterns oh this is what they wanted. So the whole thing is subjective because it's a religion not a science.
Tim's claim that the designs of the constellations are subjective hooey "because it's a religion not a science" is very important to remember. I will be returning to this as I examine the claims made in other videos.

He then goes on to discuss an artifact which he claims is Babylonian and related to the Zoroastrian religion.

21:02 Here is a Babylonian cylinder seal dated approximately 6,000 years ago. No, we do not believe the date but ancient nevertheless from ancient Sumeria or Sumer Babylon. Whether the dating is 5500 years or 4,500 years or whatever it’s really old and precedes the days of Abraham and that's what is important as a marker here. These are basically Zoroastrian Magi who are astrologers yes astrology is part of their doctrine and yes they do look oddly familiar to rabbis don't they? Hmm. Not going to cover that in this video. 
We have zoomed in on the portion above the head of the astrologer. Does this look familiar to you? Are we looking at the origin of theories of the likes of Copernicus, Galileo etc thousands of years before they existed? How did they know 6,000 years ago or whatever that the Sun was center of the solar system with planets revolving around it and they even knew they were spheres balls? Hmm. Babylonian history does not generally support this as an empire-wide belief by the way so this is an elite secret society represented in this seal. This is their secret knowledge not that of the Babylonian people.
What a gross and ignorant misinterpretation of this seal. First of all it is Sumerian and not Babylonian. Secondly Zoroaster did not appear on the scene until around 600 BC which is over a thousand years after Abraham so his timeframe is off by a huge margin. Thirdly he bizarrely connects this seal with Copernicus and Galilieo and their heliocentrism calling it the secret knowledge of an elite secret society. Nothing he says about this seal is correct except that it is very old.

It would seem from the fact that Tim uses this seal coupled with his claim in other videos that Cain likely built Tenochtitlan that he is using Zechariah Sitchin as a source for his "research."  Zechariah Sitchin is wrong in all of his fantastic conclusions just like Tim yet he employs Sitchin's interpretation of the seal. It could be just a coincidence but perhaps not. A far more correct interpretation of this seal which incorporates all the images, not just the stars, plus the cuneiform inscriptions can be found here:


For five minutes Tim disparages heliocentrism claiming that the Bible teaches and the ancients taught a flat-earth yet he has the nerve to say that he is not advocating the flat-earth!
25:18 The Bible is clear that the ancients believed in basically a flat round disc with a dome ceiling the firmament set on pillars with four corners. Even now even science and history agree with that as the ancient cosmological belief system of the writers of the Bible and most of the world in fact all the way up until around say the 15, 1600s or so. However the most ancient of cults after the flood the, Babylonians, this secret society on the cylinder seal who were judged by Yahuwah God at the Tower of Babel, according to this cylinder seal already believed in heliocentrism, you know the Sun is the center of the solar system and sphere planets orbiting, thousands of years before modern science embraced this religious belief as fact. 
Now we are not weighing in on the Flat Earth debate. We are not a Flat Earth channel. Not one of our topics. But in ancient times that was the lay of the land as far as the ancients knew and don't let anyone tell you different. Our desire here is to be biblically correct and that is what matters and when you don't understand that fact then many times it's very easy to misinterpret the Bible. We're not saying which is correct but we are correcting history which is being misrepresented by some scholars even some from Hebrew University
How disingenuous. The Bible teaches a flat-earth, Tim wants to be biblically correct, yet Tim is not saying the earth is flat. Could he be more deceptive? If Tim wants to be biblically correct and the bible teaches a flat earth then he obviously believes in a flat earth. I have dealt with this issue elsewhere and proven that Timothy Jay Schwab is indeed a flat earther.

