Timothy Jay Schwab of The God Culture recently attended a conference in Baguio where he discussed his heretical ideas. He declined to tell his audience about the event but there are many videos and pictures online documenting the conference. Let's start with this one.
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=383547413607126&set=pb.100058556118547.-2207520000.. |
In this picture the conference is being opened with the singing of the national anthem. And what is Timothy Jay Schwab doing? In a glorious manifestation of disrespect he is sitting down working on his MacBook. How rude is that? Especially considering that Tim has told his audience that the Philippine national anthem is prophetic it is quite rude.
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https://youtu.be/E-RNcBdn-GM?t=1737 |
28:56 So let's look here at the national flag of the Philippines. Notice the symbol of the Sun. Are there other countries that have such? Certainly there are many in fact but take a look at their national anthem Lupang Hinirang or chosen land, interesting. Land of the morning. Why? Well the Sun rises in the east and has been considered the Far East as far back as history goes really. The Orient is well recorded, even Japan is also known as the Land of the Rising Sun and it's it's parallel to the Philippines but it is not a Lost Tribe territory thus it does not fit this. But the Philippines is.
Now read the next line though very odd, Child of the Sun returning. Wow! The first time we saw that we thought well it must be Sun God symbology yet in lieu of these findings in Revelation 12 perhaps not.
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=384758280152706&set=pb.100058556118547.-2207520000.. |
Here is a lovely picture of Tim slurping down some soup in front of his MacBook. Thank goodness it's closed or he just might ruin his computer. But what's this in the foreground? This lady has a huge box in her bag. It's called the i-fern Premium Package.
That bad boy costs 25,500 pesos and contains all kinds of beauty products which i-fern sells. But wait THEY don't sell these products, YOU sell them because that is how a multi-level marketing scam works. You buy the products, you sell the products, you recruit others to do the same. Your level of income increases with the number of dupes you can recruit. It's a typical pyramid scam.
This company has also had issues with counterfeit products. If the audience can't discern what a pyramid scheme is then how can they ever be expected to discern that Timothy Jay Schwab is a fraud and a liar?
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https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=383555473606320&set=pb.100058556118547.-2207520000..&type=3 |
Now, here is an interesting picture. The lady at The God Culture book table is wearing a The God Culture polo! I bet Tim could sell a few hundred of those shirts if not more. If any of his audience saw this lady they would no doubt be filled with envy. There is another guy in these photos wearing the same shirt but there is no good close-up. However, since two people are wearing God Culture polos it's a good bet there are more out there.
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https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=384763880152146&set=pb.100058556118547.-2207520000.. |
Just look at this guy. Timothy Jay Schwab says he is following the Law of Moses but why is he so fat? You can see his moobs and gut pressing against his shirt. This man is nearing the age where his excess weight will be a liability potentially causing a heart attack-ack-ack-ack-ack-ack. He oughta know by now. Jesus said WHEN you fast not IF you fast. From the looks of it Tim isn't missing any meals.
There are a lot more photos none of which are interesting except the space looks like it could use more people. So, why did Tim not tell his audience about this conference? It's also interesting that Tim was not able to coordinate and have copies of 1 Enoch for sale. This conference took place on March 14. He published the book on March 1. But he did not officially release the book until March 10th and physical copies were not available in the Philippines until March 15th. Strange that he mentions that book at 25:56 in one of the videos. The thing is he knew this conference was coming. It had been postponed several times due to lockdowns in Manila. Why was he not prepared to sell his new book? It screams of incompetence.
There are 7 videos of Tim speaking varying in length from 1:14 to 2:25:38. I'm not going to distill the contents because they are basically the same as what he teaches on his YouTube channel and in his books.
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https://www.facebook.com/sabbathbc.congregation/videos/460905962381641 |
This video begins with the tail-end of Timothy Jay Schwab singing Ray Boltz's Watch the Lamb. Why is he singing that song? Ray Boltz is famous amongst the evangelical community primarily for his song Thank You which, along with Watch the Lamb, was sung so many times as a special by my youth pastor during morning service that I lost count. Incidentally that man is now on the sex offender list because he did some naughty things. Likewise Ray Boltz is a flaming homosexual who abandoned his wife and children to shack up with a dude. Given Tim's proclivity to use the ol' guilt-by-association tactic are we to believe he is okay with homosexuality? Why sing any of that awful CCM? Why not start off with a good old fashioned hymn like Victory in Jesus? Or There's Power in the Blood? The fact is this conference is not about Jesus Christ and nothing about Tim's project concerns the work of Christ. He is too concerned with esoteric history and texts to care about what the incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection mean. The conference is focused on the Sabbath and keeping the law.
This video is practically a 2 hour long commercial for Tim's books. Nothing new is said and nothing is actually taught. However, there was one thing said so insane that it needs to be addressed.
49:37 You know when it comes down to it America came in as conquerors. That's how they approached the Philippines. They could've just given the Philippines their freedom if they were to spread democracy. We came in here to spread democracy. See, America's a great place, except for that's not what they did. They sent their military in and they crushed the Philippines, killing in some estimates as many as 2 million Filipinos. That's a conqueror. They had their boot on your neck. That's how they operate and they can try to paint it whatever way they want. I am an American but I know the truth and I'm going to tell the truth. I am ashamed at what my country did and I am proud to be a Filipino
This is it. This is where Timothy Jay Schwab has jumped the shark. This statement, which was accompanied with a round of applause, proves everything I have been saying about this con artist to be true. Timothy Jay Schwab has transitioned from claiming to be Native American to now claiming to be a proud Filipino. Here is what I wrote in a previous article about this.
The reason Tim stresses his Native American ancestry is because he wants his Filipino readers to think he is just like them. He has red skin, Filipinos have red skin, therefore they are the same. Except Tim is MORE EQUAL than Filipinos because Native Americans "were all but wiped from the face of the Earth!" Tim hails from a tribe of people who have been oppressed on a scale that outweighs anything that ever happened during the Spanish and American occupations of the Philippines.What we have here is a guy who loathes the fact that he is a White American man and is latching on to anything that can transform him into a persecuted minority. It might be the ultimate case of going native as Tim is attempting to paint himself as being not only genetically identical to Filipinos with red skin but also being a member of a people group that has been more oppressed than them.
Here he is telling us all he is an American, is ashamed of it, and that he is proud to be a Filipino. Except Timothy Jay Schwab will NEVER be a Filipino. This proud Filipino cannot even stand up during the national anthem! He will forever remain an oafish white man who has founded an online cult that has duped many actual Filipinos.
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