He then continues to discuss the constellations and what the Bible has to say about them. It should be pointed out that when Tim talks about using the Bible he does not mean what most everyone else means which is the Old Testament and the New Testament and perhaps the apocrypha. No. He means the Dead Sea Scrolls plus the New Testament.  If a book is in the OT but was not found at Qumran it is not scripture.  That is why he rejects Esther. Likewise if a book is not in the OT but was found at Qumran it is scripture. That is why he accepts Jubilees and Enoch as scripture. He does not only accept these books but he interprets the rest of the OT and NT through their pages. He has a few videos on this topic which I have already reviewed.

His discussion about the constellations in the Bible brings him to Job 38 where the Pleiades, Orion, Arcturus, and Mazzaroth are all mentioned. Tim says these are not actually constellations but imprisoned fallen watcher angels.
42:55 Job is not a reference to constellations by Yuhuah god when you read the entire passage. It is a reminder to Job of Yahuah God's strength and might from Yahuah himself in answer to Job's supplication. He is pointing out the watchers whom he imprisoned easily and challenges Job can any man free them Job knew the answer was no one could.
Tim comes to this conclusion by ignoring the entire context of Job 38 and a convoluted application of the book of Enoch. The context of this chapter is God rebuking Job asking him if he can control the activities of the heavens and the earth. This includes rain, snow, hail, the seas, the morning, and the course of the stars. The literal stars! Why would God break the context of his speech and start talking about wicked angels? It makes no sense. And it contradicts what Tim said earlier about constellation shapes being wholly subjective. Now these constellations are fallen watcher angels whom God imprisoned.

In the midst of his discussion about Job Tim says the following concerning the phrase "Sweet influences of the Pleiades" in Job 38:31
36:50 Someone's been toying around justifying astrology inserting Kabbalah and Babylonian doctrine into the word that's what's happening here.
Tim claims the Bible has been corrupted with Kabbalah and Babylonian doctrine. Someone has inserted lies into the text. God has not preserved his word after all. If that's true then what is the point of continuing to use the Bible? Tim has just confessed it is not a reliable text. He might as well abandon it.

Before ending this video Tim informs us that the following videos will be a revelation from the Holy Spirit which will blow our minds.
60:10 And the end of this video or this next video is going to unveil yet another revelation that blows our mind because we find the Philippines in Revelation 12 and we'll show we’ll show you. You need to see this. Let's read the rest of the chapter though and we'll give you our fresh interpretation as we believe the Holy Spirit has revealed. We admit we have never heard anything like this before but see if you agree and it makes sense and that it matches Scripture.
Tim ends this video by telling us that his interpretation of Revelation 12 is not something that springs from his own head but is a revelation from the Holy Spirit. But then he says "see if you agree and it makes sense." Asking people to test his revelation from the Holy Spirit as he does many times in the following videos negates any possibility that Tim has had an actual revelation from the Holy Spirit. Such a revelation should be accepted on its own authority. Isaiah, John the Baptist, Jesus, Moses, they all spake with authority and not with the wishy-washiness which Tim speaks. 

Oddly enough Tim will say later that he cannot prove his interpretation of Revelation 12 the same way he could prove his claims in his Solomon's Gold and Lost Tribes videos because it is prophecy and not geography. If his teaching is a revelation from the Holy Spirit then that is complete nonsense. Any genuine revelation from the Holy Spirit should not need qualifications or Tim's feeble attempts at proof.

We see Tim's foundation for interpreting Revelation 12 rests upon the same techniques as in his other videos. Misinterpreting history and artifacts, ignoring the context of the scriptures, relying on false scriptures, bizarre allegations of conspiracies to cover up truth, and unfounded connections between things. This is what Tim is going to build on. And he wants us to trust him? Of course not! That's why he says test if what he is saying is true or not.

In the second video of this series Tim reveals the identity of the woman in Revelation 12.

She is Israel. That interpretation is rather benign except one has to remember that when Tim talks about Israel he means Filipinos, Negroes, and Kurds. Those people groups form the lost tribes and constitute true Israel.

Filipinos and Negroes and Kurds, Oh my!

Another thing to keep in mind is that Tim says everything in this passage is "physical." There is no allegory here. The woman is a real woman. The man child is a real man child. The land is a real land and etc. The man child is also not Jesus because he is born in heaven while Jesus was born on earth.
29:51 Yahushua was born on earth and lived on earth for about thirty-nine years. No, not the Freemasonic magic number of 33 which does not fit scripture. We prove that in “When was Jesus born” and yes we can know the day, month, and year because Luke specifically identifies it and he is not wrong. 
Actually Luke says in chapter 3 that Jesus was 30 years old when he started his ministry and from the events in the Gospels we get a three year ministry. Ergo Christ died when he was thirty-three no matter what year he was born. We will be returning to Freemasonry later in part 2.
30:14 So this child is born and stays in heaven. He is physically a physical child or really children which we will prove out and the woman also and the dragon are real characters not euphemisms. The woman physically fled into the wilderness and was physically fed there and physically attacked by Satan with a physical tsunami a physical event which the earth opens up in swallows physically protecting the travailing woman. Protecting the tribes of Israel in the land prepared for them by Yahuah. Another physical land. It’s all there in this passage and it's not allegory in essence.
Except Tim interprets everything allegorically. The woman is actually the entire nation of Israel composed of Filipinos, Negroes, and Kurds and not a singular female human! The man child is really the 144,000 mentioned in Revelation 7 and 14. That means the woman is also 144,000 women who give birth to 144,000 children in the throne room of God! All of that will be explained in the next post.

At this place here I should take the time to point out that because Tim identifies Israel as being only literal bloodline descendants of Jacob he runs into a lot of problems. His foundation is false. The church is Israel and vice-versa. Stephen even calls the wandering nation of Israel the church in the wilderness.
Acts 7:37 This is that Moses, which said unto the children of Israel, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear. 
38 This is he, that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel which spake to him in the mount Sina, and with our fathers: who received the lively oracles to give unto us:
Paul tells us in Galatians that it is Christ who is the true seed of Abraham and all the promises are fulfilled in him.  Seed as of one and not as of many writes Paul. Thus the church inherits all the promises made to Abraham because they are in Christ and are thus the true Israel.

The Christian Tradition vol 1, Jaroslav Pelikan
The church, therefore, was the inheritor of the promises and prerogatives of the Jews. "Just as Christ is Israel and Jacob, so we who have been quarried out from the bowels of Christ are the true Israelitic race," the "third Israel” spoken of in Isaiah. Likewise, the church was now "the synagogue of God," "those who believe in" Christ having become "one soul, and one synagogue, and one church." Not the old Israel, but the church had the right to call Abraham its father, to style itself "the chosen people," and to look forward to inheriting the promised land. No title for the church in early Christianity is more comprehensive than the term "the people of God," which originally meant "the new Israel" but gradually lost this connotation as the Christian claim to be the only true people of God no longer had to be substantiated. 
Tim does not believe any of that. For all his saying that gentiles can be grafted into Israel Tim is adamant that they remain separate entities.
39:05 So who are the two olive trees? Well they are the tribes of Israel the twelve tribes that's one olive tree and the second olive tree is the ekklesia of Messiah.
Two Witnesses of Revelation Explained. This Will Rock Your World. Ophir, Sheba, Tarshish
One tree is Israel and one tree is the Church. That is wholly anti-biblical which teaches that there is one body of Christ.  God only has one people, not two.

Like all of Tim's videos there is a lot going on and there is no way to cover it all. The main thing that needs to be understood from this video is that the woman is the nation of Israel aka the lost tribes which is composed solely of Filipinos, Negroes, and Kurds. This interpretation contradicts Tim's assertion that there is no allegory in this passage. The woman is an allegory for an entire nation and not a singular woman. Next we will look at the identity of the man-child whom she births in heaven.

If you are wondering how all this connects to the Philippines just wait. You'll see in the next post.

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